~ Dix ~

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Rose had never been a big horse person. The steed was galloping towards the Miller's house. She wanted to see if she could help in any way.
She got there just as Frollo's men came out of the house. Rose joined the rest of the refugees behind a large boulder. She watched as Frollo handed Phoebus a torche and demanded he burn the house. "There's children in there." Rose said to herself. A hunched old man came up from behind Rose and set a hand on her shoulder. Rose looked over and saw Djali, Esmerelda's kid. (Goat)
"I'm going to help them." Rose said to Djali, knowing Esmerelda could hear her. Djali shook his head. Esmerelda stuck her head out and looked at her pleadingly. "Don't. You'll get caught." Rose smiled confidently. "Go down to the river. Trust me. Wait there for me and Phoebus." Esmerelda looked at her, confused at the girls plan.
"Please, just trust me." Rose pleaded. Esmerelda hesitated, then nodded.
As Rose pulled the cloak hood around her head once more, she raced carefully across the grass towards the house. She watched as Phoebus dunked the flaming torch into a barrel of water. Frollo's scowled. He grabbed another torch but not before Rose raced to the back window and smashed it. She looked at the family, who looked scared and confused. "Come with me. Quickly!" Rose shouted in a whisper. The mother looked to the husband and he nodded. The mother handed Rose her child and lifted the older boy out. Suddenly, flames burst out and trapped the couple inside. "NO!"
Rose shouted. She grabbed the boys hand and told him to run to the boulder. Rose handed the baby to him and the boy cradled her with care. "It'll be okay. You're mom and dad will be there in a moment." The boy had tears in his eyes but nodded and rushed to the other refugees who took the baby and cradled them both carefully. Rose ran to the side of the house and looked around the corner where Phoebus had already gotten the couple out of the house. Rose whispered to them, telling them where the children were. They ran away to join their kin as Frollo was occupied with Phoebus. The other guards held him down as another one lifted his sword.
Before the sword could swipe down on Phoebus's neck, a stone smacked Frollo's horse and it reared. Rose screamed for Phoebus to grab the horse. She ran towards him and grabbed his hand. They raced off, arrows shooting after them. "Get them! And don't hit my horse!" Rose heard Frollo shout.
"Go to the bridge!" Rose shouted to Phoebus. He nodded after a moment. The horse raced faster than most of the arrows.
One arrow that Rose saw flew towards Phoebus. "Sorry about this Phoebus, but you'll thank me later." She said before leaning to one side, pulling the ex-captain of the guard with her. The arrow grazed Rose's shoulder and she yelped with pain, before the two fell off to the side of the bridge and hit the water with a loud splash. Phoebus must've hit his head on a stone after he fell, since he didn't move and his eyes fell closed. Rose tried to swim towards him, but was met with pain in her upper arm. She looked up to see her shoulder was slightly cut open. The water of the river stung and got inside the cut.
Rose forced her arms to move, she reached out for Phoebus and grabbed his arm. He was heavy. Too heavy.
Rose heard a splash. Esmerelda dove into the river and spotted them. Rose's lungs began to burn. She pointed Phoebus's armour and Esmerelda nodded, understanding.
Rose gave her an apologetic look before letting go of the man and surfacing. She gasped and caught her breath before swimming back down.
She saw Esmerelda ripping off the last piece of Phoebus's armour. Rose grabbed his arm and pulled him up out of the water. The two girls gasped for air. Esmerelda looked over to Rose. She was still panting for air, but she reached over and hugged the brunette. Rose winced in pain. "Are you alright?" Esmerelda asked worriedly. Rose nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just a little scratch." She said. She looked at her arm and saw it was a little more than a scratch. There was blood running down her arm. The pain wasn't as bad as it was when she was swimming, but it was pain none the less.
"I'll take him to the church, I know Quasi will help him." Esmerelda said. Djali who had been waiting up on the shore came and looked sadly at the unconscious man.
Rose looked at Esmerelda who was struggling to carry the man. "I'm coming with you." Esmerelda shook her head. "Go to the Court so you can get fixed up. I'll be there right after I drop him off." Rose persisted. "Esme I'm coming. I got him hurt anyways." Esmerelda looked at Rose, a look of concern and frustration laced over her delicate features. "Please. Let me help you. I'll be fine, I promise." Rose said. She had to go with her. She had to warn Quasi and Phoebus to make sure Frollo didn't follow them. Maybe she could stop this whole thing...
"Actually..." Rose commented. "Maybe you're right."
If I prevent all this from happening...then Esmerelda won't be saved and Quasimodo won't become a hero and Frollo will still be after the Gypsies.
"Thank you. I'll get someone else to help me. Promise me you'll go back to the Court and get cleaned up?" Esmerelda took Rose's cheek in her hand. Rose looked up at the beautiful woman in front of her. Her emerald eyes mesmerizing.
Rose nodded sadly. "Yes. I promise. Just, be careful. And tell Quasimodo this, Frollo isn't always truthful. Tell him to be careful. Please." Esmerelda looked confused but nodded slowly. "Okay."

Rose stumbled into the Court of Miracles, having lost more blood on the way here than she would have liked...
Wonder what would happen if I died in a movie. Let's not test that today shall we? She thought to herself.
Rose chuckled sadly to herself as she felt her legs give out from under her.
She heard people gasp and she looked up to see the crowd parting for someone. "H-hey Clopin." Rose murmured. She was so tired. She had been busy staying away from all the guards so she had to take the long way around to find another entrance to the sewer. Not that it had been hard to find a sewer cover.
Clopin knelt down to her. "What happened?" He asked in a serious tone. Rose chuckled again. "This is most serious I've ever seen you." He rolled his eyes and made a 'tch' noise with his tongue.
He called someone over to help him lift Rose and walk her to a tent that looked like a medical place. There were bottles and tables full of medical supplies. Clopin thanked the other gypsy and he left. "Tell me what happened." Rose sighed as she sat down on a bed in the corner.
"Well, I went to the Miller's home. Frollo's men were there already and he had trapped the family in the house. So I went around the back and broke a window and got the kids out before Frollo burnt the house down." Clopin had a cloth with some water on it. He was nodding along with her story. His expression never changing from one of concern or slight surprise. He walked over to where Rose was seated. Rose stopped her story as Clopin looked at her shoulder with an awkward stare. "Uh, may I?" He asked motioning to her sleeve. "Oh yeah, sure." Rose said, not really feeling as awkward as Clopin obviously. He moved her sleeve down to her forearm and patted the cut with the cloth. Rose let out a small yelp. Clopin knit his eyebrows together, but didn't take the cloth off. "Je m'excuse mademoiselle, but it'll sting." Rose nodded. "Ya, thanks for the heads up." She said through her teeth. Clopin asked her to continue her story. "Oh right. So, as me and Esmerelda helped Phoebus out of the river, she made me promise I would come here and get cleaned up." Clopin stood up and went to grab a bandage. "Where is she then?" He asked. Rose sighed. "Don't get mad at me, since I tried to stop her." Clopin raised an eyebrow. "Alright." He said, his mouth in a thin flat line.
"She wanted to get Phoebus checked out so she told me she was going back to Notre Dame and she would be back soon but I told her not to since Frollo might be there and-" She stopped. Clopin was smirking. "What?" She asked him. He just shook his head. "Nothing. You're just...different." Rose chuckled. "Thank you?" She said as a question. Clopin let out a single chuckle. "I do mean that in the best way. It's just, you come here out of no where. You don't know any of us yet you trust us and for some strange reason we trust you too. Now you're concerning yourself with us instead of yourself. God I've only known you for about two days. Esmerelda, maybe three?" Rose looked at her feet, not really knowing what to say. "You're not like anyone I've ever met before. It's as if you...." Clopin stopped, as if searching for the right words. "It's like you've known us for months." Rose grew anxious. She forced a laugh. "Months!? Ha! That's funny. No way, I mean that's crazy! Why would you say that?" She stood up but was pushed back down by the King. "You need you're bandage mon chérie"
Rose blushed. "Right." She said.

Clopin finished fixing Rose's arm and was now 'doing his king duties' he called it as he left the medical tent. Rose had ventured into the crowd, looking for her little friend. "Hey, have you guys seen Madéline?" She asked a few young children who were playing with a small bean bag. Before they could answer Rose heard laughter coming from the main hall. She recognized it from somewhere...of course! It was the Court of Miracles scene! But that meant-

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