Captin Snow Cone

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Dedicated to: miraculouslife9876

The plan for Day 4 of there adventure was to go to a Space Museme and then walk on a trail. There were only a few more days before the Gala so evryone starting to get exited. The Space Museme was just a show about the diffrent planets and such.

"Now class before we go in, remember to behave and lisen. We are going to be studying space when we get back so remember to lisen." Ms.B said as there entered.

The room was filled with beanbag charies and such. It was cummfy mess. The room was a doom shape with a circle in the middle with a "Do Not Tuch" sign on it.

"My greatx6 grandfather was Galileo Galilei. The knogglge he had was brought down generation by genoriation. Tim Drake, Bruce's thrid son, use to show me and Damien grand shows all about space." Lila told the class.

"That's great Lila, maybe you can help the class learn more." Ms.B said.

"Of course I whould love to."

"Hear that Mari-trash Lila acually has ansestors. Not like you who are all probobly in prison!" Alya shouted acorss the room. The class then started to laugh along with the girl.

"Why you-" Chloe started but was finished when Marinette pulled the girl over to some of the beanbag chaires.

"Chloe, Alya that's enough. Becuase Lila so gracually offered we will be having a pop quiz about space when we get back." the class grumbled and sta down waiting for the show to start.

The show was amazing. There was a voice talking threw the hidden speakers talking all about the diffrent plantes and stages of the moon. Afterwards Lila kept lieing how she knew all this stuff and whould happily help her friends.

"Hey, Marinette me and the others were going to study at the park, whant me to help?" Lila asked.

"No thank you Lila." Marinette responded as she turned and when't away with her freidnds to the deriection of the bus. But beofre they chould get there Mari felt her shoulder get roughly grabbed. She spun around to reavel the rest of her class glareing at her and a crying Lila. Seriouly how much is this girl going to cry on there trip.

"How can you be so rude to Lila Marinette? She only whanted to help." Alya told her ex-best friend. The rest of the class agreeed and soon marinette got slapped  by none other then Sabrina.

"HEY!" A group of 6 yelled as they saw there friend get slapped.

Adrien helped Marinette into the bus while everyone else just yelled at each other.

"Enough!" Ms.B yelled.

"Everyone on the bus now!" and with that everyone got into the bus.

Soon they got to the trail. It was acually in Central Ciry and boy was it pretty. There were tress everywere with new rich green leaves. There were blouders an stones all around and a trail leading into the forest.

"Ok Class stay close. You may take photos and scuh but stay tougher. No more fighting Undersand?" Everyone agreed as they entered the trail. There were a few familys all around, walking but it was pretty empty. Perfect day to have a class walk.

Marinette was takeing a few photos, getting inseration for diffrent outfits. There was a loud comontion and everyone turned and saw Captin Cold. Yay, just what they needed. The class started to scream and hide, while some were just watching. Marinette roled here eyes. A Park really?

"Hey why aren't you screaming?" he asked as he saw Marinette standing there with a bored expretion.

"Your better makeing snow cones with that outfit." she said as she began to pick her nails.

"N-no I'm not!" he said as his face turned pink.

"Oh, really? It be more money and a hole lot easier."

"Acually little lady your right..."

They then began to talk about opening up a snow cone shop when Flash arived.

"Oh..." he dragged as he saw the scene beofre him. A tiny frech girl and Captin Cold talking and everyone was hideing.

"Oh hey Flash, care to give me a ride, to the sation."

"Shure?" he said as he raced off.

As he left everyone got up and began to calm down.

"Really Marintete your working with a crinamel?" Juleka asked. Though she usally wan't one to talk, she was a big fan of the Flash and hated Cold.

"I just stalled him till Flash came. I saved you all." she rolled her eyes beofre going to help Ms.B. Suddenly her phone when't off.

"Jason": Heard Cold was with ya, you ok?

Mari: Yup just shaken.

"Jason": Wanna talk?

Mari: No but my idiot class thinks I'm working with Cold.

"Jason": Are you though?

Mari: NO! I just stalled him till Flash came and saved the day.

She turned off her phone and followed her class to the bus. So much for a nice walk in Central City.


After a long day all Marinette whated to do was lie down. Of course in this class her dreams never come true.

Lila was crying (Dose this girl never stop?), what else is new and pionting at Marinette.

"Y-you, you sent those texts!"

Marinette was acually confused. Weren't they sending her texts as her dead brother?

"What what did I send you." bordeom clear in her voice.

She waved the phone infornt of Marinette's face.

Unkown: It's me your dead grandmother. Go die.

"How dare you pretend to be my dead granmother!"

"Lila I whould never to prented to be anyone's dead family. It's wrong and disgarcfull. You're pretneding to be someone who dead 2. hurting mouring people even more and 3. lieing. It's one thing to lie about knowing somone but anough thing to now someones who is dead that means a lot to one person." she said as she walked away to her room.

The class felt ashamed. But it's Marinette why are they feeling this way?

Adrein walked by phone in hand.

"What are you watching dude?" Nino aked as he peared over his shoulder.

"This move, the actress is my favouite."

"You now I acually now that actress, I can talk to her and let you meet her you now." Lila told him.

Adrien then glared at her, a hurt look on his face.

"That girl is my Mother and she's dead." and with that he walked away.

Texting Jason | DC and Miraculous Ladybug CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now