Don't mess with Chloe

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It was day 2 of there week in Gotham.(I'm now spelling it like that) The agenda for that day was quite simple. They were going to a local museme and then have the rest of the day off. Marinette planed to use the time to finish her dress for the Gala.

The musem was all about Gotham and how Wayne Industries changed it for the better +Batman. I thin you can guess why they were going to that musem.

"Yah, Me, Damien and Bruce helped re-bulid Gotham when that teribale earthquake happend. Damien just whould not shut up about it, He love and cares for people so much, we can him Angel-spawn." Lila lied as they were going through the Musem.

By now The Team just chould nto control there laughter and started to laugh so much they had to clench there stoumachs. Marinette had flimed that peice and had shared it to Jason so he chould share it whith evryoen else.

"What are you gusy laughing about!?" Alya asked.

"People got really hurt becuase of that earthquake, you should't be laughing about it!" Nino yelled at them. His grandmother had when't to Gotham when it happend and was one of the ones to die.

"Were not laughing about the earthquake just at Lila's horribale lie." Kagami told the group.

By now Lila was on the floor, again, wahiling and makeing puddles all around her. Alya when't to her friends side as everyone then started to yell at Kagami. Thanks to that they got kicked out for makeing to much noise. And oh, Ms.B was mad.

"We are guests here, and are represting all of France and this is how you behave!" she yelled at them. They all were shocked she never yelled.

"But Ms they were being mean to Lila!" Mylene told her.

"There are better ways of dealing with it. If Lila had a problom she chould have told me, she has a voice. You all are not he servents or her voice!" she growled. At this piont she was done with Lila Rossi and most off her class.

Marinette opend her phone to reavel a text from "Jason".

"Jason": How is Gotham treating you?

Mari: Fine.

"Jason": Come on Mari, tell your big bro more.

"Marinette Dupin-Cheng! Give me your phone this instint!" Ms.B boomed.

The class snickered as she handed her phone to her teahcer.

"You will get it back when we get back to the Hotel. Everyone in the bus now!" and with that everyone got onto the bus.


After a while they thankfully got to the Hotel. Ms.B maybe had made the driver take detours so the drive was longer to prove the class a lesson. When  they got there Marinette rushed to her room where she started on her dress for the Gala.

As she was on the sewing machine she felt to arms curve onto her waist. (I just relized I haven't wrote any AdrienxMarinette momments so here is one)

"Wach'ya doing Princess?" (Guess who)

"Very funny Adrein now help me finish this part of your suit."

There was a noise at the door.

"Come in!"

"Sorry Marinette, you were in such a hurry I forgot to give you your phone back." Ms.B said.

She reached in her pocket but when she reached in and pulled nothing out she gasphed.

"Oh, no someone must have taken your phone when I wasn't looking."

At this piont Chloe had made her way into the room and shriked.

"Those Idiots took your phone Mari-gold! Ridicouls! Utterly Ridicoulouse!" And with that she stormed out of the room.

"Chloe wait!" They all yelled after the girl.

Turns out Ivan had taken the phone. Luckly they hadn't got into it before an angry Chloe got to them first. Marinette thanked her friend and gave her a little yellow pouch she had made as a thanks of grattitude.

They also told Ms.B all about Jason and there plan, without reaveling anyone's identies.

"Oh, Marinette I'm so sorry. I can't belive anyone whould do such a horribale thing as to pretend to be someones dead brother."

"It's ok Ms.B, it will all be worth it soon."

"Alright, well it's light out in an hour, get some sleep tommrow were going to Metotroplise and touring the Daliy Planet."

With that Marinette sighed. Jon was going to be there. As much as she loved him and whanted him to meet Chloe, Alya and Lila were going to be there. Bullies + Krypotion= chaose. Oh well, poor Lila and Alya.

And with that at 8:00 Marinette and her friends fell asleep in there own beds for Ms.B sakes, exited for tommrow.

*Sorry for the short chapter. Exited for the next. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes. I make a lot and when editing get lazy and just whant to publish it.*

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