Meeting the Family

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The plan was quite simple acually. What better then an amazing Wayne Gala to destroy Lila and her sheep. Marinette knew many people she was in fact MDC witch was a very famouse Fashion deighner. She also helped make the coustumes for the new Transformers Movie, witch of course Lila lied about.

Every single person Lila had lied about whould be there and boom gose the dinemeite. Marinette still had to prentend to be oblivouse when it comes to "Jason texting her". She whould have to endure the bullying for about a month but it was worth it.

It was the weeend and Marinette were going with Jason to Gotham(Is that how you spell is?) to meet the Waynes and get verthing ready for the Gala. Also Jason whanted veryone to meet his faboulouse sister.

It had been a long hours when they finally reached the Mansion. Everyone knew about Marinette comeing and her friends, Jason had told them before hand. The doors opened to reaveal Tim and Damien on the floor fighting and Dick trying to get them off each other with no privale. Cass was reading. Duke and Stef were on a misstion, so they were't there. Alfred was there and Bruce was in a meeting.

Some Adventures:

Jon was there with Damien. He got along great with her. Mari and Damien also getting along good, her glareing at her brother when he clalled Damien Demon-spawn.

Dick was nice, being his usuall slef. He left after dinner to go to Budhaven.

Marinette also got to meet Tim. Somehow makeing him go to bed. Also giveing him her coffe recipe.

Her and Cass also read some, getting along really well.

She even made a batch of Cookies witch everyone loved.

She also ended up meeting Bruce. She gave him hell for not hurting Joker more, but she fogave him.

Her and Alfred were very close.

When they found out she was MDC they all asked for commitions witch of course she gave.

In total, they all got a long really well and she promised to video call.

*A/N: This was just a chpater explaining how she knew the Bat-fam. Next chapter will be longer*

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