twenty four

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"Let's go home together hyung!" Jeongin said, linking arms with Hyunjin as the crew members started packing their equipment and getting ready for the next day of shooting.

Hyunjin was about to decline his offer, his instinctive cold act kicking in but when he met eyes with Jeongin, he remembered that this boy was his and his alone.

And so, he nodded, a bright smile that could rival the sun blooming on Jeongins' face as he tightened his hold on Hyunjin, afraid that he might suddenly run away.

However, before they could even walk out of the building, they heard the sounds of camera shutters and the familiar buzzing of the paparazzi outside, both of them immediately disconnecting from one another and standing a good two metres away.

"Shit, why are they here?" Hyunjin asked no one in particular, running his hands through his hair as he sighed.

"Hi Inin-oh my god the press is here," Chaewon said as she walked down the main hallway and caught sight of the piranha-esque people outside. "By the way, why are the two of you so far apart? They can't see through the doors."

"Social distancing?" Jeongin said, not completely sure what he was saying but nodding his head along as though it made complete sense.

Chaewon looked between the pair and stifled a laugh. "As if you two don't hug each other in your free time," she whispered to Jeongin, his cheeks turning bright red.

"Th-that's not the point Wonie! How do we get rid of the press?" Jeongin pointed outside, hopping slightly out of anger and frustration, an action which made Hyunjin smile slightly before returning to his emotionless facade.

Chaewon looked at the ceiling before an idea came to her.

"The two of you can go out through the back and I, being the great friend I am, will distract the press!" Chaewon declared. "I'll just call someone to help me out-"

"Is it Seungmin hyung?"

"N-no?" Chaewon laughed nervously, quickly pointing in the direction of the back door and telling them to leave

"Thank you Wonie!"

"Did you forget something?"

"I love you!" Chaewon flicked his forehead before averting his eyes to Hyunjin whose glare was so intense that although Chaewon wasn't facing him, she could feel him staring into her soul.

Jeongin's mouth formed an 'o' shape before gently pulling Hyunjins' arm and dragging him away with him.


private dm !
[ wonie, seung ]

my mans
my pal
my coffee maker

since when was i
a coffee maker?


what's up?

youve gotten so
confident in texting
im so proud

i was always confident
Idk what you mean

liar but anyways
do you mind
being my
mystery boy

first i was a coffee maker
now im a mystery boy
is that an upgrade?

well you see
the emo and the baby
were just standing by the door
and now the baby is telling me
theres press in the back exit
i think
we should help the baby

yeah fair point
jeongin is important
when do you want me
to be there?


smh fine
the things i do  for you
[ deleted ! ]

thank youu 🥺
my heart rly went yeeT
[ deleted ! ]
be here soon coffee machine



"Hyung, you're squishing me."

Hyunjin didn't budge, still holding onto him tightly as they waited for the press to disappear.

They were in one of the many break time rooms and ever since they had arrived, Hyunjin had trapped Jeongin in a bear hug, refusing to let the younger boy go anywhere without having to carry him along.

Although he enjoyed how clingy Hyunjin was, Jeongin could've sworn that he was nearly squeezing the life out of him and so, he tried to detach himself from him, only causing Hyunjins' hug to become tighter.


"Can you say it to me too?" Hyunjin asked, not daring to meet his eyes as he continued holding him in his arms.

"It to me too? What's that supposed to mean?" Hyunjin sighed and let go of Jeongin, the younger of the pair clearly unaware of the words he wanted to hear.

"Just now, you said something to Chaewon and I want to hear you say it to me."

When Jeongin looked at him with his big eyes and his slightly tilted head, Hyunjin knew that he had no clue what he was talking about and gave up, the jealousy he felt inside boiling and bubbling as he tried to constrain himself by sitting down.

Truth was, Jeongin did have a rough idea of what Hyunjin wanted him to say but felt that the moment wasn't right. So instead, he waddled over to where Hyunjin was seated and sat on his lap, nuzzling his head against his chest.

"You upset me and now you do this? What kind of behaviour is this Yang?" Hyunjin asked, nevertheless wrapping an arm around Jeongin while his free hand played with the younger boys' hair.

When Jeongin didn't respond, he knew that the boy had fallen asleep again, his schedule that day so packed with shooting scenes that he barely had any breaks ( and Hyunjin knew this because the boy hadn't messaged him for the entire day ).

Hyunjin sighed and placed a chaste kiss on his forehead, muttering three words that he had always wanted to tell the boy ever since they were younger.


vee queen of late updates

also, killer instinct ( skz apply fic ) has four open slots so please join if you want 🥺

also also, please take care of yourselves i love you all so so much 🥺💖

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