I turn back to him quickly as he slams the door shut behind him, “Wait, wait. I can explain everything okay?” I say as my eyes search the room for routes of escape but not finding any. I meet his eyes and I feel frozen for a moment as he comes towards me, “Okay, so explain. I’m listening.” He continues making his way towards me with slow steady steps. I can’t help the nervous chuckle that escapes my lips, “Um—well you see there we were waiting in the car like you said—“ He nods his head mockingly at me and I take a step back eyes looking anywhere but his, “And then Sasha said it was a trap so we decided to help you guys—and you know the rest.” I give him a fake smile finally meeting his gaze, “So you see I was only trying to help you guys. No reason to be angry…”
“Oh I’m not angry.” He says in a very calm voice that makes me feel like he is definitely angry with me, “I’m furious.” I quickly move back from him stumbling over a stool that was seated near the big chair. I fall back over it onto my butt and he stops looking down at me for a moment, a tiny smile crack across his lips, “Well I can’t say I don’t like this view of you.” I look up at him trying as I pop back up to my feet my cheeks hot with embarrassment. I see an umbrella leaning up against the fireplace and I rush over to it grabbing it in my hand and pointing it at him like a sword. He watches me with amusement as he crosses his arms over his broad chest, “You think you can fight me off with an umbrella? That’s cute…” He teases me.
“You stay away from me!” I say to him shaking the umbrella at him. I move to the side noticing a hallway, perhaps there’s a room I can barricade myself in. He watches me closely, “Are you really trying to run away from me?” He eyes grow darker with this question. I keep looking back and forth between him and the route to safety, “Call it self preservation…”
He chuckles and the sound dances in my ears as it had when we were in the car, “Why did the goddess curse me with such an unruly mate?” He asks of no one in particular. I frown at him, “I resent being considered a curse.” I huff at him, “I mean I saved your life. You should be more thankful, maybe next time I’ll let the vampire suck you dry.”
I take another step towards the hallway and his eyes are trained on my movements and I can see he’s not going to let me get away from him. He lunges quickly towards me grabbing a hold of the umbrella and I do the only thing I can think of. I push the button that pops it open, and it pops open quickly smacking him in the face and making in stumble backwards a bit. He growls at me as I throw the umbrella at him and run towards the hallway. “Oh no you don’t!” He grabs me by the arm.
I swing my free arm at him to try to catch him of guard again but he blocks it. My foot slips on the out from under me and we both fall onto the ground. His hold on my arm is released and I start to crawl towards the hallway as quickly as I can move but his large hand wraps around my ankle and pulls me back towards him with ease. Soon he has me pinned on the floor underneath him, both of us breathing heavily.
He looks down at me and smirks, “What you’re not going to fight me anymore? I thought a rogue would have a little more fight in them.” I frown up at him, “You know I’m actually a rather peaceful person. Well I was until you and your stooges kidnapped me.” He keeps the smirk on his face as he holds me captive underneath him. It grows quiet between us and I become extremely aware of the fact that his body is pressed against mine. I clear my throat, “Are you planning on slowly suffocating me death?” I ask my eyes casting downwards and then back up towards his face.
He leaned down so our faces where inches apart, “I don’t know. I’m still thinking about it.” His hot breath hits my skin and sends a shiver down my spine. My wolf was practically prancing around inside of me over the fact that Mikhail was so close to me. I felt my heart start to speed up which was embarrassing because I knew there was no way he was going to miss the effect he was having on my body. He continues to stare into my eyes and I feel my wolf rush to the surface. I know my eyes are shining silver and I have no control over it at the moment.
“Don’t misunderstand…” I start to explain but suddenly my words are cut off by the pressure of Mikhail’s lips against mine. I blink a couple times and then he pulls back looking at me with the same surprise I’m looking at him with. “Why did you do that?” I ask keeping my eyes on him. The door to the building opens, “Mikhail!” Gideon sounds a bit frantic. Mikhail quickly gets up off of me, “What is it?” He asks clearing his throat. I look towards Gideon and we make awkward eye contact for a moment before he turns his attention back to Mikhail, “Victor just got here. Elder Leon is with him.” I pull myself up off of the ground with a sigh. It seemed like there was no end to the werewolf drama. Was it always like this? I don’t see how they all weren’t trying to go rogue.
Mikhail looked over to me and I rolled my eyes, “I know, I know.” I look to Gideon, “Will you please take the prisoner back to her cell? Make sure to chain her up real good. She’s been quite the handful.” Gideon looks back at me with a tiny smirk. Mikhail on the other hand doesn’t seem as pleased by my attitude. His firm hand wraps around the back of my neck and I tense up for a second. He leans down so his mouth is right by my ear, “Be a good girl this time because next time I’ll really punish you.” His threat sends a shiver through me and makes my temperature rise. I nod my head a little but don’t say anything.
He pulls back and moves his hand to the top of my head where he gently strokes my hair before moving away from me. “Gideon, take her back then meet me in the Alpha’s quarters.” His voice is gruff as he makes his way out of the house in a hurry without looking back. I guess I should be happy that he hadn’t killed me. Honestly I didn’t understand what had just happened between us and I’m glad it didn’t continue because who knows what he was planning to do to me. Gideon motioned for me to follow him.
I follow behind him back to the room where I was being held. No one seemed to pay attention us as we walked by, “So I know that Mikhail won’t say this to you but thank you.” Gideon says in a hushed voice. My head snaps towards his figure in front of me as he comes to a stop in front of the prison house. He turns and put his hand onto the metal door, “If you guys hadn’t shown up we’d probably be dead. So I appreciate the help…” he opened the door for me. I can’t help but smile brightly up at him and that makes him raise an eyebrow, “What?”
I shake my head, “Oh nothing. I just never thought I’d live long enough to hear an enforcer thank me a ’rogue’.” His face flatlines, “Well don’t expect it to become a habit.” I try not to laugh as I step through the door and he follows in behind me. Sasha gives a look of relief when she sees me, “Thank god, I thought they’d killed you or something.” Then her eyes move to Gideon and they grow wider for a moment before she looks away, “Oh it’s you.” She says dryly but I know she’s secretly happy to see that he’s alive. He doesn’t say anything to her in response at all which is surprising to me considering his usual demeanor perhaps this whole thing really has them all on edge. He locks me back up in my chains and then exits the room in a hurry.

The Hunted { old version }
WerwolfThey call them enforcers-They are the ones that come in and clean up when laws have been broken. They are the most feared and strongest of us. They were the ones who couldn't live peacefully in the packs so they decided to make use of them. Solidita...