Chapter 14

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"Thank you for helping make these choices, I appreciate it." Nara said to the three boys in front of her. She had asked Taeyong, Kun, and Doyoung to assist her with choosing dishes for the ball, letting her get to know each of them better.

Nara had to admit, the three of them were definitely the most mature out of all the boys. They were frequently seen taking care of the others, helping them adjust their hair and clothes or giving tips during their classes with Heeyoung.

Nara did feel that there was a small disconnect though, as they all seemed more like older brothers to her than possible partners but Nara let it slide for now.

"I'll see you at dinner then." Nara said as she made her way out of the kitchen, heading to to the ballroom. She had asked Xiaojun and Haechan to join her with listening to the orchestra's run through.

"Hello your highness." The two boys said as they greeted her with a bow. Nara smiled back.

"Hello, come join me." Nara said, motioning to them to join her as she sat in one of the chairs set up for them right in front of the orchestra. One of her maids passed Nara her clipboard as the conductor came up to them.

Nara noticed Xiaojun staring at one of the musicians, a small female with straight long black hair, steading a cello in front of her. As he stared at her , it was as if he was admiring the girl.

Nara was quickly called out of her thoughts by Haechan and the conductor.

"Yes?" Nara said, turning to face them. Xiaojun must have heard as well as he turned with her.

"Ah, I just wanted to introduce myself to the two Selected." The conductor told her.

"Of course. This is Haechan and Xiaojun. I've decided to bring them along with me as they both have musical backgrounds." Nara said. The conductor gave them a smile.

"It's a pleasure to be playing for the three of you. Please let me know if there's any adjustments or recommendations you have for us." The conductor told them.

Nara thanked him and the conductor made his way to his place in front of the musicians.

After listening to the arrangements the orchestra had, Nara and the two boys gave the conductor their notes.

"I have one more thing to ask you but I'd like to ask in private, if you don't mind." Nara said, turning to the two boys.

"Not at all." Haechan replied. Xiaojun nodded in agreement.

"Haechan, you're dismissed but Xiaojun, I'd like to speak with you after." Nara said. She gave him a small smile as she noticed his eyes begin to quiver. "I promise it's not something bad."

"Alright, your highness." Xiaojun said. The two boys gave Nara a bow before leaving the ballroom. Nara noticed the cello player Xiaojun was staring at before was looking at Xiaojun as he left. She turned her attention to the conductor.

"Have you had any recent additions to the orchestra? I've noticed a few players that I haven't seen before." Nara asked him.

"Yes, your highness. We've had a few musicians from Tammins added." The conductor told her, confirming Nara's suspicions. Tammins, where Xiaojun is from.

"I see. Thank you and your orchestra for coming out today. I look forward to having you at the ball." Nara said. The conductor bowed to her and Nara made her way out of the ballroom, where Xiaojun was waiting. She gave him a smile as she saw him, hoping that it would comfort his nerves.

"Let's go to my study." Nara told him. Xiaojun nodded, following the girl down the halls until they were alone inside her study, not a maid in sight.

"You noticed, didn't you?" Xiaojun asked her once they were settled. Nara nodded.

"I'm not mad, Xiaojun, and I'm not going to report you either. I just want to know the truth since you are competing for my hand in marriage." Nara told him.

Xiaojun took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again. "That girl, she was my girlfriend before the Selection. We often performed together and we were going to get married. I wasn't planning on entering my name but my family needed the money so I allowed them, not expecting to get selected."

"But then you were." Nara said. Xiaojun nodded. Nara leaned back in her chair, taking in his words.

"I'm sorry." Xiaojun whispered but Nara immediately put up her hand, stopping him.

"It's not a crime to fall in love." Nara said with a small chuckle. She sat back up, making her decision.

"I'll let you go after the party, then you'll get to see her then. I would advise you to make sure that you don't make it too obvious though, as I even though I don't mind, that doesn't mean the others won't." Nara told him.

"Thank you, your highness. You're too kind." Xiaojun said, giving her a bow. Nara shook her head.

"I'm just serving my people, Xiaojun." Nara told him, forcing a smile on her face.


"I wrote a song." Jeno told Nara as she walked in.

"Really?" Nara asked as she took a seat across from him. They were inside their regular room, Jeno's guitar in his hands. Jeno nodded.

"Let me play it for you." Jeno said. Nara closed her eyes as Jeno strummed the strings of his guitar, letting herself get lost in the music once again, forgetting the stresses of the Selection. Once it stopped, she opened her eyes to look at the boy in front of her, returning to the harsh reality of the world around her.

"I'm scared." Nara's voice came out as barely a whisper, but it was loud enough for Jeno to hear.

"What are you scared of?" Jeno asked softly. Nara looked down at her feet.

"What happened is I chose the wrong person to be my partner?" Nara said. Jeno seemed to think for a moment before answering.

"Nara, from the short time that I've known you, I've learned a lot. I think you should stop worrying about pleasing the citizens of the country and follow your own heart and chose who you like." Jeno told her.

"But what if the person I chose isn't the person they want?" Nara asked. Jeno chuckled as he shook his head.

"I'm sure if he could win your heart, he'll win the hearts of the citizens as well." Jeno said as he stared at her.

"You don't seem too convinced." He must have noticed the unchanged look on her face.

"I don't know." Nara admitted.

"Do you want a hug?" Jeno asked. Nara looked up, staring at the boy in front of her.

"A hug?"

"A hug from my mother always makes me feel better. I'm not the Queen but I think I can still give warm hugs." Jeno said, giving her a small smile.

Nara slowly nodded, getting up on her feet as Jeno did the same. She was soon engulfed into his strong arms, burying her head into his chest as he softly ran his fingers through here hair.

Nara held on tightly to his body, letting his warmth surround her.

"Better?" Jeno asked. Nara nodded.

"Much better."


That look, excuse me lee jeno?

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That look, excuse me lee jeno?

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