Chapter 9

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"Your highness, do you need help with that?" Hendery asked.

"No, I am perfectly capable of operating a popcorn machine." Nara insisted as she fiddled with the contraption.

Following Jaemin's advice, Nara had decided to ask Hendery on a date. Her choice was a movie in the small private theatre of the palace.

"Ouch!" Nara cried, quickly placing her burnt finger in her mouth as Hendery laughed behind her.

"I think that's enough to convince me otherwise." Hendery said, taking over for her. This time, Nara didn't complain as he put the kernels in, and surprisingly, the popcorn turned out perfect.

"How did you do that?" Nara asked as Hendery scooped the popcorn into a bowl. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I have a way with machines." Hendery said. Nara recalled his profile. Hendery was a Three, an inventor.

"That's a skill I long to have." Nara said, making her way to the theatre seats. She nodded to the worker, signalling that they were ready to start the movie.

Minutes through the movie, Nara had realized that the movie selected was one of Jeno's. Nara bit her lip as Jeno appeared on the screen, opting to focus on the popcorn instead. She could sense Hendery's discomfort as he shuffled in his seat.

"We can change the movie if you would like." Nara said but Hendery shook his head.

"No, if this is what you wanted to watch, that is fine." Hendery said.

The two silently continued to watch the movie, no longer exchanging words between them. It became particularly awkward when Jeno's kiss scene appeared on the screen.

Once the movie was over, the lights shone again, lighting up both their faces.

"Your highness." Hendery said from beside her.

"Yes?" Nara said, turning to face him.

"I'd like to be sent home." Nara was surprised by his words but she could tell from his hurt expression why he said what he said. Hendery truly believed that he did not stand a chance in her Selection.

"You may leave after dinner tonight." Nara told her. Hendery thanked her and excused himself, making his way out of the theatre to pack his belongings.

That left eighteen boys in her Selection.


"Is something wrong?" Jeno asked her, grabbing Nara's attention. She had been lost in thoughts, thinking about the Selection and everything that had been going on throughout the past few days. Nara turned away from the window to face him.

Nara shook her head. "No, why do you ask?"

Jeno let out a small chuckle. "I think I've been playing for fifteen minutes, but you've been looking out the window the entire time."

Nara couldn't help but blush in embarassment. "I'm so sorry Jeno, there's been a lot on my mind."

"I'm sure there is. I couldn't imagine the pressure of choosing a husband between thirty-five men that you barely know, not to mention that it's being broadcasted on television." Jeno told her. Nara stared at him for a moment, recalling the movie she had watched earlier in the day.

"Jeno." Nara said softly.

"Yes?" Jeno responded, putting his guitar to the side.

"How do you do it?" Nara asked him. Jeno tilted his head in confusion.

"Do what?" Jeno questioned.

"Act. You seem to be a natural with the cameras." Nara told him. Jeno shrugged his shoulders.

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