Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave...

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The room was underground and dark thank go for my ability to see in the dark. I still stumbled though tripping over something on the ground. Mikhail’s hand came out and held me upright, “Are you normally this clumsy?” He growled as if he was irritated. I pulled back from him feeling annoyed, “Well sorry for not spending a lot of time in dark underground lairs.” I reply. He doesn’t say anything more and continues to lead us deeper into the room. I heard the faint sound of talking and then a chain rattling. I looked towards the sound but it was too dark for me to make out anything. 

The closer we got the more I was able to make it out. Victor was chained up like an animal. A metal collar with spikes facing in towards his neck. The other enforcers we standing near him talking low between each other. Sasha was standing off away from them staring at Victor with a look of pity. All of my anger flared up again as I saw that look in her eyes. Victor looked like he was completely worn out his breathing was ragged and it was clear he’d fought hard against the chain by the wounds on his neck. 

“Victor—“ I started to speak and his head snapped up in my direction. His eyes lighting up the room. He snarled and lunged forward toward me reaching out with clawed hands as if to try and grab me. I stare at his struggle and all I feel is anger and sadness. I couldn’t blame this all on Sasha. I had to take responsibility too. Victor had said he didn’t really think it was a good idea but I had ignored his warning and encouraged the stupid plan. Now look how he had ended up and all this to protect me because Mikhail would have killed anyone if I had ended up in the damn contract. 

“Is he going to be stuck like this?” I say barely above a whisper. 

“No…” Sasha says dryly, “This will probably last at least until the next full moon and then maybe just for a couple of months he’ll be extra sensitive while he learns to control the extra power and not overload himself.”

“The next full moon isn’t for like a week…” Dante says. Sasha looks over toward him without much emotion, “I know that wolf boy.” I can sense everyone’s frustration in the room but the only one I’m most attuned to his Mikhail and the fact that he seems so calm is making me feel a bit nervous as to what is going on inside of his head. 

Dante lights up a cigarette, “Damn it all to hell! We can’t be down an enforcer right now with all this shit going on.” He takes a long drag and then blows out the smoke, “I mean what the hell is even wrong with him? You guys left Brandt and I here to keep things contained and you come back with Victor acting like a rogue in a feeding frenzy! I mean Victor is the most controlled out of all of us!Now look at him.” He says and then takes another long drag. Brandt stands next to Dante silent as usual but his eyes are full of a dark emotion. 

“I’m also curious about what exactly went down while Gideon and I were out.” Mikhail says calmly. Too calm. “There are only three people who know what happened in that room and the one I can trust is the one chained up and incapable of telling us. So how do you think we should approach this matter?” Mikhail asks but it sounds like there is a hidden threat in his question. I swallow hard and take a step back towards Sasha, “like Civilized adults?” I croak out, “I mean you invited me here didn’t you? Was that nice act all some kind of trick to get me to follow you into this dark dudgeon where you planned to feed me to Victor and make Sasha watch?” I am being a bit dramatic but honestly I’m kind of freaking out a bit. He doesn’t deny anything. 

“Here’s the deal, I’m going ask the both you some questions and you’re going to answer them. Answer them honestly and we won’t have any problems. Lie to me and I’ll show just how ruthless I can be. Understand?” Mikhail says toward us and I feel a chill run through my blood. He might be my mate but he’s an enforcer first and foremost and right in this moment I’m not sure if he wouldn’t kill me if I pissed him off. Gideon moves away from Dante and Brandt, “Mikhail…” He sounds like he’s trying to reason with him. 

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