~ Deux ~

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Rose lifted herself up slowly. She felt a headache start to form. She looked at her surroundings. Tall buildings, bright sun light seeping through the alleyway she had mysteriously found herself in. What part of town is this? She thought. She stood up. It was then she noticed her clothes. She was no longer wearing her warm comfortable pj's. Now, she wore a black ankle length skirt with a pale blue button up shirt. She looked through the alley and found a puddle. She made sure no one was looking so she wouldn't end up looking like an idiot, before stepping to the puddle and looking at her reflection. She gasped. Her brown shoulder length hair was now much longer, flowing past her shoulders and down her back. Rose also noticed that she no longer had her fair coloured skin. Now, her skin was olive. The last thing Rose saw was the single hoop earing in her right ear. She touched it, new to the feeling of peirced ears.

"Hey you! Gypsy! What're you up to!?" Rose looked up to the entrance of the alleyway. Two tall men stood wearing silver armor and carrying spears. Rose's heart raced. This was definitely not her town anymore.
She looked more closely at the men. They looked...fimilair.
Rose gasped. They were the guards from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. They spoke again. "Shouldn't you be helping your fellow circus folk with the feast?" One of the men asked. They chuckled, obviously making fun of Rose for being a gypsy. Rose nodded, excusing herself and running out the back of the alley. She looked up and down the streets. She was panting from anxiety. What the hell just happened to me. How did I get here. Then she stopped. She looked down to examine her fingers. The ring her mother had given her. It was still there...

"Wouldn't it be cool if I was in the movie?"

Rose stared at the blue gemstone. "I'm in the movie." She breathed. "What am I supposed to do? Help save everyone? That already happens. Ugh I need help." Rose whined. Just then, a small blue speck flew out of the gemstone on her ring. It glowed until it popped. Floating in front of Rose's face was a small blue fluff ball with wings. It's big green eyes stared back into her blue ones. "W-what are you?" Rose asked, barely above a whisper. The blue fluff grinned. "My name's Elumes. You can call me El if ya want." Rose nodded, not believing her eyes. I must be dreaming. "Oh no, this is all very real." El said with another wide grin. "Wh- How did you-" "I can read your thoughts silly. Like any good pixar-dian."

After about 10 minutes of El explaining everything, Rose summarized. "So, this ring is magic, and you're a pixie, who's been sent to guard me in these little'adventures into movies' ?" El nodded. "So, now I have to help the main characters save the day?" El nodded again. "But I thought they already did that on their own." El frowned a little. "Well, it's a little different now. See, when you came into this world, everything changed just the slightest. So now Esmeralda won't know to go to the church and claim Santuary from Frolo. Pheobus won't save those people from that burning house by himself. There's a lot more stuff, would you like me to continue?" Rose shook her head.

"This is all so crazy. How the hell did Grandma get this ring?" Rose chuckled. El shrugged. "Now, the movies about to start. I won't be able to tell you when you've entered or in which scene. But if you need help again, just say "Elumes m'aide". Oh, and be careful of Frolo and the guards, they see you as a gyspy now." He grinned. Rose nodded. "Thanks El." He say goodbye and dissapeared back into the ring.

Rose sighed. Well, first order of buisness is to find out what scene I'm in. She thought. With that, she krept carefully down the street as to not be seen by any guards.

Rose's Ring - The Hunchback of Notre DameWhere stories live. Discover now