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"Nara, for the love of Illea, could you please stop pacing around." Jaemin said to the girl walking around.

"I don't know Jaem. What if he doesn't like the dress? What if he misses acting? What if he doesn't want to be the prince anymore? What if he regrets all of this completely?" Nara rambled. Jaemin let out a deep sigh before placing two hands on the girl's shoulders.

"First of all, you look stunning in that dress, not like that matters because Jeno loves everything that you wear. Second of all, Jeno knew perfectly well what he was getting into when he yes to the Selection, we all did. Lastly, he wouldn't have accepted your proposal if he wasn't ready to become the next prince." Jaemin said, reassuring his best friend.

Nara took a deep breath. "I suppose you're right."

Jaemin gave his best friend a smirk. "I always am. Now let's go through the events of the wedding one more time so you don't mess up on live television."


Nara glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Jaemin had reassured her plenty of times yet she still felt insecure. All she could think about what how Jeno would feel about it.

Jaemin finally returned from socializing with the guests, giving her a small smile

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Jaemin finally returned from socializing with the guests, giving her a small smile. "It's almost time, how do you feel?"

"Nervous." Nara instantly replied. Jaemin shrugged his shoulders.

"You'll be fine."

Just then, Renjun peeked in through the door. "Um, I think it's time."

"We'll be out in a second." Nara said, taking one last look.

There's no going back now.


"You look stunning, Nara." The King said as his daughter took his arm.

"Thanks father." Nara said with a smile as the two of them waited behind the double doors.

"I met Jeno's parents earlier, they're both absolutely lovely." The King informed her.

"That's good to hear. I've only talked to them through video, I'm excited to see them in person." Nara responded.

"I told them that they could move to the palace. They're considering it and I think they might take the offer." The King continued.

"I hope that won't be too big of a problem with Renjun, Haechan, and Mark moving in as well." Nara said. The three of them were going to begin working at the palace.

"Nonsense, we have plenty of rooms." The King said just as the doors opened, revealing the crowd gathered for Nara's wedding.

But the girl could only focus on the pair of eyes staring into hers.


Jeno looked amazing. He wore a white suit, his hair slicked back, revealing his forehead. Silver chains lines his jacket, and his shirt was cut a little lower than usual, showing off his toned body.

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