Chapter 23

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Renjun was sitting at the table filled with sandwiches and other baked goods when Nara arrived. She thank the maids and asked for their privacy as she sat down. Renjun raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Nara asked as she placed a sandwich on her plate.

"I just wasn't expecting that." Renjun said as he did the same. "Tea?"

"Yes please." Nara answered. Renjun poured the tea into both their cups before placing the pot down.

"It seems like you wanted to talk to me about something private." Renjun noted. Nara nodded her head.

"You said it would be a shame if Jeno and I were on bad terms. Why?" Nara asked before taking a bite out of her sandwich. Renjun gave her a small smile.

"Nara, I'm sure if this wasn't broadcasted on television, you would be married already." Renjun pointed out.

"I don't know what you mean." Nara said, playing dumb but Renjun saw right through her.

"Sure. Everyone knows you're playing favourites here." Renjun said, sipping his tea. Nara gripped tightly to her cup.

"Renjun, what do you want?" Nara asked. Renjun leaned back in his chair.

"You should think a bit more about your choices, your highness. Not that I don't think that Jeno will make a good king, but there are other Selected that are just as fond of you." Renjun told her.

"Are you one of them?" Nara asked. Renjun simply smiled.

"No offence, but you're not exactly my type." Renjun confessed. "But I do enjoy talking to you."

"I'm glad we're on the same page." Nara said sipping her tea. Renjun's face suddenly changed into a concerned one.

"You won't eliminate me because I said that, will you?" Renjun asked. Nara chuckled.

"Depends, do you want to be eliminated?" Nara asked. Renjun shook his head.

"Not yet." Renjun admitted. "But I don't think I'll be the One."

"My mother is actually quite fond of you. She said you'd make a good king." Nara told him. Renjun let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, if all a king does is paint all day. Life here has taught me that this isn't the life I want." Renjun told her.

"I see." Nara sat there, thinking about what Renjun said to her. "Wait, you said there's more than one Selected interested in me?"

Renjun smiled at her. "Of course, you're just oblivious to it. But that's all I'll tell you, I refuse to snitch."


"Ugh, you're back." Nara said as Cai stepped out of the limo.

"Trust me, if Jaemin wasn't here, I would never come here." Cai retorted with a smirk. He and Jaemin did their handshake before he turned to Jeno and did the same.

Since when were they close? Nara thought as Cai's younger sister and Cai's friends came out as well.

"Princess Nara!" Cai's sister, Jia, cried as she ran towards Nara. She greeted the small girl with a hug.

"Jia, you've grown so much, I don't know if I can lift you anymore." Nara said.

"I don't need to be carried, I'm a big girl!" Jia said, shooting her arms to the side.

"Alright, then." Nara said with a chuckle as she held her hand, guiding her inside.

"Who are those boys?" Jia asked, pointing to the Elite. Nara smiled at her.

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