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"So, you're telling me you deadass slept on his shoulder for the entire break?" Chaewon asked, sipping her juice while Jeongin paced around her dressing room and nodded, a faint blush blooming on his face as he thought about it again — it seemed as though every time he hung out with the older boy, he always fell asleep next to him, something about his presence so oddly comforting that Jeongin couldn't help but feel relaxed whenever he was around.

Chaewon laughed at him, causing Jeongin to stare at her and pout, folding his arms as he stopped pacing around the room. "This isn't funny Wonie!" He said, lightly stomping his foot.

"If you ask me, it is kind of funny how he claims to hate you yet lets you do all these things," Chaewon said, taking another sip of her juice.

Jeongins' frown deepened, Chaewon simply shrugging it off and smirking at her friend before they heard a knock on the door as a staffer told them that shooting would resume shortly.


"Why did the script directions change?" Was the first thing Hyunjin asked as he walked off the set, his stylists hurriedly rushing after him as he stormed over to Younghyun who had been surveying the monitors before him.

Younghyun took his headphones off and looked at the script that Hyunjin was handing him before looking at his own script.

"What is the point of us doing this?" Hyunjin asked, folding his arms as someone handed him a bottle of water to drink from.

Younghyun shrugged, basically telling Hyunjin that it was simply because he felt like changing the script before returning his attention onto the monitors before him.

Hyunjin huffed as he reread the rewritten version of the stage directions but once Jeongin and Chaewon came onto the set, he felt his annoyance slowly dissipate as he watched the boy clad in pastels skip happily around, a complete change from his state of utter fear earlier.

When Younghyun screamed 'action', both he and Chaewon immediately got into character and Hyunjin couldn't help but watch how they interacted with one another, their actions so soft and intimate that people from a mile away could clearly tell that their characters were in love — and that Hyunjin's character was the third wheel in it all.

Hyunjin licked his lips as he forced himself to look down at his script again, unknowingly frowning while his eyebrows furrowed. Despite his attempts to focus on his script and trying to figure out his charcters' emotional state, he found himself constantly stealing glances at the pair, their faces so close to one another as the cameras circled around them.

Their faces moved closer to one another, foreheads touching as they found each others' hands and intertwined their fingers, an action that made Hyunjins' heart plummet six feet under as he tried in desperation to prevent himself from marching onto the set and yanking them away from one another.

Jeongin raised his hand as he tucked loose strands of hair behind Chaewons' ear, Chaewon faintly smiling at him. Hyunjin glared at the script and sure enough, everything they were doing was scripted and although he knew it, he couldn't stop the feeling of dread forming in the pit of his stomach as he watched them.

"And cut!" The second Younghyun stated that, Jeongin and Chaewon separated from one another, both on the verge of laughter while Hyunjin felt as though he could breathe again, the distance between the two reassuring him and calming his senses.

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