~ Sept ~

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"Come one! Come all! Close the churches and the school, it's the day for breaking rules! Come and join the feast of...." Rose sang along with the crowd before watching Clopin jump out from behind a few tall figures dressed in black and shout, "FOOLS!" He began to laugh. Rose immediately noticed he wore his yellow jester suit again. The bells on it jingled with his every move.
"Once a year we throw a party here in town..."
Clopin smiled and sang. He spotted Rose and winked before leaning in and grabbing her hands and swinging her in circles. Rose laughed as he ran off into the crowd again.
"Once again it's Topsy Turvy Day!"
Clopin turned his head to the crowd and Rose followed his gaze. She spotted Quasimodo trying to hide in his cloak. Clopin continued to torment Quasimodo while singing and Rose watched as he was pushed into Esme's tent. Rose knew what she had to do for this scene. She had to either stop Esmerelda from bringing Quasimodo on stage or just get him down before Clopin and Esme crowned him.

Clopin was now dancing on the large stage waiting to introduce Esme. Rose watched him throw his smoke bomb and Esmerelda appeared. She looked amazing in her long red dress. Her hips swayed and she smiled at Rose. Rose waved and cheered. Rose has forgotten about Frollo until Esmerelda jumped over to his platform where he sat and danced seductively around him. She pulled her scarf around his neck before pulling his hat over his eyes and jumping back.
The smoke bomb went up and Clopin was back. He collected the coins that had been thrown for the beautiful dancer and began singing about the king of fools. Rose looked for Quasi. She was too late. Esmerelda was already pulling him up on stage. His cloak fell off him and revealed his figure.

There he stood. His shirt ripped and tomato's splattered all over him. Rose felt guilty though she knew it was going to happen. She raced to the front of the crowd and pulled herself onto the stage where Quasimodo stood. He looked at her confused and sacred. She gave him a weak smile. "I'm here to help." She whispered as Esmerelda joined her, changed back into her original clothes. "Gypsy! I order you to get down from there!" Frollo shouted over the crowd. Esmerelda nodded. "We will, after we help this poor creature." Esmerelda looked at you and nodded as if to say I'm going to help you.
Frollo shouted again. "I forbid it!" Rose remembered cringing and wanting to beat up Frollo back home.
"You mistreat this boy as you do my people!" Esme shouted. Rose was mad. She began to shout the first words that came to mind. "You speak of justice yet you are cruel to those who need help!"
"Justice!" Esme shouted again.
Frollo threatened Esmerelda as she picked up the crown that had been on Quasi's head. She raised it up for the crowd to see. "It seems we've crowned the wrong fool, for the only fool I see here is you!"
Frollo shouted at the guards to catch Esmerelda. Before the rest of the Gypsies scattered Esme told Rose to take Quasi somewhere safe. She nodded and they parted, running opposite directions.

"W-Why are you helping me?" Quasimodo asked. The two were now in the church. Rose gave him a warm smile. "Because you deserve just as much love and care as anyone else. You're still human Quasi. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." Quasi stares into her eyes and Rose bent down to place a soft kiss on his head. "I'm sorry, but I have to go find Esmerelda." Rose said and Quasi nodded. "Thank you." He said quietly. Rose smiled again before rushing to the door.
Quasi was up the steps and in his tower when Esmerelda rushed into the church. Rose had been waiting for her just inside the doors.
"Esmerelda! You're okay?" Rose asked and hugged her friend. Esme nodded, out of breath. Rose has lead Esmerelda into the church, knowing very well how they would escape.
"By the way you looked amazing when you were dancing." Rose commented. Esmerelda's response was interrupted by the doors of the church being opened. In stepped the captain of the guard. "You again." Esmerelda scowled. Rose gripped her shoulders. "It's okay. He's not going to hurt us." She whispered. The captain stepped closer and started to apologize. Esmerelda was still on her guard, but she hadn't taken his sword or taken up the candle stick to beat him with.

"My name's Phoebus. It means...sun god." The captain said as he smiled gently at Esme and Rose. Rose stepped forward before Esmerelda could strike back with a snarky remark. "This is Esmerelda. I'm Rose." Esmerelda gripped Rose's hand and pulled her back. "We can't trust him!" She shouted in a whisper. Rose chuckled. "I think we can. Trust me." Rose said. Esmerelda sighed. "If we die I'm going to kill you." Rose nodded.

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