~ Trois ~

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"Morning in Paris. The city awakes to the Bells of Notre Dame~"
Rose heard a man singing. His accent was most obvious when he sang any words with 'r's in them. The storyteller! She thought to herself. Rose stepped cautiously towards the large puppet-theatre cart with a man, maybe around the age of 20 to 25. (A/N: I looked Clopin's age up and it said he was 18 and I was like, nah that doesn't sound right, so here ya go...)
"Listen, they're beautiful, no? So many colours of sounds. So many changing moods.  Because, you know, they don't ring all by themselves." The man inside the cart told the story of The Man and The Monster. He wore a very festive suit. It had a yellow top that split into two seperate peices on his torso, they were dark blue and royal purple. He had bells sewn on his suit almost anywhere he could fit them. He also wore a mask along with a hat that matched his colourful outfit.
Suddenly, he pulled a puppet up and some of the small children that were watching started to laugh. The man began to voice the puppet.
"Up there, high, high in the dark bell tower, lives the mysterious bell ringer.  Who is this creature?" The puppet followed after, repeating everything.
"What is he?"
"How did he get there?"
"How?" Suddenly, the puppet was smacked over the head with a small stick. "Hush." The man said. Rose giggled slightly, along with the little children watching. The man heard the laugh of the young woman and looked over to meet her gaze. He smiled at her. She returned the favour and he went back to his story.
"Clopin will tell you..."

Rose almost face-palmed right there. How could she forget Clopin! He was the one she liked out of all the male characters of this movie. Rose got a little feeling of pure joy. She would get to meet Clopin! In real life!

"Frollo gave the child a cruel name.  A name that means half-formed - Quasimodo!" Clopin was almost done his story. Rose had shifted from the side of the street to closer to the children. In fact one of the young boys had become very tired and accidentaly fallen onto her lap. She didn't dare wake him, scared he would begin to cry and interupt the story.
"Now here is a riddle to guess if you can sing the bells of Notre Dame. Who is the monster and who is the man?~" He sang out. Rose closed her eyes and listened to him closely. She loved this part of the movie when she had watched it. It was even better now. She could hear the bells ring loudly above the town.
She smiled brightly as her favourite chords began to ring out.
"Sing the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells~"
"Bells of Notre Dame~" The high D note was even more incredible.

"Um, pardon mademoiselle?" Rose looked up to the cart window after all the children had left to go back to their families. Clopin was leaning out of the window slightly. Rose smiled at him and he did the same. "Bonjour. I don't think I've seen you around here before." He said looking her over. Rose felt a little anxious under his gaze but answered him as best she could. "Um, yes. I've just travelled here." She said. He nodded. "If I may ask, are you planning on staying for long?" He questioned. Rose thought for a moment. The movie takes around 3 days or so to go through everything, right? She looked back up to the man in the jester suit. She shrugged. "I know I'm staying for a few days at least." Clopin just nodded. Rose decided to say what she had been thinking during his song. "You have a wonderful voice you know." She blushed just a little while the words tumbled out. Clopin chuckled slightly as he began to pack up his cart. "Merci beacoup, but I think the fact you joined in made it even better." Rose gasped. "Wait, I joined?!" She said embarassed. Clopin smirked and nodded as he grabbed his little puppet man. Rose groaned. "I'm so sorry, Clopin. I didn't mean to, it's just those chords were so beautiful and sounded so much fun to sing I just-" She stopped herself from rambling when Clopin stepped out of his cart and looked at her wide eyed. "How do you know me?" He asked, chuckling nervoulsy. His accent was ever so evident, but Rose was not complaining. "Oh, you said it in your story." She said quickly. Clopin laughed. "Oh yes. I forgot about that..." He said. Rose nodded awlwardly. Clopin broke the silence.
"Are you staying for the feast of fools?"

That's where Esmeralda meets Quasimodo...

"Yes! I've heard about it from where I come from. It sounds like a lot of fun." Clopin laughed. "It is! It's even better when it's your first time." They smiled.
Just then, Rose spotted a few guards coming around the corner. They made eye contact with her and glared. Oh right...I'm a gypsy. "Sorry Clopin, I'll see you at the Feast of Fools." She said and before Clopin could say anything else Rose was jogging down the street. She didn't really need any trouble from any of the guards right now. She really wanted to find Esmerelda. Rose decided to stop beside a venders cart to try to remember where Esmerelda was seen first in the movie.
She remembered the captain of the guards, what was his name again? She couldn't remember. She could picture Esmerelda dancing with a goat. "She could be anywheres!" Rose said angrily. Suddenly she looked at the vender who was looking at her in confusing. "Oh, sorry." She said shyly.
Rose was going to have to search the market place for the beautiful dancer. With a sigh she was off and exploring again.

Longest chapter yet: 908 words.

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