~ Douze ~

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Though Rose was unconscious, the commotion still rolled on. She awoke with a massive head ache. She looked around to see many children. She looked up. She was in a cage with the children.
The pyre.
Rose was overcome with emotion. She hadn't stopped any of this. Not even a little. Everything was the exact same as in the movie.
Why did I think I could change it? It happens for a reason right?
Rose perked up slightly when she remembered Quasimodo. "He'll save her." She whispered to herself.
"S'cuse. Mademoiselle. Are you alright?" A boy came and sat next to Rose. He looked to be around the age of ten or eleven. She forces a smile.
"Yes. I'm fine. I'm just..." She stopped. She was scared.
She didn't want to tell the boy that.
"You're crying."
He said quietly. Rose noticed then, the few tears that had made their way down her cheeks. She chuckled sadly. "Yes. I guess I am." She apologized to the boy and forced another smile. He looked up at her. His eyes were watery. She hugged him without giving it another thought.
Rose has always been great with kids, at least according to her family, which was ironic since she was an only child.
The two parted and Rose saw a few tears fall down his rosy cheeks. She thumbed them away. "Its going to be okay. I promise." She said. The boy nodded. Rose notice the few other children and a few teenagers in the cage. They were mostly girls. The other teenage girls were puffy eyed and some were still sobbing into their skirts or their hands. Rose felt sorry for them. She gathered them around. "Come here. Let me tell you all a story." She started. She began to tell the entire plot of the movie to the children and teens. They sat quietly, most of them stopped crying. The small kids were the ones easiest to calm. The teenagers were a different story. "Quasimodo was scared. He didn't know what he could do. Then he saw his best friend at the pyre. She started to cough. He felt so mad, he began to break from the chains he was bound to.." Just then, they heard a noise over the burning wood and the city of angry people. They looked up to the roof of Notre Dame. It was Quasimodo. He had broken his chains and was swinging down. Rose continued her story while watching the event unfold.
"Quasimodo swung down and scooped up Esmerelda. He climbed back up the side of the church and made sure she was safe before returning and throwing down a large wooden plank onto Frollo's carriage."
Wood chips scattered the ground. The kids looked on in amazement. Rose couldn't take the smile off her face. She saw Frollo order the guards who remained to pick up the plank. She continued again.
"Then, ex-captain Phoebus smacked one of the guards and grabbed the keys to his cage. He unlocked the cage and began to yell at the crowd."
Phoebus's voice was loud and clear  among the crowd.
"Will we stand for it?!" He shouted. The crowd was angry now. They charged at Frollo's men. The Gypsies cages were all unlocked and everyone spewed out.
When Rose's cage was unlocked she told the girls and kids to follow her. "Come on. Everyone grab a hand." She said to them as she lead them into an empty shop that hadn't been burnt down. Rose told the teenagers to stay there until she came back for them.
Before Rose could leave, she felt a hand on her skirt, pulling her back. She turned to meet the beautiful brown eyes of Madéline. "Oh Madéline! You're okay." Rose hugged the child.
"N'être pas peur madame Rose. Je suis pas peur donc tu ne doit pas être non plus." The small child said in her high pitched voice. Rose looked over to the teenagers for help. One of them stood and smiled as she came over to Rose and Madéline. She had short black hair. She looked to be a little bit younger than Rose. Maybe sixteen.
"She says she isn't scared so you shouldn't be either." The girl translated. Rose smiled at her then looked back down to Madéline. "Merci." She said and told them all to be safe and careful. They nodded.

Rose ran out into the crowd of people, spears flying above her head and punches being thrown around her.
"Rose? Rose, you can't be out here!" Phoebus ran up to Rose and started to scold her. She held up a hand to him. "Don't underestimate me captain." Then she smiled sarcastically. "Oh, I mean ex-captain." Suddenly, a guard came running behind Phoebus and he turned. He was too slow. The guard was going to tear right through him. Rose immediately pushed Phoebus onto the ground beside her and grabbed the spear handle. The guard scowled at her. She just smiled and ripped the spear upwards. The guards grip was weak, even for a man.
[A/N: yes I did just do that, thank you, thank you. ;)]
The spear was now in Rose's control and she threw it to Phoebus. He stared at her with wide eyes. "Nicely done." He said and she laughed. She bowed, sensing a man behind her. (A/N: Who are you, spiderman?) The guard behind her who was about to tackle her ended up flying above her and landing next to the other defeated man.

The fight was almost over. Rose was running up the steps of Notre Dame to get to the second floor. She ordered Phoebus to stand at the side of the balcony. "Trust me. Stick your arms out and wait. Be prepared to catch someone."
Rose smirked as Phoebus looked absolutely dumbfounded when Quasimodo fell right into his arms. They pulled him over and set him gently down on the ground. "Don't worry. It's gonna be okay now." Rose said quietly. Then she remembered the children. "Shoot. I gotta go!" Rose shouted and ran down the steps. As she did, she ran right into Esmerelda. "We won!" She shouted and hugged Rose. Rose returned the hug for a moment. She said a quick sorry and raced down the steps.

"Hey you guys! It's okay to come out now." Rose said as she entered the shop. The teenagers were all cheering and hugging and the kids were all running around and jumping up and down. "I take it you all heard what happened." She asked the girl who had translated for her. She nodded and smiled brightly. "Finally, we don't have to live in fear anymore." She said. Rose smiled and asked her if she wanted a hug. The girl laughed and said yes.
They hugged and finally introduced one another. The girl, who said her name was Mia Del Varo, told her they had been watching from the window. They had seen Frollo's death and all celebrated. Rose chuckled. "Let's go celebrate with everyone else then."

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