Chapter 11

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Nara flipped throught the magazine that was published, featuring the Selected. Since Jaehyun and Yuta were sent home after it was printed, they still remained inside.

Sure enough, on the cover was Jeno kissing her hand, and Nara couldn't help but blush as the photo stared back at her from the covers of the magazines that the Queen and Jaemin's mother held in their hands as the three of them flipped through it together on the couches of the Women's Room.

"Oh, Jaemin looks good here!" The Queen exclaimed, excitingly showing Jaemin's photo to the boy's mother. Nara noticed a large smile spread on Lady Na's face.

"If only he dressed like that on a regular basis. If it wasn't for the Selection, he'd be wearing sweatpants and sweaters all day." Jaemin's mother said, making them all giggle.

The Queen turned to her daughter. "Have any of them caught your eye yet?"

Nara shrugged. "A few have been very kind, but I can't quite say I've fallen in love yet."

"That's understandable. It's only been a bit over a week." Her mother said. Jaemin's mother nodded in agreement.


Nara sitting in her study when a knock was heard from her door. She had told all the maids to leave her alone so she went up to get the door herself.

"Interesting date location, don't you think?" Jaemin said, a smirk on his face.

"Just get in here." Nara said, widening the door for him. Jaemin chuckled as he entered, taking a seat on one of the couches in front of Nara's desk. Nara sat on the one across from him.

"You know, when I said kiss, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind but I guess it works too." Jaemin said, pointing to the picture of Jeno kissing Nara's hand.

"You're so annoying." Nara said, leaning back in her seat. She was glad that it was only Jaemin in the room, meaning that she didn't have to act like a princess. She could just be a commoner, slouching and leaning as she felt like it.

"Why'd you call me here?" Jaemin asked, leaning back as well. Nara sighed.

"I don't know. I just feel stressed." Nara admitted. Jaemin let out a small chuckle.

"Nara, there's nothing to be stressed about. It's been two weeks and you're always down halfway." Jaemin told her.

"I know but I'm worried that I'm eliminating too fast. What if one of the boys I sent home was actually my soulmate." Nara said. Jaemin gave her a look.

"If he was really your soulmate, he wouldn't have been sent home. Plus, we all know that you have your favourites, you make it quite obvious." Jaemin said, crossing his arms. Nara raised her eyebrow.


Jaemin nodded. "Yeah, the boys talk about it. Jeno is probably the first runner up. They think I'm next but we both know that it's only because we're best friends. Renjun, Haechan, Yangyang, and Mark are also up there. The rest, they're kind of all over the place but they don't exactly know how you feel about them." Jaemin informed her.

"I didn't know that you talked so much." Nara said, taking in his words. Jaemin scoffed.

"This may be a competition, but having friends is always nice." Jaemin said.

"I want to get to know the rest, but I don't know if I can go on single dates with sixteen boys at once." Nara said with a sigh.

"Why don't you host an event or something. Like a party." Jaemin suggested.

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