Mikhail is fast. Faster then anyone I’ve ever fought with. Not that I’ve fought with a lot of people but he seems to move like he already knows what you’re thinking. I pulled myself up off the dirt again for the fifth time rubbing my sore butt as I got up. He got himself into position again a small smirk on his lips. I narrowed my eyes on him. The ass was clearly enjoying this far more then he should be. I rolled my neck and then my shoulder, time to get serious Elena.
Mikhail watched me and his dark grin grew wider, “Don’t want to give up yet Sweet heart?” The way he called me sweetheart was clearly meant as a taunt. I growled, “Not until I wipe that stupid grin off your face.” He crouched forward with a deep chuckle and I felt my wolf stir inside me, oh welcome back. Thanks for a whole lot of nothing. I yelled at her in my head. She basically gave me what I assumed was the equivalent of flipping someone the bird. Mate? She perks up. I roll my eyes mentally, He’s been kicking our butt. Perhaps you might want to show him whose boss for once? Goodness my wolf was one high maintenance bitch at times.
“Don’t mind me I guess I’ll just wait here until you feel confident enough to attack me. Perhaps take a nap…” He’s really starting to get on my last nerve. I feel my a ripple of power run through me and I actually pause for a moment. My wolf had surfaced but it had never felt quite like this, it felt like somehow we were actually joined together. I flexed my hand for a moment and then bounce up on my toes. I felt completely fine again just like had this morning. What was going on?
Mikhail watched me with curious eyes but said nothing about my odd behavior. I smile to myself, I am totally going to kick his butt! I almost jumped for joy at the thought. We are going to show mate that we are a worthy female. My wolf growls in my head. Yeah, okay whatever that means. As long as I put him on his butt I don’t care. I respond.
I decide that I’m going to make this our last tussle and I wanted to show him that he couldn’t control me. I wasn’t some mindless pack wolf that would cower in front of him. I was someone who would stand beside him as an equal and I would be a pain in his ass until he acknowledged me as such. I reached down and grabbed the hem of my shirt. Mikhail’s amusement quickly disappeared as he watched me and I pulled that shirt up and over my head throwing it onto the ground. I would be embarrassed about the fact that I was standing there shirtless with only my bra covering me later. Right now I was going to be untouchable.
Mikhail’s eyes heated with desire instantly and I watched him lick his lips before meeting my gaze. I smirk as I crouched down, “It’s distracting isn’t it?” I ask him with a bit of smugness in my voice. He growls low, “You really want to do this Elena?” He asks. I bring my hand up and wave him forward toward me like I’d seen in kung fu movies, “Bring it on Sweet Cheeks.” I gave him a teasing wink.
He didn’t wait for any more of an invitation and charged straight at me. As it had been the other with Sasha everything seemed to be going in slow motion this time I went with it. His arms reached out for me and I leaned back far gliding under the arm that would have clothe lined me. I swung my arm down and smack his butt as I landed behind him. He seemed surprised by the fact that I had avoided him, “Did you just spank me?” I shrug my shoulders as I bounced back and forth on my toes, “I don’t recall.”
He chuckles darkly as he spins around to face me, “I see you’ve been holding back this whole time. I guess that makes both of us.” He moves quickly again going left and then right. He grabs my arm and tries to twist it up behind my back but I am able to spin into an awkward position grabbing onto his shoulder and throwing myself around onto his back so now I’m wrapped around him in some weird version of a piggy back. He lets go of my arm and I wrap my arms tight around his neck.
He puts his hand behind his back grabbing onto my waist and pulling at me. I hold on tight until he starts tickling me and I let go with a screech trying to do a backflip away from him. He moves fast and catches me and now I’m hanging upside down with his arms wrapped tight around my waist. I pick up my head a little to get a look at him and he’s smiling down at me like he’s already one. That only makes me angry. I throw my legs back and wrap them around his neck. He let’s out a throaty chuckle, “I don’t quite mind this position mate.” My cheeks flush as I realize the placement of certain body parts and his face. I reach up using his arms as a way to pull myself up. I let my claws out and sink them into the flesh of his arms and he curses letting go of his hold on me.
I hold my balance long enough to grab onto his head with my hands and then I slam my head hard into his. He lets out a string of curses as he stumbles back a bit up keeps himself upright. I use the disorientation against him. I let go of my hold on his head and drop my body down with all my power my legs still wrapped around his neck. I flipped him over and he went down to the ground his back hitting the ground with a loud thud. I quickly somehow had managed to stay anchored to him but now I was sitting on his chest. I looked down at him with a smile, “How does it feel to get beat by a girl? A rogue none the less?”
He looks up at me with dark eyes, “The fights not over yet…” He reaches up and grabs onto my arms as he rolls us over. His face is now directly between my legs and I find my brain scrambling for a moment. That moment of distraction was all he needed and he pulled himself up my body with one big yank, securing me underneath him with my hand pinned over my head.
He smiles down at me his eyes breathing heavy from everything we had just done. “Now what was that about getting beat by a girl?” He asks me. I feel annoyed that after all of that I had lost all because of my bodies attraction to him. It wasn’t fair. I continued to stare up at him and I realized how intimately our bodies were pressed together. If Mikhail noticed he didn’t seem to mind one bit. My heart started to race and all the place our bare skin was touching felt like fire.
Mikhail took in a deep breath, “Elena…” He says my name low and seductive. Oh god he knows how turned on I am right now and I find myself biting my lip as he looks down at me with hungry eyes, “Stop doing that or you’re going to get yourself into trouble.” His eyes focus in on where I’m biting my lip and then going back to my eyes. I stop biting my lip, “What kind of trouble are we talking about? I thought I already was in trouble…” I comment. He leans in close the heat of his breath hitting my skin and he releases his hold on my arms sliding his hands down them gently sending shockwaves through me, “It’s a kind of trouble that I don’t think you can handle.” His voice promises so much in that statement. I don’t really understand my reaction but I feel a wave of fear and excitement.
I lay underneath him and the thought that he is using our connection as way to beat me comes tumbling through my mind. The little slime ball! I narrow my eyes as I move quick, throwing my arm out toward the spot on his neck and pressing down firmly, “How about this for some trouble you can't handle.” I growl at him as I watch him fall into unconsciousness. His dead weight is practically crushing me. I push my body up against him with all my force and I’m able to roll him off of me. I pull myself up off the ground, dusting myself off.
I stand over him looking down, “Rule number one: Never let your guard down.” I walk over and pick up the shirt I had taken off and march back towards the house. Dante and Brandt are still standing there and when they see me coming back alone there eyes widen. I can tell they’re a little concerned, “Don’t worry he was just feeling a little tired. He is alive and well, not a scratch on him. His pride might be a little wounded though…” I say with a smirk and then walk into the house closing the door behind me.

The Hunted { old version }
WerewolfThey call them enforcers-They are the ones that come in and clean up when laws have been broken. They are the most feared and strongest of us. They were the ones who couldn't live peacefully in the packs so they decided to make use of them. Solidita...