Sasha cut in on our conversation, “Look we can worry about Lover boy later okay?” Victor and I turn to look at her with similar looks of annoyance. She doesn’t seem to notice, “I came over here for a reason. While I was dealing with this one—“ She jabs her thumb towards Gideon who is standing behind her, “I realized I might have a way for you guys to get some real information about the vampires involvement in all of this.”
That seemed to peak everyone’s curiosity, Victor being the first one to speak, “And what exactly is it that you think will help us?”
“It’s less of a what and more of a who…”Sasha clarifies. I watch Gideon and Victor exchange secret glances and then Victor says something in there language to Gideon that turns into what sounds like a kind of argument. I roll my eyes, “Maybe you guys could try english, you know for the rest of us…” They both stop speaking but give each other hard looks before Gideon speaks, “Victor is concerned that you are trying to possibly plan some kind of escape…” Sasha looks to Victor crossing her arms, “Seriously? Haven’t we been together long enough now for you to realize that I would have escaped by now if that was really my intention?” She did have a good point.
Heaving a sigh, “Listen it was just a thought. It might be a bad idea but it was the only one I could think of at the moment…” Sasha mumbles.
“Well tell us who and where to find this person and we will send someone to speak with them.” Victor suggests. Sasha shakes her head, “No, no. There is no way you would be let in. I mean look at you—“ She motions with her hand over his body. He looks down at himself and then back at her with a raised eyebrow, “I don’t see anything wrong with me.” Sasha snorts, “You look like you’re a poster boy for a police academy. These people would not let you anywhere near them. No if we go then I’m going to go with you guys because that’s the only reason they’ll let you in. Plus I’m certain this person is going to want to see me.”
Gideon tenses up behind her, “What kind of relationship do you have with them?” Sasha smirks, “What are you jealous Wolfy?” He doesn’t respond other then with a little bit of mumbling under his breath. She ignores it, “We were friends once a very, very long time ago. Well until she got me thrown into…” She stops short and waves her hand, “None of that is important right now. I know that Eris will help me if I ask her, of course none of her favors are free.”
This was the first time that I had ever heard Sasha mention anything from her past and I was curious about what exactly happened between her and the mysterious Eris. Victor still wore a very serious looking expression, “How certain are you that we can trust this Eris?”
Sasha let out a laugh like she had some kind of inside joke over that question. Everyone looked at her with similar looks of confusion. She pulled herself under control, “I wouldn't trust her with my life. First second she spots trouble she'll disappear like she was a figment of your imagination but I can't deny that she is the only person I know who can get her hands on pretty much anything or anyone. So she'll definitely be able to get you information that will help you solve your situation and since right now time is off the essence I don't think we have a right to be too picky."
Victor seems to be weighting everything that Sasha is telling him and he's got a deep frown on his face, "I don't know how I feel about this..." Sasha shrugs her shoulders, "Well if you feel that uncomfortable with it--You could send me and Elena to go talk to her for you guys." He looks at her like she has lost her mind, "No--No way is that going to happen. First, there would be no way for us to know if you were escaping and two Mikhail would kill me if I sent Elena into danger."
"Hey!" I say putting my hands on my hips, "He doesn't own me! I can go into any place I feel like dangerous or not. I mean I can take care of myself!" Sasha smirks at me and nods her head, "You tell them sweetie!"
"She doesn't need any help from you." Gideon mumbles at Sasha to which she kindly lifts her hand and flips him off like it's her day job, "Yeah well who asked for your opinion. You're much cuter when your not talking and far less irritating." He glares at her and crosses his arms over his chest. Victor snaps something at Gideon which makes him straighten up a bit but he's still glaring at Sasha. Victor turns his attention to me, "I'm not trying to tell you that you don't have any rights Elena. You of course are allowed to make your own choices I was only saying that in this case Mikhail would have final say and I doubted he would allow you to put yourself into a situation that might get you hurt." He says in a very gentle and persuasive tone. I could see that he was trying to calm me down and keep me on his side. Clearly out of the enforcers he was the one that did most of the communicating.
"Fine. Whatever." I say as a response and he lets out a breath.
"We'll have to talk about this with the other before we decide to do anything--" Victor turns to explain to Sasha but she interrupts him, "Blah, blah blah--" she mimes that he talks to much with her hand, "We could sit here all say and talk about what we could do or what we will do but that's not solving anything. I told you that I have a plan to help you guys. Either you take the bone I'm throwing you or you don't but I'm tired of all the talking." Sasha clearly was not born with a large amount of patiences. Victor sighes heavily and then grabs the bridge of his nose as if to try and relax himself.
"Yeah now you see what I have to deal with. Clearly this is some kind of joke the Moon goddess is pulling on me and my real mate will show up later..." Gideon says with a tiny chuckle but his expression is tense. Sasha seems to tenses up at his comment and I watch her eyes turn completely black as she looks to him, "What was that?" She questions him and then grabs him by his shirt fisting it in her hand before she yanks on it pulling him closer to her in surprise, "You touch another woman like you've touched me and I'll have to kill her and then break all your fingers. How does that sound wolfy?"
He stared at her with surprised wide eyes and I watched them light up green for a moment before returning to their normal shade, "Yeah, okay..." He says hesitantly. I think everyone was a little surprised by her reaction since she had been anything but willing about the whole mate concept. I try not to laugh as she lets him go, smoothing out the crinkle she put in his shirt. She pats him on the face a couple time with dark intentions in her grin, "Good answer baby cakes..." She says with sarcasm.
She looks back to Victor who takes an actual step back, "Now, don't you think my idea might be worth a shot? I mean do you have a better idea for getting that information?" He shakes his head still looking a little concerned for his own well-being. I guess if I didn't know Sasha so well I might be as concerned as they seemed to be. She optimized the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" I wonder if all dark fey were like her or if this was strictly a Sasha thing.
"Good, I'm glad we sorted that out--Now if you don't mind me. I'm going to take my best friend here and we're going to have a chat about what I walked in on earlier..." I cringed at that comment, perhaps I wasn't safe. She closed the distance between us and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, "And you two--" She looks between Victor and Gideon, "Are going to go fetch lover boy and the others. Meet back here in an hour." She orders like she the freaking queen of england. They both stare at her blankly so she waves them on with her hand, "Well shooe! You're wasting precious time cause if you guys aren't back in an hour I'm taking Elena here and we're going by ourselves." That was all the prompting they needed before they took off scrambling.

The Hunted { old version }
LobisomemThey call them enforcers-They are the ones that come in and clean up when laws have been broken. They are the most feared and strongest of us. They were the ones who couldn't live peacefully in the packs so they decided to make use of them. Solidita...