Richard's not an Addict

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The Weekend had been fun for Marinette. She loved the Waynes and they loved her. But of course all good things must have come to an end.

It was monday and Adrein, Alix, Chloe and Marinette were makeing there way to there seats. Alix sat beside Chloe not wanting to be with everyone else. Of course everyone wondered why Alix was not with them.

"Alix why are you sitting beside Chloe?" Kim asked.

"Becuase there my friends." Alix said Non-Chalant.

Of course they didn't like that awnser so the argued back.

"What do you mean there your friends! Were you friends Alix!" Alya said to the pink haired girl.

"Friends don't beat up people." Everyone sent glares to the four of them. "And your not my true friends." She responded with and when't back into her converstaion with Adrien.

"It's ok guys if she whant's to be with those bully's it's fine." Lila said.

"But what if she tell's Marinette our plan?" Rose asked.

"Marientte is to stupid and gullable, no matter what Alix says it won't change a thing." Alya told them.

The bell rang and they all sat in there seats, staring at Ms.Busiar.(I really need to learn how to spell her name)

"Class I have some exiting news for this years finale field trip!" She told the class. This all got there attention and they started to chat about where it chould be to.

"Becuase of some hard work of one of our studnets in the essay contest we will be going to Gothem and extending one of the Wayne's Galas!"

Everyone got hyped and started to clap and cheer. Well not Chloe, Adrien, Alix and Marinette. They new all about it, it was part of the plan after all. Then Lila spoke up.

"Oh, I called an old friend of mine Damien Wayne and told him I had entered and he made shure that His father Bruce Wayne picked our class to go. Damien is just like a cute little puppy nobody can say no to him."

"Woah you did that for us? Thanks Dudette!" Nino told her.

"You know the Wayne's Lila?" Rose asked. She had alway admired them for there chariety work and going to a Gala was one of her dreams.

"Yes. We knew each other since we chould walk, we were inspreable. After Jason's poor death he intrudeced me to his family as his girlfriend. We were tougher but they didn't like that I was not a Gothem citizen, so he made up a lie saying he way gay. Now were just friends." She lied.

The four in the corner and to stop them sleves from laughing.

"I helped there poor family stick tougher. Richard was an Addict and Bruce had kicked him out. Tim became depressed and Damien becmae all cold." They gigled but thankfully no one heard. 'Richard" was liveing with his girlfriend Zatanna and his old friends in Budhaven. Tim was a Coffe Addict and not depressed, just needed sleeep. And well...Damien was always cold.

"We will be leaveing tommrow, so make shure to pack all your stuff on this list." The Teacher told the class.

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