~ Cinq ~

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It had been about an hour or two before Rose followed Esmerelda into an alleyway. They both were laughing and out of breath from running away from many guards and shop venders. "Rose I have to say I've never had this much fun in a long time." Esme said with a sweet smile. "I'm glad I could help I guess?" Rose said with a small giggle. Suddenly, Esme grabbed her wrist. "You should come meet everyone else." Rose shook her head. "I really think I should wait. You don't even know me really." She said nervously. She still had to try and find a way into the church and see Quasimodo. As Esme started to ramble about how everyone would love her and accept her, Rose had an idea.
If I stay with Esme for tonight I can just go straight to the Feast of Fools when she goes. She is a dancer there after all.
Rose finally nodded. "Okay." Esme stopped speaking. "Great! Of course we will have to tell Clopin and see if he agrees with letting you stay."
"Why him?" Rose asked. She knew he was a gypsy, as well as the storyteller. But why did he have to decide whether or not she stayed. "He's the official Gypsy King." Esme said with quotations. Rose oh'd before Esme lead her to a small metal sewer cover. "Watch your step." Esme said quietly as she opened the cover to reveal a ladder. Rose stepped down and gently padded through the water.
The Court Of Miracles. Rose thought with a smile. Esme jumped down to join her and grabbed a torch Rose hadn't seen in the wall. She lit it with a small match she had in her skirt pockets and lead Rose down through the tunnels. Esme didn't say anything, she looked like she was waiting for something. "Wha-" Rose was interrupted by a loud voice from farther in the tunnel. "What do we have here?"
Rose watched as another torch was lit and revealed...

"Clopin! Look I've found a friend!" Esme said to the gypsy king. He had a wicked grin which dissolved into slight surprise as he saw Esmerelda. His eyes flicked over to Rose. She waved slightly, nervous and wondering if he remembered her from earlier. Clopin looked her over then smirked again. "Oh, you're the one from my puppet show." He said to Rose as she nodded. Esmerelda looked between the both of them. "You two know each other?" Rose shrugged. "I watched his puppet show like the child I am at heart." Esmerelda hummed in response. Clopin sighed and walked closer to them. He was no longer wearing his mask or his yellow shirt. His outfit was much like his jester outfit but instead of yellow, it was fully purple. None of the bells were sewn on either, his shoes matching his dark blue hat like the one from before. "Esmerelda, there was a reason I did not invite her into here when I first met her. Believe me, if I could I would welcome Mademoiselle Rose in with open arms and let her stay forever." Esmerelda looked at her feet as Clopin set a hand on her shoulder. "But, I cannot. I can't have any risks to the others with more and more people going missing." Rose understood how he felt. She nodded and smiled weakly at the two. "I understand. Thank you anyways Clopin. I'll see you at the Feast of Fools."
If I know when it is. And where.
Esmerelda read her mind. "Rose!" Rose turned to look at her new friend. "Tomorrow in Times Square two hour after sunrise." Rose nodded, thanking her again and climbing out of the catacombs.

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