~ Quatre ~

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As Rose sighed and leaned against a wall, she looked at her surroundings. Everything here looked the same! Suddenly she spotted a blonde man with a horse.
The captain! Rose thought. He's the one who spots Esmerelda first! Rose watched as his face lit up as he looked at something out of her line of vision.
Esmerelda...she must be over there somewhere...
Rose stood up and quickly ducked behind the captain and walked swiftly past Esmerelda.
Before Rose could do anything, a small child jumped up on the fence behind Esmerelda and the other gypsy playing the instrument she had been dancing to. The child whistled loudly and Esmerelda gasped. Rose could remember this bit. Esmerelda's goat picked up the hat they had all the coins in but dropped some over the stone path. Rose grabbed them and Esmerelda grabbed the hat as well as the kid (kid as in baby goat).
"Hey! You there! Where'd you get all this money from?!" Two guards came up behind Rose and scowled. They grabbed her arms. She struggled but didn't manage to break free. "She earned it, thank you very much!" Rose said, smiling to herself as she quoted Esmerelda in the movie. The guards laughed. "Ha! Gypsies don't earn money. They steal it!" Rose scowled as she ripped her arms free, still clutching the golden coins. She grabbed Esmerelda's hand and ran past the captain. Knowing he would stop the guards, she ushered Esmerelda into an alley way. They panted. When they both had caught their breath Rose handed the money back to the girl. She was even more beautiful up close. Her raven hair looked as soft as silk as it flowed around her shoulder. Her emerald eyes bore into her own. Esmerelda smiled. Rose smiled back. "Thank you." Esmerelda said, then she added. "I've never seen you before. Not even in the Court of Miracles. Who are you?" She asked. Rose stuck out her hand. "My name's Rose. I'm...not from around here. I actually just travelled here." Esmerelda shook her hand and nodded. "I'm Esmerelda, but you can call me Esme. Me and Djali definitely owe you. You saved him and our money." Rose shrugged. "I mean you could repay me right now by agreeing to show me around without getting caught. I have a feeling you're pretty good with your way around here?" Esme laughed a little. It was almost like soft bells, as if the bell tower had rung again. Rose smiled again. "Sure. Come with me." Esme motioned for Rose to follow and she did without hesitation.

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