~ Neuf ~

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The Gypsies gagged her before she could tell them why she was here. Her arms were tied around her back so she couldn't remove the hood from her face. She tried to shout but it was no use.
It was then Rose notice the king of the Gypsies wasn't there. In the Court of Miracles song he was the leader of the group when Phoebus and Quasimodo came.
She struggled in the grasp of a large man who was much stronger than her. She knew it was pointless.
Once Clopin sees me he'll get me out of here. She thought to herself.

Rose scanned the crowd that had gathered. There were so many people. Rose had also noticed all the beautiful colours that scattered the walls. Fabric, cloth, and blankets all over the place, giving the cavern a very homely feel to it.
Rose continued to look for the purple-suited jester but she couldn't see him anywheres. She began to panic. "Mumph mmph!" She tried to shout out that she didn't mean any harm, but was unsuccessful due to the gag. She felt the rope grow tighter around her neck.
Rose had an idea. She reared her head back multiple times, throwing the hood that had been tightly wrapped around her head and causing her face to be mostly hidden as well. Some of the ground gasped but some of them just stared at her with a blank expression.
"Rose?" Rose could recognize those rolled 'r's anywhere's. She sighed. Clopin stopped the man pulling the lever for the rope. He stepped onto the stage, but didn't untie her right away. He looked very stern.
He did remove the gag, and Rose took in some air that she had been robbed of. "How did you find us." He said, his eyebrows were knit together and his eyes looked into hers intently.
"Esmerelda sent me. She told me to tell you she was okay. She didn't want you to worry but she also said that if she came back here she was scared she would put everyone in danger by leading the guards here by mistake, now can I please get this rope off of me?!" Rose rambled. Clopin's expression was blank for a moment before a small tinge of concern appeared. He didn't untie her still. "You know this place is sacred. If Frollo finds us, all these people will die or be tortured. These people, my people, are trusting you to not speak of this place to anyone." Rose nodded, never seeing this side of the jester. She was a little frightened. Clopin nodded and went behind her to untie her hands.
"It's beautiful." Rose was rubbing her wrists after Clopin had untied her and set her free from the noose. Clopin nodded. "Us gypsy folk like to keep things colourful." He said with a small smirk. Rose chuckled. "I see that." She said gesturing to the king's yellow and purple outfit. He was no longer wearing his mask, but the bells and the hat were still the same as the festival. He chuckled a little, before crossing his arms over his chest and biting his bottom lip. "What's wrong?" Rose asked him gently. He sighed. "Esmerelda."
"Is smart enough stay out of harms way." Rose added. Clopin nodded. "Oui. I know." He sighed again before excusing himself. "It was lovely to see you again mademoiselle." He said before gently kissing her hand. He didn't seem to notice the flush that had appeared on Rose's face. "I-I...yeah. Y-you too." She sputtered.

About a half hour later, Rose was sitting playing with a young girl and laughing as the small child danced and jumped around.
"Dancing bears, painted wings. Things I almost remember~" Rose sang gently, as to not disturb anyone around her. The little girl was dancing and swaying with a small smile. Her short brown ringlets bounced around while she danced.
"Someone hold me safe and warm, horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully across my memory~" The girl finished her dance and jumped into Rose's arms. "Ton voix est si belle. J'aime beaucoup dancer avec toi madame." Rose picked out the few words she knew.
Voix was voice. Belle was beautiful, or pretty. J'aime, I like. And dancer was easy. Dance.
"She says you have a beautiful voice, and she likes dancing with you." Rose looked up to see the King again. "Oh. Well then," Rose looked back at the small child in her arms. "Merci beaucoup." Rose said in her rusty French from middle school. The child hugged Rose before running off to join her hand with an older woman who smiled in their direction.
"That's the happiest I've seen Madéline in while." Rose looked up to the man standing beside her. He sat down on the bench next to her. "Her mother and father were caught in a fire six months ago. Frollo had started it. They had thrown Madéline out of a broken window to save her. Of course she suffered some damage. Her lungs are better now, but ever since then she hasn't played with any of the other children." Rose looked over to where the small 6 year old stood with the old woman. "She has her aunt left. But even then, Fiona doesn't have long either." Clopin said referring to the older woman.
Rose was shocked. She had never thought of anyone other than the main characters in the movie. She knew now that everyone here had their own story. "That's terrible." She said in a whisper. Clopin nodded sadly. "She seemed to take quite a liking to you. Although, I don't think I know anyone who wouldn't." Rose chuckled and thanked the man.
"Monsieur Trouillefou!" A boy about the age of eleven or twelve came running up to Clopin. "What's wrong Matthew?" Clopin asked worried. "It's the Miller's house! Frollo's found him and is on his way there. Maman et Papa told me to tell you right away!" Clopin stood up and Rose followed. She tried to remember the name from somewhere. She gasped. She reached out to Clopin and grabbed his arm. He looked back at her, his eyes full of concern. "He's going to burn it..."

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