Let's get Physical

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It was the next day. Adrien was worried for his girlfriend. He knew how much Jason's death had effected Mari and was worried she wasn't thinking strait do to it. Chloe also worried. Lila and her sheep had no limets, including hurting Marinette about Jason. They all expected that they whould ridicule her for her brother being dead but no. Maybe they did have some brain cells.

It was the schools anual Track and Field meet. The whole school had to come and particapate. Mari was running seeing as she leanred a lot during her time on the streets. Chloe got out acusing them of calling her father. Adrien already did his witch was the pole valut. He got second. Lila had lied again so she was out.

It was Alix, Kim, Sabrina and Marinette. They had planned to sabotoge Mari, well not Alix. You see she was beging to see threw Lila's lies and only ripped Marinette's sketchbook in order to still be in the friends group. She planned to apoligive after school.

The horn sounded and everyone was off. Kim kept trying to trip Mari but she was very balenced. Sabrina tried to push her but they caught her so she got decqualifed. In the end it was Alix vs Marinette.

Everyone was cheering on Alix, only Chloe and Adrien cheering Marinette. Though Chloe was loudering then everyone. But in the end Marinette won. Everyone was taken back not expecting that outcome. Of course she only won by a few seconds.

The class was mad. How dare Marinette take away Alix's win! Marinette was a desiner not a runner unlike Alix.

They found Marinette drinking water behind the school. Alya pushed her and soon enough. Everyone was calling her horribale names. and kicking her. She got up but only to run away, tears in her face.


Jason was alive. He was going to paris to find a crime boss and also to visit his sister. He had been alive now for a year and became part of the bat-fam for six months. He found this there perfect time to vist her. He had already taken out the boss and was in a little allyway close to a bakery. He was pretty shure it was the one his sister lived in but he chould be wrong.

He took of his helmet and set it on the ground. He was thrirtsy so he started to drink a bottle of water he always brought with him. During his years as Robin he found that after fights he's usally very thirsty so he kept a bottle of water on him at all times.

There was some rusling among him but he decied to ignore it. There was also some footsteps and they seemed to be comeing closer. But before he chould put his helmet back on the person saw him and he saw her.


Alix was mad. She was talking to one of the scouts there at the Track-Meet and she had just gotten a chance to race at a festivil in the summer. She was happy about that but not whaat she saw when she when't to the back of the school looking for Marinette.

She had last seen Marinette go to the back of the school so that was he first look to find her and apoligive. Though when she got there Marinette was on the floor and everyone was hurting her.

She was about to intervine but Marinette then ran off. As she ran everyone called her names as she ran, yelling so she whould hear them. Alix then ran to her class.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" She shouted. Everyone then looked at her like she had grown two heads.

"What are you talking about Alix?" Rose asked in her noramle incoence.

"Why the hell are you beating up Marinette?!" she asked.

"She took your win Alix. We were just trying to put her in her place. Omg I'm so sorry if I made you mad, it was my idea. I'm so sorry Alix." Lie-la said as she began to "cry".

Everyone then rushed to he side trying to reshure the girl while glaring at Alix. She had enough and began to run looking for Marinette.


Marinette was so upset. The class had never got physical with her. She rushed runing to the ally near her home, hopeing to text Jason and him makeing her fell better.

What she didn't expect to see was a man already there drinking water. He looked very fimulire. When given a closer looked he kinda looked like...


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