Just the Begining

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An hour befre class started Ms.Bustier's class minus Adrien, Chloe and Marinette, meet up at the park. In order for there plan to go smooth they need to now more and more about Marinette's brother.

Max opend up and searched for a person with all the information they had. Mari's brother died on April 27th, 5 years ago and was murderd. His name was also Jason.

They all got supriesed as the person that popped up was none other then Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne's second ward. But that chould't be true. Marinette was a Dupin-Cheng not Todd. They did a little more digging to find out that Marinette had been adopted and probly chanaged her name for saftey resaons. They then reacherched all about Jason Todd. They had made a fake resaon not to now much saying he had some memmory loss. Marinette buyed it.


It was time for school and they entered to see the trio sitting and talking. They all glared there way, smirking. There plan was going to destory Marinette Dupin-Cheng Todd.

Lila was luckey she had yet to lied about the Waynes or she whould be in trouble. She hopped that becuase of this there plan didn't change at all.

They had bought a fake phone with all there money they had saved up. It was about $600. But it was worth it right? Becuase now Lila chould be safe and happy.

Ms.Bustier came in and started teaching the class. She had whanted to get ride of Lila a long time ago but Marinette stopped her. Just becuase she may be a lier dose not mean she deserves to be expelled.


It was lunch time and Marinette was sitting alone. Adriens cousin and Aunt had come to vist and they were off eating at some fancy resterant. Chloe was with her mother helping her do some papperwork. Chloe's dream was to be a polition like her dad so she was helping her mom do some papperwok regarding her newset fashionshow.

Everyone else found this a perfect time to mess with Mari as Jason, so the started.

Jason: Hey Mari. I got some of my memmery back so wanna talk?

They looked to see Marinette check her phone and start typing.

Mari: Shure! That's great Jay-bird. Remember that name. Dick had given it to you when you first came to the Manstion

Jason: Yeah now I do thanks Mari!

Mari: No problom. You might not remember this but you used to call me Pixie-pop.

Jason: Huh, Pixie-pop.Well wanna tell your bro anything.

Mari: Like If I tell you a secret you'll tell one?

Jason: Yeah! To help me get to know you better!

Mari: Um-ok. Well on my front back of my backpack is a sketchbook that has a commition in it. The book itself is $30.

The class smirked. What grand way to start off there way of tourment to Marinette then rip a sketchbook thats $30.

Ivan walked to her and pulled her from her seat and held her. Alix then came and grabed her sketchbook. Marinette tried to get out but Ivan's grip on her was hard. Alya then grabed the sketchbook and started to rip it.

Once they were finshed they all started to laugh as Marinette ran to the bathroom. Soon they heared a ping and when't to see whant Mari had texted.

Mari: Jason, my class just started to rip my sketchbook!

Jason: I'm so sorry Pixie-pop.

Mari: It's ok it's not your fault.

Mari: I had already made the outift, but I really liked the sketch and the book itself was $30.

They all got annoyed. They had all thought they may have gotten a better reaction but alis no. Oh, well. There will be many more times were they can embarries Marinette and make her life a liveing hell. This was just the begining.

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