Looks like we made it

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The whole class had gotten a privete jet, thanks to the Wayne foundation. Of course Lila took all the credit when it had been Marinette to get the jet. She thought it whould have been easier then takeing a airplaine.

The Team as they clalled themsleves (Chloe, Adrien, Kagami, Luka, Alix and Marinette) were all in the back while everyone else was in the front. They took a row a few rows behinde everyone else. Kagami and Luka were also going as chaperowns. It worked out perfectly so they chould also go to the Gala and see Lila and her sheep get recked.

Alya was sitting beside Lila, Nino and Max beside them. Rose and Juleka were in foront of Alya and the lier. Iven and Mylen were beside Rose and Juleka. Nathaniel and Sabrina were behind Alya and Lila and Mylene and Ivan were beside them. Mer.B(I'm just calling her that now) sat in the very front, with no one beside her. Adrien and Marinette were about two rows behind Nathaniel and Sabrina. Chloe was beside them with Alix. And lastly behind them was Kagami and Luka, sitting beside each other.

The plainride was mostley un-eventfull. They usuall lies comeing out of Lila's mouth and everyone swarming around her in awe. They decied this whould be a good time to play as Jason.

"Jason": Heard your going to Gotham. I whould ask you to vist but my hospital is in New Jersey.

Marientte laughed and showed her friends the text. They also laughed. How chould they be so stupid?

Mari: Is'nt Gothem in New Jersey?

"Jason": Oh sorry mind is still messed up. I meant New York.

Mari: Alright Jay-Bird. I'll text you later.

She shut off her phone and fell asleep. Her head fell onto Adreins shoulder and Chloe took lot's of photos as "Blackmail".

After a few hourse of haveing to hear Lila's ear percing voice the plain landed and the class got off. They looked around the airport in awe and began snapping photos on there phones.

Mari sent a quick text to Jason of the converstaion she had with the fake Jason. Her's whant she got back.

The REAL Jason Todd: Lol, sending this to the bat-fam chat.

She gigled imagining there reactions. Each studnet was to bring one suitcase for the week and maybe a bag. Marinette had brought her desighner MDC (witch she made) suitcase. It was pink with  gold accents. It had beautiful black flowers swarming all around it.

Adrien just brought a plain black one he used when going on modelling trips. Alix had a green one and brought a drawsting bag with her. Kagami had a red suitcase and Luka had a white suitcase with his gutar also. Chloe had a beautifull gold and yellow suitcase Marinette had made for her brithday. It was a light shade of yellow with gold flowers all swarming around it.

Lila of course decied to start the week with anougher big fat lie.

"Marrinette isn't that my suitcase? MDC personly made that for me." She told the girl. Only the class was there and Ms.B. Soon all eyes were on Marientte and Lila.

"No sorry Lila it's mine." Marinette said before begining to turn around and walk away.

The lier then began to wail saying Marinette was a lier and had stool her suitcase. It had gotten so made that some students were trying to take Mari's suitcase. Chloe helped stop them but soon it wasn't going to be enough. So Ms.B put her foot down.

"That's enough everyone. Lila please get off the floor. That is Marinette's suitcase and eneyone who takes it while be susspend for stealing person property and taken starit back to paris. Lila the grey one over there is yours." She said as she walked away ignoring the insuts flown her way by her idiotic students.

They all got there stuff and made there way to the bus. As Lila lied more about Gothem and knowing other celbes.

About half and hour later they made there way to The Wayne Enterpries Hotel. "Very Origanl Bruce" Marinette though as they when't in to chek in.

Marinnette and Ms.B made there way to the recpetioist.

"Hi, I'm Veronica, the Recipenest her at this hotel how may I help you? She asked. She had purpple hair in a bob cut with a white dress shirte whith black dress bants and balck heels. She also had big brown eyes that kinda made her look like a deer.

"Hi Veronica were the students here from Paris. Were here on a feild trip and this is were were staying." Marinette told her. As class President things like these were her job.

"Ah yes you are! Here are your room keys, the elevators are right at you left. Enjoy your stay!" She told them as they made there way to the rest of the class and up the eleveator.

They had reserved a whole floor, so no one whould have to deal with a bunch of teens.

"Alright everyone lisen up. Here are the liveing arengmets we have for the rest of the week, I don't care what happens these will not change so behave. Alya, Lila, Nino and Kim you will be in room's 1 and 2. They are connected but at lights out please be in your respective beds. Next, Rose, Jeleka, Max and Nathenial, you will be in rooms 3 and 4. Just like before at lights out please be in your respective beds. Mylene, Ivan, and Sabrina room's 5 and 6, there also connected. Chloe, Adrein, Marinette, Alix, Kagami, Luka room's 7,8 and 9. Those 3 rooms are also connected. I will be in room 10 if anyone needs me. At 8 it's lights out and you will be in your respcective beds alone!"

She handed everyone there passes before adding. "We have a big day tommrow so get some sleep. We will meet here around 7:30. Please behave and enjoy your stay."

And with that everyone made there way to there rooms.

Texting Jason | DC and Miraculous Ladybug CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now