I Touched The Butt

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When we finally reached the car again Sasha was pacing back and forth beside it and Gideon was sitting in the backseat hunched over, “Woman will you cease with the movement? I feel like I’m going to be sick from watching you.” She paused and opened her mouth to probably say something snarky but her eyes shifted to us as we came out of the trees. Her eyes widened probably at the sight of the two very naked men. 

She shook her head as if snapping herself out of her daze and quickly started walking towards them, “Thank god you’re still alive.” She said to me as she came to Mikhail’s side as he moved around Victor setting me down slowly making sure I was steady on my feet before he moved away from me. I looked over my shoulder toward Mikhail for a moment before looking back to Sasha, “Thanks for passing along my message.” I say dryly limping pass her. If she thought I had forgotten about our little fight then she was sorely mistaken. 

“You’re not seriously still mad at me? Are you?” She calls out to me. I freeze in my tracks and turn back to her. I level her with a hard look before I hobble back towards her feeling my anger itching for a release, “What did you think a near death experience would suddenly put me into a forgiving mood?” I let out a dark laugh, “Or did you forget that habit of keeping secrets was the reason I was nearly eaten alive? Or that you inability to divulge certain possibly important information led to  Victor making that damn contract in the first place? With a woman—who clearly is a sociopath since she let us leave there knowing what he was freaking one screw loose away from going Freddy Krueger on our asses and using our intestines as scarfs for the cold winter night.” My chest is heaving in and out from my tiny rant, “So sorry but I’m not sorry for still being ‘seriously’ mad at you still.” 

Sasha was quiet and staring at me like I had two heads which only seemed to piss me off more. “What you don’t have anything to say? Perhaps you’d like to take us to see another friend that could “help” us. Maybe one of your friends from your previous life you know when you were an evil mastermind who ended getting locked up into some kind of prison full of even crazier psychopaths! Yes let’s all sit down and drink tea and reminisce about the good old days when you guys probably ripped the heads off of unsuspecting people and feasted on there hearts.” Okay I didn’t know if any of that was true but I mean for all I knew it could be since I really didn’t know much about Sasha. 

“Are you done now?” She finally spoke her voice void of emotion. I continued to glare at her but remain quiet now. She closes the distance between us, “You’re right I did keep certain things from you but I did it to protect to you Elena.” I growled low in my chest, “And what a great you job you’ve done of that wouldn’t you agree?” 

“You have no idea who I am and I things that I’ve done and seen.” She mutters down at me coldly. “If I told you everything you would be in even more danger then you already are. There are people out there that are a lot crazier then Eris and more powerful. So yeah I might have put you in a little danger but it was a risk I was willing to take in hopes of saving you from even greater dangers.”

“Well who asked you to protect me? I don’t remember asking for that. I can take care of myself! I’ve been on my own since I was eight. I know better than anyone what type of monsters exist in the world.” I was vibrating from the force of my anger, “Have you ever watched someone slaughter you family in front of your eyes while you hide in the closest soaked in your own pee because you’re so scared? Have you ever been tortured for weeks on end and left for dead by hunters? I’ve always found a way to survive. On my OWN.So excuse me if I don’t buy into need to protect me.” 

A warm hand came to rest on my shoulder, “That’s enough Elena.” Mikhail said down to me. I shook of his hand, “You’re not the boss of me! I say when it’s enough and I’m not done yet.” He put his hand back on my shoulder, “I understand your upset and so am I. I want to know just as much as you did what exactly is happening but we can discuss everything when we get back to the compound where it’s a bit safer.” He tries to reason with me and I shake his hand off again, “Not until she understands she was wrong for what she did—“ I was suddenly being scooped up and thrown over his shoulder, “Hey!” I scream as my face comes to rest awfully close to his naked backside. My cheeks instantly flare with heat, “Put me DOWN. You put me down right NOW!” I yell at him as I squirm and kick my legs. His hand comes down on my butt with a hard swat. I jolt with surprise, “Did you just spank me?” I ask him. 

“Yes and I’ll do it again if you don’t get yourself under control and be the good obedient girl I know you can be when you want to be.” He says clearly. I feel myself tensing with anger, “Try it and I promise you won’t have hands anymore once you put me down.”

He walked me around the car with ease as if I was a feather which only served as an irritation to me. I stared as with each step he took his perfect little hiney flexed. I smiled to myself as I got an idea and then reach down cupping his butt in my hands. He paused in his approach, “What do you think you’re doing?” 

“I thought it was only fair. You touched mine and let me just say Jesus, Mary and Joseph! You’ve got the ass of a finely toned greek god. You can’t blame a girl when you dangle it in front of her like you are for her to not touch it.” I give it a nice hard squeeze, “These cakes were just meant to be held onto…” I’m hoping that this little plan of making him feel awkward and annoyed will make him put me down. I was so wrong with that thought. His hand thats hold onto my legs moves up and cups one of my cheeks and I’m not talking about the ones on my face. 

I stiffen at the touch, “Yours isn’t too bad either sweet stuff. Though I’m more of a boob man myself I can definitely appreciate the ‘junk in your trunk’” He gives a firm squeeze and I hiss under my breath, “Yeah I could definitely make go use of this—“ Oh I’m going to cut his hands off, that’s final. I give him a hard spank on the butt, “Bad Doggy!” I bark at him, “No Touchy the tushey!” He only laughs as he continues his approach to the car. I hear the door open and he lean forward dumping me into the passenger seat.

He’s in my face before I can try to escape, “Now you are going to be a good girl and be quiet until I have at least gotten a shower and a cup of coffee in me cause frankly I’m nursing some kind of hangover right now and I’m not in the mood to deal with anymore of your yapping.” I glare up at him, “Oh you can just bite me.” I growl at him. 

He leans in dangerously close to me that I lose my nerve. He clearly realizes this and smirks wickedly at me, “Is that an invitation?” I shake my had back and forth even though my wolf is saying hell yes and my body is heating up in all the right-yet wrong places. His eyes flash bright blue for a moment before turning back to normal, “Well as much as I’d love to oblige your desire to have me between your legs I think we should probably save that for private.” His voice is husky and his confidence over the fact that he knows I want him only drives my desire higher as well as my anger over the fact that I even have any desire for him. He pulls back, “Now stay.” he commands as he slams the door shut in my face. I reach for the door handle and pull but the door doesn’t even budge. What the hell? I look down at the handle and pull at it a couple more times before I frantically start working it. I lean back into the seat in frustration and then it comes to me. I quickly look over as he comes to sit in the drivers seat of car as everyone else loads into the back seat. 

“Child Lock? Seriously?” I growl at him. He looks over to me with an amused expression, “Well it seemed logical since you were acting like a child.” That’s it! I’m going to tear that perfect ass to pieces but not in the good way. 

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