“So just exactly who was that girl?” I ask Mikhail as he pulls his shirt on over my head to cover my body, “And what is a supreme alpha?” He tenses up at my last question but tries to cover it up.
“So many question as usual Mate.” He says with a snort as he grabs my hand in his and starts leading me toward everyone. I look up at him with a frown, “Well? I’m waiting for an answer.” He rolls his eyes and sighs, “It’s a ridiculous legend that bunch of old fools believe in—“ I look down at our joined hands, “Well that woman—“ He squeezes my hand, “Yeah well like I said fools.” And I smirk at his comment obviously he’s trying to make me feel better and change the topic but I wasn’t going to forget about it. I’d just ask someone else who was a little easier to crack. The gang is smiling as we stop in front of them. Sasha being the first one to speak, “Oh man the way you knocked her flat with that punch was beautiful. Freaking beautiful.” Gideon wraps his arm around Sasha and pulls her close to him. She gives him a dirty look but he ignores it, “In no time you’ll be throwing them like my mate.” He seems rather proud of her. She gives him an elbow to the stomach and he grunts letting go of her. I try not to laugh at the two of them.
Dante is puffing on a cigarette, “Definitely a good investment.” he gives me a wink and I smirk back at him. Mikhail growls a little for his wink at me and Dante hold up a hand in surrender but still wears a grin. He turns his attention to Sasha, “I thought you were going to keep her out of trouble.” Sasha puts her hands on her hips, “I’m not a babysitter, okay? She’s alive isn’t she? Although not for lack of trying to get herself killed…” she mumbles the last part under her breath.
“What was that?” Mikhail asks clearly she hadn’t said that last part soft enough. I glared at her and she smiled sheepishly. Mikhail looked down at me with a tense expression, “Elena…” He said my name in tense voice. I cringed as I looked up at Mikhail who looked like he wanted to throw me over his shoulder and lock me up forever. Instead he took a deep calming breath, “Gideon will you please take both the girl back to the house and make sure they stay there this time.”
“Where are you going?” The question rushes out of my mouth a little more needy then I had meant for it to sound. His eyes soften as he looks down at me and leans down so our face are level, “Don’t worry mate. I won’t be gone for long.” He presses a swift kiss to my forehead that sends sparks of heat through my entire body. He pulls back and lets go of my hand, “Dante. Brandt. Come with me.” He says and walks away and I feel my heart sinking with every step that takes him further away from me. As if he feels my pain he looks back over his shoulder at me and gives me a small smile and it send my heart soaring. When did I become such a needy person? Feeling suddenly frustrated with myself over how I was letting this mate stuff effect me.
Gideon sighed, “Alright ladies let get you back to the house before Mikhail comes back.” He takes Sasha hand in his and starts walking. She tries to yank her hand free from his but he holds on tightly and eventually she gives up. I smile to myself as I know secretly that Sasha would have punched him in the face if she had really wanted to be free. Looks like this mate stuff was starting to turn her into a big softie. When I giggled Sasha looked back over her shoulder at me with narrowed eyes as if she had been able to read my mind and then stuck her tongue out at me before turning back around.
Once were in the house Gideon has trapped Sasha on his lap his arms wrapped around her pinning her arms to her sides making it incredibly hard for her to escape. She had tried for a good twenty minutes with no avail. He was wearing a giant grin he didn’t even seem to care that she was giving him the silent treatment. I sat by myself in a chair, “So Gideon may I ask you question?” now was the perfect time while he was happy. He looked to me, “Shoot.” I smile leaning forward in the care pressings my hands to my knees, “What’s this about a Supreme Alpha?” His eyes widen a little at my question. Okay so this is apparently something that is taboo to talk about. So noted. I still waited patiently for him to answer.
“Who did you hear about that from?” He asks me.
“The Bimbo…” I say shortly. He nods his head, “Figures.” He grunts, “The Supreme Alpha is just something that the Elders believe in and some other wolves of course but it’s basically just a bed time story mothers tell there pups at night.” I scrunch up my nose a little, “I’ve never heard it before.” He gives me a look and I then give him a pouty lip because I really want to know about it. He stares at me for a long minute before finally heaving a sigh, "Fine."
I smile brightly at the fact that he had caved so easily, but then again no one could win against Elena's infamous pouty lip. He relaxes a bit more into the couch readjusting Sasha on his lap who still hadn't spoken a single word.
“The story goes that a great warrior was on his journey home when he stopped by a lake to drink but the lake was the holy resting place of the moon goddess and he saw her bathing herself. Being so possessed by her beauty he stole her away and tried to take her without her permission.” I made a disgusted expression, “You tell that to little kids?” I say with astonishment. “Of course not! This is just the adult and truer version.” Gideon snaps, “Now can I continue?” I motion with my hand for him to go on.
“Anyway she laid a curse on him. That at night by the power of the moon he would turn into a beast because that was what was in his heart. So skipping ahead after years of suffering from this curse he returned to the lake to beg the goddess for forgiveness and for her to remove the curse. She took pity on him and said that she would give him something to relieve the pain of the curse. She created for him a woman and imbued her with some of her essence. They obviously had themselves so babies and yeah, that the story of how we came to exist.”
“Okay but how does that explain the Supreme Alpha?” I ask in confusion.
“I’m getting to it patience woman. As I was saying—“ He clears his throat, “So then obviously over time there were a whole lot of us and they started to have wars amongst each other over who should be in charge and yeah, it was dark days. This displeased the moon goddess greatly so she said that only the male among then with good heart would be able to truly lead them. This man would be considered an outcast and his power would not be something given but something he earned. He would also be mated to a child that carried her blood and true power. Those who carried the goddess blood in them would only answer to the true supreme Alpha.”
“So anyway that basically the story, the Elder are those that have been carrying on the job of overseeing all the packs until the Supreme Alpha comes and us enforcers are here to make sure to keep everyone in line. I mean that would be could if it were a true story but it sounds to much like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me.” Gideon says with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Yeah it does sound pretty unbelievable.” I say with a laugh but on the inside there is something about this story that is making the wheels in my head turn. There has got to be something to this, my brain is screaming as it tries to connect some invisible dots together.

The Hunted { old version }
Hombres LoboThey call them enforcers-They are the ones that come in and clean up when laws have been broken. They are the most feared and strongest of us. They were the ones who couldn't live peacefully in the packs so they decided to make use of them. Solidita...