~Six ~

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It was late. Dark. Cold. Rose shivered outside of a shop. She wished she had 'appeared' with a sweater of some sort. Rose had an idea. "Elumes, m'aide." She said in a hushed tone. The blue fluff all appeared suddenly and gave Rose a big smile. "How's it goin'?" Rose rolled her eyes. "Well. I'm cold and it's dark out. I'm also very tired and I have no place to stay the night since Gypsies aren't super popular here." El nodded, but since he was just a small ball, his whole body moved up and down. El then flew around in circles, creating a faint blue glow.
When he stopped, a small cloak and blanket floated into Rose's lap. She chuckled, shocked at what had just happened. "This is all starting to freak me out." El laughed. "Now it hits you?" Rose chuckled then yawned. "You should try to get some sleep." El suggested. Rose nodded. She said goodnight and Elumes was gone once again. Rose leaned against the shop's wall behind her and looked up. She saw all the stars above her.
Goodnight mom. Goodnight dad.
She thought before leaning back and trying her best to fall asleep.

"Aller! Tu n'est pas supposé d'être ici, petit rat!" (Go! You're not allowed here you little rat!)
Rose awoke by being hit over the head with a broom. She gasped and jumped up. While her mind was still foggy from sleep, she ran away from the shop owner. He scowled as she looked back. She had grabbed the cloak and blanket before she ran.
Hopefully she could find an empty alleyway to get a little more sleep since it was still very early. Shops were still closed except for a few restaurants that served breakfast. Rose wondered if she could earn some money so she could eat. She hadn't noticed how hungry she was before now. She looked around until she spotted a slim figure in the shadows. "Esme!" Rose cried. Esmerelda ran to her and hugged her. "How'd you sleep? Did you find some where's to eat?" Esmerelda demanded. Rose just chuckled. "I'm still a little tired and hungry but I'm still alive aren't I?" Esmerelda frowned. "Come with me." She said and gripped Rose's hand tightly. Esme pulled her behind a baker stand and grinned. "See that?" She pointed to the fresh buns and pastries set out on the bakers cart. Rose nodded. "Well, we're going to have a little snack." Esmerelda smirked and Rose just looked on in both surprise and concern. She had never stolen anything in her life, (other than her cousins toy car, but that was way back when they were 6).
Esmerelda watched the baker who was walking back over to his products. She waited until he had left to go back into his store and grab some more bread. Rose watched on in amazement as Esmerelda picked up a what looked like a powdered bread loaf and a large baguette (ironic I know). She grabbed Rose's hand again and raced off in an alleyway. (A/N: I'm sorry but i don't know where else they could hide. And usually alleyways are common in the movie, at least from what I can remember. I have to rematch it, sorry.)

It turns out the powdered bread loaf was a small cake. The two girls had split it in two and eaten the baguette together as well. Rose thanked Esmerelda and she smiled in return.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the festival?" Rose asked after Esmerelda lead her down a path behind some buildings and homes. Esmerelda smiled. "Where do you think we're going?" Esmerelda ran up ahead. Rose followed as they exited from behind the houses.
Times Square was full of different carts and wagons. There were tents set up around the large stage where Rose remembered Esmerelda dancing and Clopin jumping around on. She chuckled at the thought of the man running around and swinging on poles like in the movie.

They reached Esmerelda's tent and she pulled Rose inside. "Look at it!" She said to Rose as she showed her the red dress she was going to dance in. Rose smiled. "It's beautiful. I think you'll look stunning." She gave Esme and wink. Esme blushed the smallest bit but just enough for Rose to see. She chuckled before leaving and letting Esme change.

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