I Knew I Smelled Trouble (Part 2)

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Picture of Dante to the right 

Enjoy the new Chapter :) Let me know what you think! 


I look to Mikhail that’s when I notice he’s taken out the rogues but he’s got his own vampire to deal with. She has him cornered near some trees, and I can tell that he’s pretty weak from fighting those wolves. I feel a strange primal feeling to protect him come over me and before I realize what’s happening I’m charging at the woman. She doesn’t even get a chance to respond as my body collides with hers full force. We both fall to the ground tumbling together and than apart. I rise back up quickly into a crouch ready to attack her again. Mikhail is looking toward my appearance with surprise in his eyes. 

The vampire is back on her feet looking very angry, “What is this? A she-wolf?” She seems to get a wicked smirk at her realization, “You think you can take me on like that? It’s not going to be a very fair fight for you—“ She says in a confident tone. I narrow my eyes as I stand up but I don’t respond to her taunt. She uses her speed and comes at me, I don’t have time to register it before she has be pinned against a tree. Her hand is around my throat, “You’re pretty pathetic for a wolf. How disappointing, I enjoy a little more fight before a kill.” Her hand tightens around my throat and I find it harder to breathe. 

My wolf is scratching at the surface and my body starts to tremble, Kill! Kill! Kill! I feel the pain of my skin pulling tight. Oh no! I’m going to shift! I squeeze my eyes shut trying to calm myself down. The hand around my throat is suddenly gone and I’m falling to the ground. I open my eyes to see that Mikhail has forced her to release me and is now standing between the two of us, a nasty snarl ripping from his throat. The aura pulsing off of him is deadly even I feel a small wave of fear course through me. The vampire is looking very annoyed then Mikhail lunges at her teeth barred but she easily avoids his attack. He goes for her again but she seems to be having no trouble with evading him, which only seems to drive his anger higher. 

“Is that she-wolf your mate Enforcer?” The Vampire probes as he continues to go for her. He growls in frustration pausing clearly she’s only tiring him out more. Her eyes seem to brighten with amusement, “So that’s it isn’t it? That’s why the cold-hearted Mikhail is fighting so hard.” She laughs in wicked merriment, “Oh that is priceless.” Mikhail charges at her with a loud growl this time instead of moving out of the way she swats him away like he’s a fly. He goes flying through the air smacking hard into a tree. The crack of him hitting it rings out in the clearing. His wolf lets out a whimper as he falls to the ground. 

I sit on the ground in shock, staring across as Mikhail who is trying hard to get up but he doesn’t have the strength anymore. The vampire moves gracefully forward, “Love makes a fool of many. I mean look at yourself, look where that ‘love’ got you—“ I can see the faint glow of his eyes and I know he wants to attack her but he can’t. She looked away from him to me, “Now you get to watch as I kill your she-wolf—“ She begins walking towards me without a care in the world. Mikhail let out a cry of anger, as he struggles even harder to get himself back up. 

My eyes lock on the vampire approaching me and then to Mikhail who is looking with desperation toward me as he tries to recover himself. It was like a slow motion scene from a movie, where you notice everything at once with extreme clarity. I notice another vampire drop down from a tree near Mikhail and I can see that he plans to kill him. That’s all I needed. The shift is happening before I even have time to register it. One moment I was Elena the girl and the next minute I’m Elena the wolf. I let out a loud howl into the air. It causes the vampires before me to freeze in their movements. The woman’s eyes widen in surprise as I look to her my lips pulling back over my teeth. I wanted to kill her. I was going to kill her. How dare she touch my mate. 

I move quick towards her snapping my teeth. I felt them graze her as she barely evaded me. I slide to a stop and turn back around ready to go for her again. She is narrowing her eyes, “You little she-bitch! You’ll pay for that!” She hisses at me, her fangs flashing. I felt the power of my wolf rush through me, my muscles tensing ready for another attack. She crouched slightly readying herself for an attack when the sound of a howl echoed from the trees nearby. She froze and then seemed annoyed, “Tsk—Let’s get out of here while we still can.” She says to the other vampire. She levels me with a dark expression, “I’ll see you soon little she-wolf.” Then she flashed away pass me and into the trees. 

My wolf wanted to chase her down but thank god I was able to push back to the surface, shift back into my human self. I collapsed to my knees breathing heavily surprised that I had been able to turn back into myself without to much trouble. Quickly my relief is gone when I look over to see Mikhail laying on the ground, barely moving. I push myself up off the ground rushing towards him, “Mikhail?!” I call out his name. He groans a little and I feel a tiny bit of relief wash over me as I reach his side. I start to reach other towards him when I hear a nasty snarl echo beside me. 

I turn to see a grey wolf with his fur bristled up, ready for the attack. I freeze in my movements and hold my hands up in surrender. The grey wolf quickly shifts into Brandt who is looking at me with a deadly stare. I swallow hard as a group of men come out of the tree line, Dante leading them. My eyes flicker from them toward Sasha who is also holding her hands up in surrender as she stands next to a unconscious Gideon. Dante is the one who speaks, “What happened here?” He asks but his tone is full of suspicion and anger. Mikhail groans next to me as he tries to get up, mumbling something. I make a slight move towards him my desire to help me propelling me forward. 

“Don’t you dare move!” Brandt growls and I freeze again. Dante makes his way over to Mikhail in a hurry never once taking his eyes off me as if I’m going to strike out at him at any second. I feel frustration overwhelming me at the fact they assumed I was some rapid animal. He bent down and helped Mikhail up off the ground letting him use him as a crutch. Mikhail groaned as he pulled him up clearly in a lot of pain but his eyes looked to me for a moment and there was relief that I was alive and then it was quickly replace with anger. 

He looks away from toward the small group of men, “The women—“ He gets out those words before he passes out. Dante having to support the rest of his weight now. He looked over to me and then to Sasha who was looking down at Gideon with anxiety. He let out a frustrated growl, “Brandt grab Gideon.” Brandt gives me another dirty look before he rushes over and grabs Gideon but not without earning a couple of death stares from Sasha as he did so. “Alpha please take these women into custody until we have learned the truth of what happened here.” The alpha nodded his head and then motioned to a couple of men from the group to grab us. Sasha took a step backwards as a big muscular man made his way to her. He reached out for her but she gave him a punch to the face, which didn’t seem to do much. He reached out again and pressed the soft point on her neck and down she went like a sack of potatoes. 

I had been distracted by that, that I hadn’t noticed the man who had approached me until it was to late to fight back. The fingers were warm against my neck and the world began to turn black, “Not again—“ I whispered as I fell into the darkness. 

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