I don't like liars

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Dedicated to: illusion_of_death

After a nice long sleep it was the next day. Marinette was exited but nervouse. She was exited for her friends to meet Jon but at the same time she was worried about Alya and Lila. Clark and Louis whould be also be there and as reporters there morals were about true news. Everything Alya dose not stand for.

So at 7:30 Ms.B's class made there way downstaires for breakfast, as the start of there big day. The same seating arangment was made, The Team on one table and evryone else on anougher.

"Thanks so much girl for getting us to go The Daily Planet!" Alya squealed as she hugged Lila.

"No problom bestie, anything for my amazing friends." and with that everyone at that table awwed.

"Alright everyone hurry up and finish were on a tight squeadule." Ms.B said as she walked to the bus.

They rode for about 2 hours when they finally got to sunny there.

"Now remember, we are guests and are representing all of France so I whan't nothing like yesterday. Understand?" a course of Yes's echoed outside the building as they when't in.

Alya was jumping up and down with exitment. They were going to one of the best Journalism places in all of the world! They may even meet her idol Louis Lane-Kent. But meeting Clark Kent whould't be bad either.

They made there way to the lobby were there tour guid was.

"Hi, I'm Lucy and I will be your tour guid." Lucy had brown mid-length hair with olive green eyes and round glasses. She had a white work shirt with a grey pencil skirt with a black dress Jacket. She had a clipborard and bun in her right hand.

"Hello, Lucy I just whant to say thank you for letting us tour here. I'm Lila Rossi by the way." part of Lila's stratagy was to get Adults to trust here so she wa doing it here.

"Hello, Lila It's no problom, now let's start the tour."

She started to talk all about It's history and the people who founded it. After touring the first flour they got to the elevator. They made there way to the fifth floor were she showed them how the interns worked and they got to ask some questions. They were talking to a Intern named Mia.

"Yes, we have many sources here. Um how about you with the brown hair and checkered jacket."

"What age do you have to be to Intern here?" Alya asked her.

"Daliy Planet only aceppts Interns 18+. Though most are around 21 when they get in. It's a very tricky prosces becuase so many people what to get in but it is rewarding. Most of the younger Interns got a letter of recemdation by someone who nows a higher up. Like really good repeorters like Louis Lane-Kent or Clark Kent to name a few." Mia told the group.

"Alright thank you Mia. Now we are going to the Caffiteria so you can get some lunch an afterwars we'll be haveing a Q&A with some reporters." Lucy told the group as she directed them to a room near the elevator.

As they were walking Alya asked Lila a question.

"Do you think you chould give me a letter of reemandation Lila?"

"Of course." Lila said as she gave her friend a side hug.

"I didn't now you knew any reporters here Lila." Adrien asked the girl.

Ths turned all eyes on them. Adrien never ever talked to Lila, since she started to hurt Marinette.

"Oh yes, me, Damien and Louis and Clark's son Jon were all great friends. Poor Jon had to go along with Damiens poor, being Gay cover up. I feel so bad for the both of them. You now they both had crushes on me but I chose Damein. Jon is a very cold person." Lila said as she tried to put her arms around Adrien but he kept moveing out of the way.

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