"And today, we're joined by the cast of Mixtape! Here comes Yoon Chaewon, Hwang Hyunjin and last, but definitely not the least, Yang Jeongin!" The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, everyone smiling the second the three young actors walked onto the set and took their seats right after shaking hands with the host and waving at the audience.
After the final day of shooting, the trio had expected their one week break but instead of that, they were met with endless phone calls from different shows asking, or more accurately put, begging, them to come onto their show as ever since the couple had announced themselves to the public, neither of them have been booked by any show yet, both ignoring every opportunity due to the fact that they knew that it was all a way to boost the shows' views.
But, it was simply unavoidable and, with more and more offers coming up and chances for them to promote their movie, their companies all agreed to put their break on hold so as to let them start promotions early, much to Hyunjins' dismay.
He had an itinerary planned out for the week that he would've spent solely with Jeongin but, upon receiving the call from his manager Dowoon, he begrudgingly pushed his plans aside, fully aware that once a decision was made, he couldn't argue otherwise.
The show continued on with the normal questions such as how filming had gone and how they had reacted when they heard that they were to be casted in one of Younghyun's films seeing as how he was a highly sought after director and screenwriter.
Throughout the interview, Hyunjin kept his eyes on Jeongin who sat closest to the hosts' table (which Hyunjin assumed was because out of the three of them, he was the most well known).
"Since we're almost out of time, I've been meaning to ask this," the host put his cue cards down and interlocked his fingers. "Jeongin, you're dating your costar right?"
And there it was. The question that all three of them had been expecting since they first got the call. Their companies had each given them a model response to use lest any of them were to be interrogated on that matter so, if Jeongin followed the template, they were certain that they would be able to end the show right there and then.
But, with a sweet smile, Jeongin made eye contact with the camera before directing his attention to the host. "Yes, I am. What about it hyung?"
"Jeongin, what are you doing?" He heard his manager, Jae's voice through his in-ear device but chose to ignore it, continuing to smile at the host before him. He heard another producer ask Jae what his actor was doing only for him to reply with a sigh. "Whatever you're doing, I hope it ends well yea?" Jeongin gave a slight nod since he knew that Jae was watching from backstage.
"Well, it has been five months since you two confessed to your relationship but neither of you have ever really talked about it and as you're probably aware of, lots of fans still wish for you to end up with Chaewon-"
"I get you hyung. But, the reason why we never talked about it is because some things are precious and, I don't know if Hyunjin hyung feels the same but, for me, I'd like to keep those precious moments and events to myself. Maybe I'm slightly selfish in that aspect but," Jeongin paused, taking a quick glance at Hyunjin who sat further away from him before addressing the host once more. "If my fans can't take the fact that he is the one I want to be with then I don't really mind if you stop being my fans. I'm perfectly happy where I am and with who I am with right now and nothing is going to change that fact."
"Side note, I'm also dating someone so I highly doubt I'll ever date Jeongin," Chaewon added in, the inhouse audience gasping at the sudden revelation. "Oh right, forgot to announce it but surprise I guess?" Chaewon glanced sideways at Hyunjin who, for the first time since she's met him, had no snappy remarks to make so she stood up and gestured at him to move towards Jeongin. "Come on, we all know you want to be next to him lover boy."
In that moment, both Hyunjin and Jeongin's managers had simply let them do whatever they wanted, turning of their in-ear connection with them as they let the pair handle the situation themselves. However, Chaewon's manager was screaming but, Chaewon never let the smile leave her face.
In all honesty, she didn't care about getting into trouble with her manager. All she wanted was for her friend to be happy and to her, her manager reprimanding her was a small price to pay.
"Well, this took a turn! Mind if I ask who you're dating?"
"He works at a cafe but that's all I'm saying - I'm not disclosing anything more than that just in case you find him attractive too and try to take him from me hyung." Chaewon chuckled, crossing her legs and giving a coy smile. "Not that he'd go for you anyways," she added under her breath, still smiling.
The host cleared his throat, unsure of how to continue on with the time left on the show. So, he decided to backtrack. "Jeongin, you said that nothing is going to change the fact that you're happy dating Hyunjin. Did you two make a promise-"
"I'd gladly marry Jeongin right now if I could." All heads turned to Hyunjin as Chaewon let out a tiny squeal (seeing as how she knew how much they loved each other).
The host was taken aback by his simple sentence, his brain working overtime to comprehend what had just happened while Jeongin felt his entire face burning up at how nonchalantly Hyunjin had made mention of marriage in front of, not just a live audience, but on a show which will be aired for everyone to see.
Hyunjin slung his arm over Jeongin and pulled him closer. "Would you marry me if I asked?"
The timer went off, the live broadcast coming to an end right there and then with everyone in a state of shock as to what had just happened.
Hyunjin let go of Jeongin, quickly reverting back to his emotionless facade as the host hurriedly wrapped everything up and the second "cut" was yelled, he thanked the three for giving him enough content to work with.
"Yoon Chaewon!" her manager screamed, her arms folded as she waited for Chaewon.
"It's fine Inin! I think you have bigger things to worry about, one being your wedding with Hwang Hyunjin," she teased, Jeongin immediately covering his face in his hands.
As Jeongin watched Chaewon walk towards her manager, he felt a sudden weight on his shoulder and saw that Hyunjin had put his head on him, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "So would you?" he whispered, his arms wrapping around Jeongin's waist.
"Would I what?"
"Do you, Yang Jeongin, want to marry me, Hwang Hyunjin?"
"I-" Hyunjin chuckled at how flustered Jeongin was as he stood straight and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, the other hand ruffling his hair before taking off his in-ear.
"You don't have to answer me now Innie. It wasn't even a proper proposal," he said, smiling at him before walking to the stylist who was calling for him.
But as he walked away, Jeongin finally managed to find the words he had been looking for, his eyes following Hyunjin as he whispered to the air.
"I do."
i hear wedding bells (is this a spoiler??? oopsy)
anyways, i'm thinking of doing a qna!
so, please ask questions for the characters (or for me!) or
just say something you guys want to say
to the characters and i'll make them respond uwu

MIXTAPE | hyunin ✓
Fanfiction[social media au] in which yang jeongin, a well known actor, stars in a film alongside an up and coming actor. or in which hwang hyunjin cannot tolerate his co-star for reasons unknown to him. highest rankings : #1 mixtape #1 kpopidols #1 hyunin #1...