~ Epiloge ~

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Rose sat on her bed with a pencil and her notebook. It had been about a day or two since her birthday adventure. She had found out that time hadn't changed at all while she was gone. Her parents had still been upstairs and the movie was still on, playing the credits.

"Honey? You in here?" Her mothers voice came from outside her bedroom door. "Come in!" She said, not looking away from her drawing. Her mom walked in and smiled at her daughter. "Whatcha working on?" She asked as she settle on the side of Rose's bed. Rose say up to show her mom her drawing. "It's that guy from the movie right?" Rose smiled and nodded. "Clopin Trouillefou." Rose laughed at her mom when she made a face. "A strange name." Rose nodded. "Yeah, but it suits him."
Her mother smiled again. "Well, little ms artist, it's time for dinner. Hurry up and wash up." Rose rolled her eyes. "I'm not six mom. I'm eighteen." Her mom forced a laugh. "Don't remind me or you can move out on your own." Rose chuckled. "Sorry. I'm coming." Rose said as her mom left her room. She stoop up off her bed and set the drawing of the jester-suited King of Gypsies on her dresser. "I'll come visit again." She whispered to no one in particular.
"Rose! Foods getting cold!" Her father yelled from the kitchen.
"Coming dad!" Rose shouted and ran out of her room.

That night, her dreams were colourful and brighter than her other dreams. This dream consisted of jesters and jugglers, red-dress wearing dancers and ex-captain soldiers.
I'm definitely going back. Rose thought to herself in the morning.

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