We Must Be Killers

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There always a point when you’re putting puzzle together that you get to the end of it and there is one piece to fit in it before it’s complete. That’s what I felt like was happening in my mind. All of the things I had learned over the past two weeks or so had been like putting a puzzle together. My past, my present and my future all converging into one big picture. The four of us were racing towards Mikhail or well the vibrations that I was picking up on. It was leading us toward the big gathering room that Sasha and I had been in when we told them the idea about there being a spy. Something I wish I had only shared with Mikhail and the others now. 

“Are you sure it’s coming from there?” Victor asks and I nod my head. Eris beside us is wearing a very tight expression, “I can feel that Sarafina is in there as well.” We come to a stop outside the building and Victor set me down so I am standing on my own two feet. I take a step forward towards the door but Victor grabs onto my wrist, “You can’t just waltz in there Elena. We need to have some kind of plan.”

I pulled my hand free from his grip and my eyes flashed silver, “I do have a plan. I’m going to rip them all apart.” My own certainty about this feeling made me nervous. Victor looked a little shocked by my words and I’m sure the hardness in my eyes. 

I go to start forward again but I am hit with a piercing pain in my shoulder and I wince stumbling back a bit in surprise. I look to my shoulder and it doesn’t seem like anything is physically wrong. , “Elena what’s wrong?” The boy asks me putting his hand on my arm inspecting me for injury. When I am gripped by another wave of piercing pain in my leg I know that it’s not me who is being hurt. Whoever had Mikhail was hurting him and I could feel the pain through our mate bond because it had been getting stronger everyday. I know my eyes are silver again and I am shaking with pure rage that someone is hurting my mate. “It’s Mikhail. They’re doing something to him.” The boy let go of me and raced off towards the door and I watched in surprise  as the door flew open and a vampire came flying out at us. Sasha comes out of the door next jumping at the vampire with a stake in hand. I watched the tiniest smirk appear on her face as she stabbed it through his heart. 

“You never change—“ Eris comments beside Victor in a dry voice. 

“Sasha how did you—“ She rips the stake free from the now mummified mass, interrupting me, “Dante found us and brought us here. So glad you could join us.” She comments quickly as she raced back off into the building and I stare after her in surprise for a moment. I move away from the Victor and Eris running in after Sasha the boy following right behind me. The scene inside the building was complete chaos. 

The wolves were fighting against the vampires and a couple of rogues. Everyone seemed more blood thirsty then usual and I remembered that the full moon was tomorrow night. They had put this into the plan on purpose knowing that the playing ground would be more even that way. My eyes raked over the chaos looking for Mikhail or any signs that he was there and then I spotted a door new the back of the room that was a jar. He must be through there. I took off full speed toward the door. Ignoring the fighting around me, weaving in and out of them. The boy followed closely behind me but when a rogue jumped into my path way effectively blocking us I felt my wolf surge with anger. The boy put his hand on my shoulder, “I’ve got this you go get him.” He says to me. 

I watch as he moves away from me shifting into his brown wolf. He glared into the rogues face with wild eyes and then he release a loud roar in its face before snapping his teeth out at its legs. This was distraction enough and the rogue turned its attention from me and I quickly pushed myself through the door my wolf was in a frenzy to get to her mate and I felt the urgency through every fiber of my being. I ran down a small hallway that let to a set of stairs that led down and I assumed it was another underground set just like Victor had been in. 

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