Jason Todd

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He turned around to see his sister there mouth wide and in shock.

"P-pixie-pop?" She then ran to him and he picked her up and they hugged. He tears going to his coustume. Jason also was crying. His sister. In front of him. They both thought they'd never see each other again.

"I knew you were alive! I knew those texts were real!" She said as they broke there hug. Though Jason was confused. He never texted her. Heck his family didn't even now he had a sister.

"I don't know what you mean Pixie-pop. I never texted you."

"W-what...?" She then opned her phone and showed her brother the texts. He was in rage. Some Idiot though it was a good idea to prentedn to be him to hust his sister.

Marinette sait there in the allyway trying to think. If Jason wasn't the one texting her then who was it? She then came to an concultion. Lila and her sheep! Marinette thought about all the things she had told them. She had even told them her inscurites. Like her hair, or that she was to skinny. She started to then sob hard.

Jason's heart broke when he saw his sister like that. He hugged her as she cried. Makeing a plege to hurt anyone that had made her cry like this. Once she calmed down she told Jason everything. Chloe and how they were now friends, Lila, her old friends, Adrien and that she was LadyBug.

He kept rubbing soothing circles on her back as she explained to him.


Alix ran trying to look for Marinette. She heard sobbs from the allyway and when't to investigate. She found Marinette and a man that looked almost like the man that was Marinette's brother.

She heard everything from Chloe to that Marinette was LadyBug. She knew that all her disprecnes and Adrien's were some what connected.  Once Marniette callmed down she talked.

"Marinette?" Both of the people looked up at Alix.

"A-Alix what are you doing here?" She moved over to sit beside Marinette. As the boy glared at her, learning what had happend to his siter.

"I whanted to apoligive. Lila is a fake. I should've been able to see it and I'm sorry. I know that you may have to take some time to forgive but I wanna give you something." She took out 2 $100 bills "I know it's not enough for eberyting you given me. Every outfit, food and so much more. But this is only asmall amout. I hope to give you the full amout some day."

Marinette huged her and said "It's ok Alix, I know your sorry. Lila is a fake and now you see it witch is good. You don't need to give me any money, It's ok, I forgive you."

They both then hugged. Smileing now that they have a old friendship was back.

"Sooo who'd this?" She asked as she guestered to Jason.

"This is Jason Todd. My brother."

Alix was speechless. "Didn't your brother die?" she asked.

Jason as the one who expalined. He told both of them the truth.

"Woah Woah Woah, the Wayne's are the Batfamily?" Alix said. They both nodded.

"Well don't worry, your secrets safe with me." She told them. She was nown for being good with keeping secrets so they chould trust her.

"I just texted Chloe and Adrien, we should go to her hotel to meet them and then well explain everything." They nodded again and all got up. Jason when't to the bathroom in the Bakery to get changed befoe going. They then made there way over.


Chloe and Adrien finished helping the jusdges move the scoreborads when they got a text.

Mari-Bug: Important! Meet me at Chloe's hotel! Urgent!

They looked at each other before texting back.

Queenie: On our way.

Kitty: Just on time, we finished cleaning up.

They both then made there way to the hotel. They got there first, waiting in the lobby. It wasn't a very bust day so the Lobby was almost empty. There heard the bell that told them that someone came in. But they didn't expect who they saw.

Mari was with a unkown man, a few years older then her and ALIX?!

"Mari wat is a Idiot doing here? And who is that?" Chloe asked.

"Chlo, Adrien, this is my brother back fom the dead Jason Todd and Alix is now on our side." Mari explained.

Both of them were inshock but soon got over it.

"It's great to have you back Alix." Adrien said as he hugged her "And you must be Jason. I'm Adrien Agreste, Marinette's boyfriend." Jason looked at him as staring into his soul.

But he saw how happy his siter was with him so he shoke hsi hand. Adrien smiled as this was almost a way of Jason giveing his blessing.

Chloe then pushed her way in front of Adrien "Im Chloe, Mari's best freidnd." As she said that she threw an arm around Mari's shoulders.

He smiled at he as they made there way to Chloe's suit. It was alosmt likt the clubhouse.

"We'll explain everything when Luka and Kagami come." She then texted them.

Mari-Bug: Can you guys come over to Chloe's? It's urgent.

Snake boi: Shure, it was getting a little boreing over here. Be there in a minute.

Dragon girl: I was just comeing over.

Shure enough in a few minutes Luka and Kagami were there. They then procede to explain. By the ned everyone understood and was very made for Lila and her sheep to have pretentd to be Jason. Who pretends to besomone's dead brother?

"We have to do something, to get back at Lila." Luka said.

"Well that's were the plan come's in." Marinette said as she grew a creepy smile.

Texting Jason | DC and Miraculous Ladybug CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now