Chapter 17

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"What is this?" Nara said as she entered the Men's Room. Jeno, Jaemin, Cai, Renjun, Haechan, Mark, Yangyang, Elias, James, Jisung and Chenle were inside. There were various bowls of snacks like pretzels, popcorn, chips, and gummies around the room. The items that caught Nara's attention though was the bottles of juice and hard liquor sitting in the middle, glasses around them.

The boys were dressed in their pyjamas, from Mark's t-shirts and shorts to the prince's silk tops and bottoms. Nara noticed that Jeno was wearing a cotton grey pyjama set, his bangs covering his face and round glasses sitting on his nose.

Nara herself was wearing her own peach coloured silk nightgown which was a lot shorter that she would have liked so she also wore a matching robe on top to cover herself. Unfortunately, that still didn't prevent the stares she got as she entered, knowing that all the boys had scanned her body with their eyes as she went to take a seat at the empty space between Jeno and Jaemin.

"I asked the maids to prepare this for us and I don't think they really mind. The Men's Room is decently far from where the others are sleeping anyways." Jaemin said, picking up one of the bottles of alcohol.

"We're going to play a game." Cai informed her as he grabbed the juice. "A drinking game."

"You dropped the accent." Nara said, making the room laugh.

"I let him, it's a blessing for all of us." Jaemin said pouring the contents of his bottle in a glass before passing it to Cai to mix.

"Jisung's underage though." Nara pointed out just as the young boy yawned.

"Chenle and I were just about to leave anyways. We were just here for some snacks." Jisung said as he got up with Chenle. The two boys wished them all goodnight before leaving.

Soon, every person in the room had a glass in front of them, filled with the concoction Jaemin and Cai had created.

"The rules are simple. We spin the empty bottle in the middle and if it lands on you, the person that spun it gets to ask you a question. If you don't want to answer it, you drink." Jaemin explained.

"Can't be that bad." Nara said as she reached for a chip. Jeno picked the bowl up, moving it closer to her.

"Yet for some reason, I'm terrified." Jeno said, just loud enough for Nara to hear. She couldn't help but chuckle as Cai reached forward to spin the bottle. Just Nara's luck, it landed on her.

"Nara, who's your favourite out of all the Selected?" Cai asked with eager eyes. She noticed the other boys lean forward too, wanting to hear her answer.

"What, you can't asked that!" Nara whined.

"I'm not one of your Selected so you can't kick me out." Cai said, a grin on his face.

"I can't answer that." Nara said with a pout.

"Guess you have to drink." Jeno said, passing her her glass as everyone else laughed. Nara shot him a glare as she took a sip before reaching forward to spin the bottle.

"You better hope it doesn't end up landing on you." Nara said, eyeing Cai as he gave Jaemin a high five. It landed on Jaemin.

"Tell everyone about the last time you pissed your pants." Nara said, feeling proud as Jaemin immediately picked up his glass.

"Aw come on, it wasn't even that bad of a question." Renjun whined as Jaemin shot him a glare.

"Say that again and if the bottle lands on you, I'm asking you the same question." Jaemin threatened as he spun the bottle. It landed on Renjun, a curse escaping his mouth.

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