Mikhail carried me out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and when we got to the bed he just dropped me letting my body bounce on the bed. I let out a small laugh and he smile down at me before he climb into the bed next to me and pulling me into his body and wrapping his arms around me. I sighed with contentment as I nestled in deeper to him, “You smell so good. I just want to roll around in your scent all day—” I comment, “and I mean that in the least creepiest way possible…” Good job Elena, now you sound like you’re going to go all crazy on him. I mentally smack myself. He chuckles and I feel it vibrate through me. Quick think of something to distract him from your weirdness, “So—uh—how long have you been an enforcer?”
He is quiet for a minute and I think that perhaps maybe that moment in the shower didn’t bring us closer together, maybe I had just imagined it. “I’ve been an Enforcer since I turned eighteen but the Elders took me away from my pack when I was sixteen.” I listen to his answer with a smile It feels like a small accomplishment that Mikhail as shared some personal information about himself with me. His fingers are lightly stroking up and down my arm in a soothing manner. When I look at him it seems like he’s thinking completely unaware of the things he was doing. I smirked at that, “Did Victor come with you then too? I mean since you guys are brothers…”
“Half-brothers. Same dad, different moms. And no he didn’t. He joined later.” He says in a dry way and I take note that this topic might be something he doesn’t like to talk about so I steer myself away from it for now because I don’t want to have him close up again not after all the hard work I had done to get him to open up to me. “What was you dad like?” I ask and then feel like maybe that was a topic I should avoid too and feel stupid for bringing it up, “You know what, just pretend I didn’t ask that.” He laughs softly and pulls me closer to him, “Elena, relax.”
“My dad was a lot more like Victor. He could charm the pants off of just about anyone and people really love him. He knew when to be fight and when to walk away. I really looked up to him when I was young and I thought I wanted to be just like him—“ He says with a bittersweet tone in his voice and I listen carefully stroking his chest with my hand, “What made you decide you didn’t want to be like him?” I ask softly. He grow extremely quiet from a minute and I push myself up so I can look at him, “Mikhail?”
He is staring up at the ceiling with a hard expression but when I call his name his eyes flutter to me and his expression softens, “Let’s not talk about me anymore—“ And I feel slightly bummed out but I try to keep that feeling to myself. He gives me a smirk, “I want to know more about you Elena.”
“Me?” I question in surprise and then look away pulling my hand up to touch my chin thoughtfully before looking back to him, “There isn’t really much to know about me…” He raises an eyebrow but keeps his smirk, “Now that’s something that I’ll have to disagree on you with. I think there are a lot of things to know about you Elena. Things I’m dying to know.”
“Like?” I ask him.
He acts like he’s thinking for a minute, “How about what is your favorite food?” I roll my eyes and smile at his childish question but I humor him anyway, “My favorite food is garlic bread. I could eat a whole loaf of it by myself with blinking. If someone was going to torture me for information all they’d have to do is eat garlic bread in front of me and I’d crack like the freaking liberty bell. It's my kyriptonite.” Mikhail lets out a laugh and I relish in how the sound makes me feel warm and happy.
“You should do that more often.” I comment. He looks at me still smiling with amusement from what I had said, “I should do what more often?”
“Laugh. I like the way it sounds.” My words makes him look away awkwardly and his cheeks turn a little pink. Oh my gosh, he’s totally embarrassed now. He’s so damn adorable! I giggle, “You’re blushing Mikhail.” I comment and his cheeks turn even redder, “I am not!” He barks but I can hear it in his voice too and I start to giggle more, "Yes you totally are!" He looks back to me with a frown but I can’t stop thinking about the fact that big scary enforcer was blushing like a twelve year old girl.
He quickly rolls over on top of me pinning me down underneath him, “I’ll teach you to make fun of me” he says in a playful growl before he starts tickling my sides as he had earlier. I start to laugh harder squirming underneath him to find escape, “Oh. God. Please.” I say between my laughter, “I.Am. Going. To. Pee!” I screech out in hopes of making him have mercy. That usually works on people but Mikhail only stops for a second, “You forget I’ve have a younger sister. I’m wise to your games mate.” And then he goes right back to tickling me and I scream out in frustration unable to stop laughing, “You’re. Going. To. Kill.Me!” I yell. Finally, he stops tickling me and I am breathing like I ran a mile.
I glare up at him and he looks down at me with a satisfied smirk on his face. He leans down and kisses me on the tip of my nose, “I hope you learned your lesson mate.” I stick my tongue out at him and he raises and eyebrow, “Do I need to teach you another lesson about what I do to defiant little girls?”
“Only if it ends in a good spanking—“ I say in mock excitement. His eyes darken with lust and I re-evaluate the situation I’m in and to who I am speaking. My cheeks rushing with heat. I let out a nervous laugh as he leans down, “I’ve spanked you before and I wouldn’t mind doing it again.” he purrs into my ear. My tingles shoot through my body from the feel of his hot breath across my skin. He chuckles a little as if he knows the effect he’s having on my body. Wait, he does know, which is embarrassing to note every time I remember. It’s like I have an invisible lady penis that only he can and he knows every time I get the lady boner for him, which at this point thanks to my wolf is about every five minutes.
When there is a knock at the door Mikhail look hesitant to answer like he would rather just say in the bed with me all day instead. There is a moment of silence and then another knock and then with a reluctant sigh he responds, “What is it?” His voice is gruff and annoyed. There is a pause and then we hear Dante’s voice on the other side, “Sorry to interrupt you but it looks like the Elder wants to hold a meeting with us.”
All of the fun loving atmosphere is sucked out of the room as Mikhail goes back into his enforcer mode and I sigh. He looks down at me after catching my sigh and his expression softens for a minute, “As much as I want to lay here with you for the rest of the day Elena I have responsibilities.” I forced a smile, “I know.” I say even though inside I want to tell all the enforcers that he belongs to me now and not to them. I don’t know where all this possessiveness is coming from suddenly but it’s already getting old. He leans down and gives me a promising kiss on the lips and then pulls himself off me. He walks over to the door and looks back to me, “Can you please try not to get yourself into any trouble while I’m gone?”
I push myself up onto my elbows to get a better look at him, “Why does everyone keep telling me to stay out of trouble? Why don’t you guys tell trouble to stay out of me? it’s not like I’m going around looking for it. It comes looking for me.” I ramble. He rolls his eyes, “Just try okay?”
With be heaving sigh I let myself fall back onto the bed, “Fine. I’ll try.”

The Hunted { old version }
WerewolfThey call them enforcers-They are the ones that come in and clean up when laws have been broken. They are the most feared and strongest of us. They were the ones who couldn't live peacefully in the packs so they decided to make use of them. Solidita...