twenty eight

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"Yang Jeongin! Are you dating him?"

Jeongin heard their screams and following that question was a million others, all of which contained hidden prejudices that, after being in the industry for so long, Jeongin had grown acutely aware of.

He knew that they were all tip-toeing around the subject of his sexuality and on top of that, he knew that this was not how he intended to come out to the world.

Jeongin had a rough plan on how he wanted to reveal his sexuality to the world but now, with every flash, with every scream from the press, he saw his plans falling into flames, burning into nothing more than mere ashes.

He tried to find a friendly face amongst the crowd — just one person who didn't look as though they would rip him to shreds. All he wanted was one person he could look at.

And then he felt a gentle tug on his pinky, his eyes slowly looking down to see Hyunjins' pinky holding onto his, and despite the fact that it was a small gesture, Jeongin could finally find his words again.

He faced the cameras that glared at him and, mustering all the courage he could gather, opened his mouth, the words he had been meaning to say spilling out, slowly extinguishing the flames of his burnt plans. 

"Yes, I am dating him and before any of you can ask, yes, I am gay and in all honesty, this wasn't how I planned on coming out so if it's possible, could you all leave me and my partner alone?" 


The flashes were absolutely blinding, tears forming in Jeongin's eyes as he continued looking at the press, their questions and accusations flying past him, all becoming background noise that he tried his best to filter out of his head. 

He thought it would all turn out alright if he came out honestly but, in the end of the day, he was merely prey to the hyenas that had the official title of paparazzi. He couldn't move, his feet firmly rooted to the ground as tears brimmed on his lower lash line, threatening to fall. 

It was overwhelming - completely, devastatingly overwhelming. 

"Back off would you? He already answered your fucking questions if you pricks would just take a moment to listen. Now, get out of the way because you're blocking our entrance," Hyunjin snapped, taking hold of Jeongins' hand and dragging the boy away from the press. As some of them reached out to try and get hold of Jeongin, Hyunjin quickly pulled the boy into his arms before hiding him behind him. "I said fuck off. How many times do you morons have to hear me say it for it to register in your minds? Leave us the fuck alone." 

"Well, who are you really Hwang Hyunjin? You're a nobody and suddenly you're dating one of the top actors of this generation. How does that make the slightest bit of sense?" Upon hearing that question, the rest of the press directed all their attention to Hyunjin, practically shoving their microphones in front of his face. 

Hyunjin felt Jeongins' grip on his shirt tighten, the younger boy still hiding behind him. Despite the fact that he had been in the industry for quite some time, he could never properly get used to the hounding of the press. No matter how long he had been acting for, he could never, ever, get used to the lack of privacy and the constant intrusion offered by the public. 

"Well, I guess I got lucky. Now, fuck off." Hyunjin shoved their hands away, some of them dropping their microphones onto the floor as he pushed Jeongin into the building. 

Once inside, Chaewon stared at the pair, her eyes immediately darting to the startled Jeongin who was still tightly holding onto the edge of Hyunjins' shirt. 

"What happened-"

"The press happened," Hyunjin said, running his hand through his hair as Chaewon made her way over to Jeongin, wrapping her arms around him as she rubbed soothing circles on his back, Jeongin instinctively hugging her back. "He outed himself just now."

"Wonie, will people view me different now?" Jeongin asked, his voice small as he clung onto his best friend. 

"If they do, they can fucking rot. You're still the same Jeongin that everyone loves and if you coming out made people stop loving you, then they can go die in hell," Chaewon whispered, Jeongin nodding slightly as she spoke. 

Hyunjin clicked his tongue, folding his arms at the thought of people sending hateful remarks to the younger. 

A pang of guilt hit him, a sigh escaping his lips. "Hey, I'm sorry-"

"What for?" Jeongin's words were slightly muffled, his head still hiding in Chaewon's neck. Slowly, he raised his head, offering a kind smile despite his cheeks being stained with tears. "You did nothing wrong hyung."

"It's just...If I hadn't returned, you wouldn't have had to come out when you weren't ready. I honestly don't give a fuck about what the press thinks of me — I'm a newcomer anyways. But, I-I know how public perception is important for you and I think that because of me, I completely tainted that perfect image and I don't know what to do if people started giving you hate for something like your gender. I just...I just feel like it's my fault and-"

Jeongin placed his head against Hyunjins' chest, slowly wrapping his arms around the olders' waist while keeping his head down. "They were bound to find out anyways hyung so please don't apologise." 

As silence dawned upon them, Chaewon slowly made her way to where Younghyun was, informing him that shooting would have to be delayed for a bit since the two main leads were still trying to come to terms with all that had just happened.


what happened in this chapter idk either ;-;

anyways! i got this really cute fanart i'd like to share! 

it's by mary (bobaseungs) and i uwu 🥺if you guys wanna give me some fanart of scenes from any of my stories, please do dm me on ig @/nonhuijun 🥺🥺💖

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it's by mary (bobaseungs) and i uwu 🥺
if you guys wanna give me some fanart of scenes from any of my stories, please do dm me on ig @/nonhuijun 🥺🥺💖

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