“Elena. Listen to mommy. Don’t come out of here no matter what you hear or see.”
My eyes snapped open quickly and my body tried to jump up into a defensive position but I wobbled on my feet as pain shot through my head. I blink a couple times trying to take in my surroundings and I realize that I’m still in Mikhail’s bedroom but I’m all alone. How long had I been out for? Was I still dreaming? I walk towards the door and try to open it only to find that it’s locked. My heart squeezes in my chest, “This is real—“ I say to myself as if this whole time I had believed it to have been a dream but no it had really happened. Mikhail was now being held as a prisoner and I was locked away in this stupid room. What about everyone else? Had they taken the other Enforcers too? What about Sasha?And Victor, did they know we had him chained up underground? My heart starts to races and I start trying to open the door again, shaking it violently but not being able to get it open.
“DAMN IT!” I growl loud and then run my hands through my hair anxiously trying to find some way to get out of this room. Okay think Elena, you’ve survived this long. You can figure out something. There has to be someway to escape this room and get to everyone. I quickly looked around and the fear of everything that was happening creeping into my mind deeper and deeper, until my body was shaking. They’re going to kill Mikhail. If they think he’s a spy they are going to kill him. my chest began to clench tightly and I found it harder to breathe. My wolf growled in the back of my mind, We will save our mate. Her words helped drive the fear away and I slowly regained control. She was right this time I wouldn’t hide while the people I loved were killed. I wasn’t a defenseless child anymore.
I began to rip the room apart looking for anything I could use to possibly wedge the door open. When I heard the faint sounds of screaming. My body stilled and walked slowly towards the bedroom door pressing my ear to it, using my sensitive hearing to listen. Suddenly it wasn’t faint screaming it was loud and it was terrifying. Oh my god, we’re being attacked. I slowly backed away from the door when I heard the front door pop open and footsteps coming closer to the bedroom. There was a loud boom and the door shook violently and then I heard the sound of hissing and snarling. I stood frozen in place staring at the only thing keeping me from what was going on outside of the room.
Suddenly the door is flying open and wood is splinting. My eyes open wide as to find a dead vampire lying on the floor in front of me and Dante standing in the door way breathing heavily, “Elena, we need to go now.” He says snapping me out of my daze. I quickly walk around the dead body toward Dante, “What’s going on?” I ask. Dante grabbed onto my hand and started leading out of the house in a hurry, “I’m not sure honestly. All I know is suddenly we were under attack by vampires and rouges. We need to get everyone out of here. Something about all of this feels planned and I don’t like that.” I nod my head as he continues to pull me outside of the house and around it into the shadows, “So we’re going to go get Mikhail then?” I ask with desperation.
Dante gives my a serious expression, “I’m going to go get the stupid bastard and you are going to go where we are stashing Victor. You’ll be safe there. Once I have Mikhail and the other’s we’ll come for you two.” I bite my lip nervously about the fact that I wasn’t going to be going with him to get Mikhail.
“Elena, its very important that you do what I am telling you, do you understand?” I let out a deep breath and nod my head. I hear the sound of snarling wolves and look out to see a pair of rouges cornering a innocent wolf. Dante swears under his breath before pulling out a gun he had tucked in the back of pants and firing it at the rogues. He hits on of them and it goes down with a whimper. The other Rogue looks toward the shadows where we hid and growled. “Shit—“ he cursed again

The Hunted { old version }
Hombres LoboThey call them enforcers-They are the ones that come in and clean up when laws have been broken. They are the most feared and strongest of us. They were the ones who couldn't live peacefully in the packs so they decided to make use of them. Solidita...