Queen Bimbo Vs. Raging Death Machine

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It’s all I see as I watch the woman giggle and fawn over my mate who is looking down at her with a look of boredom. My eyes focus on her with every step that brings me closer to them. She is definitely a lot taller than me but I was on the smaller side considering the fact that I was werewolf. She had blonde hair that seemed to bounce every time she moved her head around.  She definitely had the legs that seemed to go on forever in her short tight mini skirt. All of these realizations only made my wolf full of jealousy and anger. We will rip the she-wolf to shreds! My wolf growled viciously in my head. I clenched my teeth together tightly trying to remain as composed as possible but when she leaned in and whispered something into his ear I lost my composure a feral growl ripping out of my throat. 

The group turned and looked in my direction with wide eyes, Mikhail’s being the most wide. That’s right buddy I caught you red-handed I thought. I stood there  only a few feet away my body trembling slightly as my eyes narrowed in on the woman who clearly hadn’t gotten the picture with my growl. My eyes quickly flashed wolf and my canines lengthened, “If you don’t want me to rip your throat out then you’ll move away from my mate.” The woman’s eyes widened in surprise as she looked from me to Mikhail and then back to me with a tiny glare, “You can’t be serious? This is your mate Mikhail? She looks like she just graduated from high school.” 

“Well at least she doesn’t look like a bimbo!” Sasha says as she comes to stand beside me. The woman's eyes flashes golden for a moment as she looked over to Sasha, “Excuse me? What did you just call me?” 

“Clearly she must be deaf—“ Sasha says down to me but load enough for everyone to hear. The woman stepped away from Mikhail and moved towards us in a challenging stance, “Do you have any idea who I am?” Sasha looks bored next to me as she crosses her arms over her chest, “No, but I have a feeling your about to tell us, like every other cliche bitch, douche or villain ever created in the history of entertainment.” The woman growl low at Sasha as a warning but this is Sasha we’re talking about so she  just smiled at her in return. 

“I’m the Contessa. Which means I was hand picked by the elders to be the mate to the Supreme Alpha once he comes into his rightful title so you’re really going to want to get on my good side.” I had no idea what she was talking about honestly these were titles I knew nothing about but I did know that a title would never stop me from shredding her ass into tiny pieces. She looked over to me with a sneer, “And you, you think you are worthy to be a mate to someone as powerful as Mikhail? Don’t me laugh. I snack on little brats like you for lunch. So it’s you who better step away before I get mad.” 

Red. Bright Red. Bright Bloody Red. That’s all I could see. 

My body began to shake violently as I looked up at her. “You really made a mistake Bimbo…” Sasha says as she slowly backed away from us understanding I was about to lose my shit. All I felt was the twitch of the muscles  in my arm before it was flying through the air and smashing into the woman's face.  She went down to the ground with a thud looking up at me with complete surprise as I stood over her my chest heaving in and out, “How did you enjoy that snack?” I growl down at her. 

“Elena!” Mikhail called my name with a stern voice and I looked toward him with narrowed eyes still angry that he had let her touch him like that. I look away from him to the rest of the group and they are still watch the situation with wide eyes as if they couldn’t believe that this was happening. Seriously? was this girl really that big of a deal? I felt myself waver for a second as I made eye contact with Dante and he was smirking with amusement and he gave me a wink, “Ten on the rogue.” I hear him say to Brandt. Brandt gives a phantom smile, “Make it twenty.” He says. I tried not to smile at the fact that it took me punching another she-wolf in the face to win them over. 

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