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"That movie was so good!" Rose says as she smiles at her parents who are both laying on the couch beside her. Her mother nods. "It was pretty good." She says as she gently wakes her husband who had fallen asleep sometime during the film. Rose pushes her popcorn bowl off her lap and stands to stretch. "Clopin has a certain je ne sais quoi about him. And Esmeralda is just an absolute heart throb." Rose looks over to her dad who's now stretching his arms above his head, almost hitting her mom in the face. "I'm still getting used to you saying stuff like that about girls." He says through a yawn.
Rose just smiles. She had come-out to her parents about being bi-sexual a few weeks ago. She figured since it had been almost 6 months, it was time. Yes, of course she had been nervous. But her parents were as supportive as ever. She was glad they didn't mind all that much.

Just then, her mom stood up, grabbing the empty popcorn bowls to take them upstairs to the kicthen. Rose yawned. "I think I'm gonna head to bed. I'm kinda tired." She said. Her mom smiles and hugged her. "Happy Birthday beautiful." She said and placed a gentle kiss on her head. Rose thanks her parents for the amazing day and all the presents before they head upstairs to the kitchen as well as their room. "Oh, don't foget to turn off the TV please." Her dad calls before he leaves. Rose looks back to the screen. It was a black screen with many many names sliding down. Suddenly, her phone buzzes from a side-table next to the couch. She picks up her phone to see a Snapchat message from her best friend Lizzy. She opens it to see a picture of Lizzy and her brother. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOSER!" The caption read. Rose smiles and sends back a picture with a caption: "Thanks nerds." As Rose goes through some other messages she hadn't answered yet, she starts to fiddle with her new ring.

"Here, it's the family heirloom. Grandma Delia sent it in yesterday." Rose's mom hands her a small box. It's a deep ocean blue, with velvet lining the sides. She opens it. Inside sits a delicate ring with a small blue gemstone in the middle. The silver metal was cool on her fingers as she slid it on. She was amazed at how it fit almost perfectly. "It's beautiful..." Rose said, trying her absolute hardest not to show her small dissapointment. "But?" Her mom asks, knowing her tone all too well. Rose sighs. "I love it, thank you. I'm very grateful. But I was hoping for something more....magical." Her mom just smiles gently. "Don't limit your mind." And with that she left Rose, saying she was going to make her favourite for supper.

Rose sat on the couch, still fiddeling with the cold metal band on her finger. What did she mean? She sounded like she had said it for a very important reason. Rose thought to herself. She shrugged, pushing the strange thoughts to the back of her mind. She got up and looked at the TV screen. It was still playing the credits. Rose rolled her eyes. Then another strange thought entered her mind at random. "Wouldn't it be cool if I was in the movie?" She chuckled slightly at her imagination. She picked up the remote, but when she was about to push the eject button, she felt a very weird tingling in her fingertips. She looked down to her hands. She dropped the remote as she saw something terrifying. Her fingers were slowly fading away. It looked like they were turning to dust particules and entering the...TV? Before Rose had time to register what was happening, she felt the tingling grow and move up to her shoulders. Then her neck and her torso. Her legs. Her toes. She tried to scream but the noise didn't come. Rose closed her eyes, waiting to see some sort of bright light lead her to the heavens, or an angel to save her. But she didn't see any light. In fact, almost as soon as she closed her eyes, she felt her body go numb. Then she was cold. And very uncomfortable. She slowly opened her eyes, and was greeted by cold, damp, stone ground.

Rose's Ring - The Hunchback of Notre DameWhere stories live. Discover now