Chapter 25

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Nara had so many thoughts running through her head. Jeno must have noticed as he stopped playing the guitar.

"Nara, if you want me to leave, I can go." Jeno said. Nara shook her head.

"No Jeno, stay." Nara said, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers. She felt a pit form in her stomach.

"Alright, but tell me what's wrong." Jeno said as he sat back down. Nara took a deep breath.

"Jeno, I just... I recently learned that other Selected like me." Nara told him but Jeno didn't seem too convinced.

"Like you? Of course they like you, Nara. Otherwise they would have been sent home." Jeno pointed out.

"No Jeno, I mean like me romantically." Nara said. Jeno was quiet for a moment before shaking his head.

"Nara, do you remember what the Selection is about?" Jeno asked her.

"Yes, it's about winning my hand in marriage." Nara said. Jeno nodded his head.

"That also means falling in love. It's only natural for us to fall for you, Nara." Jeno said, squeezing her hand.

"Does that mean that the other boys have fallen for me too?" Nara asked. Jeno's eyes darkened.

"I mean, probably." Jeno answered dully. Nara but her lip. "Nara, have you fallen in love?"

Nara was stunned by the question. She thought she had but now she wasn't sure. Her silence must have given Jeno his answer as he began packing his guitar.

"Jeno, stop, why are you leaving?" Nara asked, grabbing onto his arm. Jeno took a deep breath before looking at her.

"Honestly Nara, I think I need some space. I thought there was something between us, something special that you didn't have with any of the others. But judging by how you answered my question, that's not true." Jeno said bluntly.

"Jeno, wait. We do have something special!" Nara argued. Jeno stopped in his tracks turning to face her.

"Okay Nara, answer my question. Do you love me?" Jeno asked her.

"Jeno, don't put me on the spot like that!" Nara exclaimed. Jeno's eyes stared into hers.

"Nara, can you answer my question?" Jeno asked her.

"I..." Nara looked down of her feet, giving Jeno his answer.

She heard the door open and close as Jeno walked out of the room, not even bothering to look back.


Nara watched as the four boys in front of her were tested on the history of Illea, a vital part of their training, especially as the remaining four Selected. There were so close to becoming the next Prince of Illea.

The entire time Jeno was avoiding her eyes. Jaemin would occasionally poke him in the arm, getting his attention. Jeno would smile to his friend, pretending that nothing was wrong but the smile always faded in an instant.

Nara glanced at the scoreboard. Renjun was winning by a landslide, Jeno and Jaemin tying for second place. Yangyang was last, but he wasn't far behind the other two.

"Now for our last question, which countries were part of Illea's alliance in the third war?" Heeyoung asked. Renjun immediately tapped his buzzer.

"Renjun?" Heeyoung called upon the boy.

"England and France." Renjun answered, earning a groan from the others. Heeyoung nodded her head.

"That makes Renjun the winner of today's session." Heeyoung said. "His prize..." Heeyoung looked towards the princess.

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