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Dedicated to: MarianeAmine

After anough night of Lila crying and then thankfully going to sleep so you don't have to hear here, it was the next day. Hopefully that mean't less of her fake tears. The weekend was going to be pretty busy, as they have the Gala and the tour of W.E. So the plan for the day was quite simple.

They were going to go to a show by the famouse maigican Zatanna Zatra. (YJ verstion) She was touring around Gotham the smae time they were there so perfect timeing. Marniette had meet Zatanna, she was Dick's girlfriend after all. She made her a new outfit for the show so as a thank you she got the whole class front row seats and back stage pases. Witch as usall Lila lied about saying she got them.

"I meet Zatanna when Dick use to come over, she's super snobby and annoying but I don't care. Dick acually was the one to convince her to get use these ticketes and pases." Lila told everyone as they entered the tent.

They got to there seats and waited for the show to begin. They had gotten a whole row just to themselves. One the right, Sabrina, Max, Nathaniel, Kim, Nino, Alya, Lila, Ms.B, Alix, Chloe, Marinette, Adrein, Kagami, Luka one the left. Ms.B was in the middle hopeing to make shure Lila didn't start anything, they had already been kicked out enough on this trip.

The show started with lights going all over the place and a big puff of smoke were Zee then appered. She started the show with makeing a elphent tiny and much more. Though she whould be at the Gala she whanted a little revenge herself. She had been bullied when she was in school, so she knew what it felt like. She also heard the lie Lila had spun when going into the show.

"And for my finale act I'm going to need a vlounteer." she siad to the auidence. The light whent around the room before landing on no other then Lila Rossi.

Lila then when't to the front of the room where Zatanna was.

"Now Lady's and Genatelamn watch carefully. Nrut siht lrig otni tahw ehs yleurt si" she moved her wand around Lila and a cloud of smoke came over here. And then when the smoke disaperd and was left with a fox. A very ugly baby fox.

"Thank you goodnight!" the smoke then filled the room again and was left with Lila coughing and Zatanna to be nowere found.

"OMG Lila!" Rose screamed as she when't to her side.

"What's wrong?" Luka asked.

"Lila has a very bad throut she can't take smoke like that!" Alya yelled as she also when't to Lila's side.

"Is her throut acually like that Ms.B?" Adrien asked.

"No it's a lie." she awnsered.

"Hope you liked the show Mari." a voice came behind Marinette.

"Zee!" she said as she jumped up and hugged her.

"I loved the show thank you."

"No problom, just helping out a friend. I'll see you at the Gala right?"

"Yup! Oh and Zee meet my friends Alix, Chloe, Kagami, Luka and my boyfriend Adrien."

"It's nice to meet you all, hope to see you all at the Gala. I'd love to talk but have to go. It's me and Dick's aniverserry dinner in an hour."

"Ok bye Zee!."

"Bye." and with that smoke filled the room again.


On the bus everyone was crowding around Lila helping the girl breath. The Team was in the back laughing at the scene in front of them. Nino was trying to help with a first aid kit. Rose and Julka were trying to hep the girl catch her breath. Ivan was hugging a crying Mylene, Kim was holding Lila tyring to help her in any way. Alya was on her phone trying to find ways to help Lila. Natheniel was covering his ears, the noise was a little much. Ms.B was rolling her eyes and marking a few pappers.

It was around 12:00 so they were going to eat at a place in Gotham. It was called Gotham's steakhouse. Gotham shure had lot's of origanal names.

They all got out of the bus and made there way in. There were a few tables were people were eating but the place were mosely empty. They got 2 tables, one for Ms.B and The Team and one for everyone else. They were beside each other so Ms.B chould keep an eye on everyone.

Halfway through there meal Lila started up again.

"OMG!" Lila shrieked. Gaining the attention of the entire resterant.

"What is it Lila?" Kim asked worry clear in his voice.

"Marinette orderd me staek! I'm vegitarion, she's trying to poisen me!"

That whole table turned to glare at the girl from the other table. Ms.B tried to clam down the situation not wanting to get kicked out again but failing to do so. As the manger was makeing her way to the group and elderly man got there first.

"Exuse me, but what seem's to be the problom?" he asked.

"A girl from out class tried to poisen our friend sir." Nathaniel told him.

"Oh, but it's just a steak."

"She's vegitarien sir." Alya told the man.

"So the girl orderd everyone's food?"

"No..." Kim dragged.

"Then why are you blaming her?"

"She changed my order sir." Lila told him.

"Oh Cindy." the man yelled at the Waitress.

"Yes Mr.Jacobs." she said as she came up to the tables.

"Your on these tables right?"


"Then did anyone change this girls order." he asked pointing to Lila.

"No, now will that be all?"

"Yes thank you Cindy." he said as he turned to face the liar.

"You shouldn't lie, there are always some people in this world who can see through it and it will alwasy come to bit you back." he then turned to go to the other table.

"Let me guess your that girl." he asked Marinette.

"Yes I am sir."

"Oh please just call me Peter."

"Thank you Peter."

"No problom, I had a teacher once who always belived in truth and justice, not lies and hate. Enjoy the rest of your meal."

"You to." and with that he left back to his table.

The rest of the day was un-enetfull. They made there way back to the hotel and The Team just watched movies for the rest of the day.

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