Special Chapter

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Leading the country was hard. Even with the help from Nara and her parents, she could tell that Jeno was struggling.

A deep sigh escaped Jeno's lips as be sank into his seat, the members of the long meeting they just had already out of the room. Nara watched as he ran his fingers through his hair before throwing his head back, eyes closed as he let out a small groan in frustration.

"Are you alright?" Nara asked softly, reaching her hand out to meet his arm.

Her touch made Jeno's eyes open, his head turning to stare at her.

"Yeah, this is just a lot." Jeno said, pushing himself up.

"I'm so sorry. I can only imagine how hard it must be." Nara said as she took the hand Jeno offered.

"Don't be sorry, Nara. It's not your fault." Jeno said as they made their exit from the room, stepping into the halls of the castle.

"Well maybe if you didn't join the Selection and-"

Jeno cut her right off, stopping before turning so that Nara faces him, a serious look to his face.

"Nara, don't ever say something like that. I knew exactly what I was giving up when I joined the Selection and knew exactly how hard it would be when I decided to marry you. I chose this because it's a small price to pay to spend the rest of my days with you." Jeno said, lifting his hand to cup her face.

Nara closed her eyes as Jeno pressed a soft kiss to her lips, the small action sending sparks through her body. She couldn't help but smile as he pulled back, Jeno seeming to be just as happy.

Unfortunately, the clearing of a throat signalled that they weren't alone and they turned to see Renjun there, arms crossed.

"First of all, gross." Renjun said, making Jeno roll his eyes at his friend while Nara blushed. "Second of all, Jaemin wants to talk to you about a different formatting for The Report."

Jeno nodded his head, giving Nara's hand a squeeze. "I'll see you in our room later tonight."

Nara nodded her head, watching as Jeno walked away with Renjun, moving onto his next activity without a break.

A break, Nara realized as she stood there, alone in the halls.

A break is what we need.


"How in the world did you get this all together so fast?" Jeno asked as he stood there with Nara, watching the servants place their bags into the limo.

Nara smiled at the male, tightly holding his arm. "All I had to do is ask for a bunch a favours from Cai, Jaemin, and Renjun."

"Whatever you say." Jeno said with a chuckle as they turned their attention to the two males. "Are you sure you two can handle this?"

"Of course! You're forgetting that we trained to be the next King of Illea too!" Jaemin said with a wide grin while Renjun shifted between his two feet, clearly not feeling as confident as their friend.

"Well, if you need any help, we're only a phone call away." Jeno told them.

"My parents are also a good resource." Nara added.

"A resource we won't need." Jaemin said, giving the couple a light shove. "Now go have fun and enjoy your vacation in New Asia."

Nara smiled as she saw relief wash over Jeno's face, her lover clearly happy to finally be able to go on a break.


"Whoa." Jeno exclaimed as they arrived, a smirk on Nara's face. "We have this whole place to ourselves?"

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