Lila's first lie

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The group of six made there way to room's 7,8,9. They were big rooms sothey were on the other side off the hall will everyone esls's was on the other. Ms.B's room was in the middle parillel to the eleveator.They steppped in and there faces lit up in awe.

There was a liveng room with a coffe table, a grey couch and armchair, purple baanket. There was a T.V and white charpet and lot's of windows and white curtins. Next to the liveing room was the kitchen. It was bretty big with lots of counters. There was a breakfast bar with white seats and a glass table. Next there was Chloe and Marienttes room. It had 2 king sived beds. One yellow and one pink. There was a little seqing station beside the window next to Mari's bed. 2 big clostes and a bathroom connected. Alix and Adrein's room was smaller. They were twin beds. One black and one blue. There was also 2 sepret bathrooms. Kagami and Luka's room was nice. There was a red bed and green bed. And a bathroom also.

It was only six, so the group of 7 made there way to the T.V and put on some movies. Such as: The lion king, Lion King 2 and Cinderella. Soon Ms.B came in and made shure they were all in there beds before shutting off the lights and saying goodnight.


It was the next day. Mari put on a pair of leggings a whit crop top with a cat on it and blaxk sneakers. Chloe had her sunglasses with a cute yellow sundress and white belt with yellow flats. Alix had her usaull cloths on and Adrien had a black shirt with jeans and white sneakers. Kagami had a red crop top and white jeans and red vans. Luka had a shirt with a tiger on it and black pants with his usall foot wear.

They made there way to the hallway were veryone was already there.

"Great now that were all hear let's hear the plan for the day. We'll go downstaires and get something to eat, then we will go to a local mall and you can buy some stuff there. Then we will make our way to the Police Headquarters and learn what it's like to be a police officer in Gothem. Now that we all now the plan let's go downstaries." Ms.B said.

And with that everyone made there way to the leevator and down to the lobby.

There were eggs, pancakes, bread and more. Everyone put some stuff on there plate and when't to eat. The Team when't on a seprete table while everyone else sat at a diffrent table. Of course the liar had to strat something.

Lila started talking alittle louder hopeing to catch the other tabe's attention. "Yup. MDC personaly said that my hairstyle was the best one she'd ever seen. She even died her hair like mine."

"Wow Lila that's so cool."

"She's right girl you have amazing hair."

"Do you think we chould meet them?"

"Were'd you meet her?"

"We should get our hair done like you Lila!"

Thoses were only a few of the reachotions from Ms.B's class. The other table just ignored it and when't on with there conversation.

After a whileeveryone was done eating and they were now at the mall. Marinette had brought $100 to spend of some Gotham fabric. She entered the fabric sotra and started to buy. All of these fabrics whould go to her and her friends outfits ofr the gala. Most were done but she still had to start er's and add some dealtil to her frinds.

In the end she bough $90 worth of sewing supplies. It was 11:00 so Mari had to go back to the meeting spot so they chould go to the police headquaarters. When she got there Lila was crying on the floor. When everyone saw her most glred.

Alya then pushed the girl and grabbed er stuff she had bought.

"How chould you steal Lila's money Marinette!?" she said.

Nino then piped in "That's so un-cool dude!"

The rest of the class agreed. Ms.B then when't to see what all the commotion was about.

"What happend here?" she asked.

"Marinette stold Lila's $100, now she can't buy anything." Rose told her.

Ms.B sighed. She knew it wasn't tre but she had no proof becuase the money was cash.

"Marinette how much money do you have left?"

"$10 Ms."

"Alrght give those $10 to Lila. Hurry up becuase the bus is here."

She got her stuff back and gave the left over money to Lila. They then entered the bus and waited to get there. Marinette put her headphones on and started to lisne to some Jagged Stone music.


After the ride they all entered to see people moveing and working hard on diffrent cases. She had brought some food she had made and started to hand it out. The police liked the french girl. She was nice and funny, keeping the atmophere nice and light.

While they were toreing around Lila started to lie again. (Yah, no kidding)

"My grandfather was police man. He lost his life to save over 300 kids." Everyone started to complenment her syaing her grandfather was hero. That wasn't true though, her grandfather was a plumber.

The Team ignored Lila and even learned a little about the Police Task Force. Marinette had already meet Gordan so it was nice to see him again.

"Ah, Marinette so nice to see you!"

"Oh, nice to see you to Mousier Gordan."

They started talking while Lila kept glaring there way. Marinette intrudenced her friends to Gordan and then they when't there way on the tour. The whole time Marientte kept getting pushed and triped by Lila's sheep.

After a few hours everyone left the place and when't back to the hotel. After a nice dinner with stack and green beans veneryone made there way back to there rooms.

The Team played some video games before going to bed at lights out exited for the next day.

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