~ Onze ~

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Rose ran to the main hall. There was already a crowd who was jeering as Clopin who was in his purple suit again introduced the two intruders.
"No! Clopin don't!" She yelled. She sighed, frustrated. She couldn't be heard over the chorus of people.
"This should be fun..." Rose said to herself sarcastically. Suddenly, she saw Djali running away from the crowd.
Esmerelda must be back.
Rose knew Esmerelda would stop Clopin before he could do any real damage.
"Any last words?" Clopin asked the two men. Their muffled yells were laughed at by the crowd. "That's what they all say." Clopin sounds around and suddenly he was dressed as Judge Frollo. "Now that we've seen all the evidence-" His puppet came up and shouted. "Wait I object!"
Clopin pushed him down out of sight while shouting. "Overruled!" The puppet came up again.
"I object!"
"Dang." The crowd was used to their kings behaviour.
"We find you totally innocent."
Esmerelda still was no where to be seen...
"Which is the worst crime of all."
Rose began to panic...
"So you're going to hang!"
Both Rose and Esmerelda shouted at the top of their lungs. They looked at each other from across the crowd and shared a greeting through eye contact. Both girls raced up onto the stage. Rose untied Quasi and Esmerelda went to Phoebus.
Esmerelda and Phoebus must be a thing now, and Quasi...
Rose sighed as she looked at the poor boy. He stared off at Esmerelda with a longing.
Rose turned his head towards her. "Did anyone see you? Were you followed?" She asked urgently. Quasimodo looked confused. "N-no. Why would he if he's already found it?"
"Thanks to you, I have." Rose's heart plummeted. Frollo stood at the entrance. Guards swarmed the Court of Miracles. They grabbed the Gypsies. Children cried and women screamed. Rose's heart broke in two when she caught a glimpse of Madéline being ripped away from her aunt. Tears began to stream down her face, she screamed and kicked the guard. Rose began to scream. How dare they take that poor child away from the only person she has left. Rose was so mad, she ripped her arms around and surprisingly, got free of the guard that held her. Two more guards that were standing beside Frollo came towards her. She threw punches, left, right. She hit one of the guards and knocked him down to his knees.
Before she could do anything else she heard three voices yell at her.
Esmerelda, Phoebus and Clopin shouted. "Behind you!"
It was too late. The guard had hit her pressure point with the bottom of his sword. Rose fell to the ground with a thud, unconscious.

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