~ Treize ~

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Rose had Madéline in her arms as they walked over to the large crowd of citizens and Gypsies. Rose spotted Esmerelda and Phoebus at the entrance. She set Madéline down next to her and watched as Esme lead Quasimodo our into the light.
Rose smiled as a little girl about the age of seven walked up to him. She had olive skin and brown ringlets.
Rose gasped. "Madéline." She sighed and chuckled. Rose watched with a large smile as Madéline lead Quasi out into the crowd and he was lifted. "Three cheers for Quasimodo the Hero or Notre Dame!" Clopin shouted as he hung from a flag pole.
I swear to god that man is a pole dancer. Rose laughed to herself.
"So here is a riddle to guess if you can, sing the bells of Notre Dame."
Clopin sang as he lifted a young girl up into his arms and tickled her with his puppet. "What makes a monster and what makes a man?"
Rose smirked as he hopped down and looked her direction.
"Sing the bells bells bells bells~"
Rose started. Clopin began to sing a different part and they eventually got to very last high D note. Rose smiled as she belted the last note. Clopin sang a note slightly lower, harmonizing with her high pitch.
"Bells of Notre Dame~"

"Can't you stay just a little longer?" Asked Mia. They stood in Time Square, where all Rose's friend were saying goodbye to her. Rose just smiled and hugged her friend. "I'm sorry. But I have to go. I wish I could stay here forever but, I told somebody I would only be here for a week."
It was the moment Rose had been dreading since the sequence of the movie had ended.
She picked Madéline up into her arms and the little girl wrapped her arms around Rose's neck. "Non, non tu ne peux pas aller. Tu est mon seul amie!" "No, no you can't go. You're my only friend!" Rose had been brushing up on her French with Esme, so she responded no problem.
"Donc tu dois faire les nouvelles amis." "Then you have to make new friends." Then she added. "Je te promets je vais te visiter."
"I promise I'll visit you."
Madéline dug here face into Rose's neck. Rose hugged the girl closer. "Don't worry...I'll be back." She whispered.
As she set Madéline down she heard bells gently ringing from behind her. A pair of hands were then placed over her eyes. "Hello monsieur Clopin." She said sarcastically. Clopin chuckled from behind her. She turned to face him. "What gave me away?" He asked. Rose thought, her expression very overdramatic. "Maybe it was the hat? Or maybe the bright yellow suit? No..." She stopped and gasped. "It was the bells!" Clopin rolled his eyes. "Ah oui." He said, matching her sarcasm.
Rose laughed and held her arms out for a hug. Clopin raised an eyebrow. "Do you really want to hug me?" Rose laughed. "Yes? Why wouldn't I?" She looked at him slightly confused. "I mean, I give very good hugs but..." He motions to his suit. Bells hung everywhere on him. Rose rolled her eyes and pulled him into a large hug. He laughed and it made Rose smile. "Y'know, I like you. You're very funny." Clopin said with a sly smirk. He crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Of course not as funny as me."
"Oh ya, you're so funny you start to sing songs when you're hanging people." Rose muttered under her breath. Clopin eyed her with wide eyes and a smile started appear on his lips. "You little-"
"Rose!" Esmerelda shouted. She was pulling Phoebus behind her. Clopin stepped aside for the moment and Esmerelda hugged Rose tightly. "I wish you could stay here with us." Rose chuckled. "You've said that many times. And so do I. But I have to get back to my own home." Esmerelda pulled away and looked at her. "Why not just move here." Rose nervously came up with an excuse. "Well I- my mom she's not into moving at the moment. A-and my d-dad is very attached t-to our house..." She rubbed the back of her neck. She didn't notice Clopin who was smirking slyly off to the side. He had heard her ramble and now he was absolutely sure that his theory about Rose was correct.
"It was so amazing to meet you." Quasimodo said shyly. Rose bent down and placed a gentle kiss to his head. "It was a pleasure meeting you too Quasimodo."
Last was Phoebus. "Uh. Well I didn't really meet you very well." Rose nodded and giggled slightly. "It's fine. Any friend of Esme's is a friend of mine." Then she added quietly. "It seems you two are a little more than just friends. So it's now my mission to become you're best friend when I come back."
If I can come back.
Phoebus nodded and then was pulled away by Esmerelda. "Come on slow poke! They're playing my song, lets dance!" She yelled.
As Rose laughed, Clopin gripped her hand. Before Rose could say anything he pulled her away farther from the rest of the crowd.
Rose gasped and smiled nervously. "H-hey..." She said confused at the mans actions. "So, I have now figured out why you're so different. It's because you're not even from here!" He said with a big smile. Rose's eyes were wide. "Y-yeah. I told you I'm not from around here, I'm from-" Clopin stopped her.
"You're not from this time, is what I meant. You're not from Paris, you're from America. I'm not sure where yet, but I'm working on it. I'm also guessing that you're younger in that time period." Rose was stunned at his last accusation. "What do you mean, I'm the same age as I am back home?" Clopin's grin turned into a smirk. "See? I just got you to admit it." Rose sighed. "Fine. I am. But you wouldn't believe me if I told you everything." Clopin smiled and sat down crossed legged on the ground. "I have time." Rose rolled her eyes.
"Do you know what a photograph is?" She started. Clopin nodded. Rose sighed and sat down next to him on the ground.
Oh lord help me. She prayed as she tried to explain to Clopin what a movie was.

Clopin's eyes were wider than Rose thought possible. "This is amazing." He said shocked. "Yeah. That's what I said!" Rose said.
"A magic ring, a blue fairy, and moving pictures?!" Clopin said excitedly. "You're acting like a child Clopin." Rose said casually.
He chuckled. "Sorry. It's all very interesting." He said. He looked back to Rose and stood up before helping her up.
Rose wipes herself down and gave him one last hug. "Are you going to come back?" He asked after they separated. Rose shrugged. "If I can, I will. I promise. This place is way too beautiful to leave forever." She looked back at the church that stood proudly in front of Time Square.
"Well, I can't wait for our next meeting mademoiselle Rose." Clopin said with a big smile as he lifted her hand and kissed it gently. "And to you as well monsieur Clopin."

Rose stood in the alleyway sad she had to leave but anxious to see what she had missed at home. Was time the same as here? Her parents were going to kill her.
She summoned Elumes and she asked how she gets home."
"Home? No, you're stuck here forever." He said very seriously. Rose froze. "What?" She said, panic began to spread in her mind. Elumes laughed.
"I'm just kidding. All you have to say is the opposite of what you said to enter." Rose looked at him confused. "What? Is it like, I wish I was back home?" Before Elumes could respond Rose felt the awkward tingly feeling in her fingers and her toes. She shut her eyes tightly as she felt the tingle grow and she smiled when she felt it all leave her limbs.

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