Image of Eris to the Right
Enjoy the new Chapter :)
We were all in a dimly lit room and Sasha was still being held by the two men looking rather pissed off. Victor was the last one to arrive at the party and he looked extremely tense as he walked through the door with his escort. When he sees Gideon and Mikhail unconscious next to each other on the ground he looked around the room taking the position Sasha and I were in. The girl who had brought me in went and knocked on another door, “We brought them like you requested.”
She turned back to us making eye contact with Sasha and smirking smugly as if they knew each other, “Oh how the mighty have fallen.” She comments with an air of superiority. Sasha strained in the arms holding her like she wanted to go a round with the girl, “Still playing guard dog I see Sarafina.” Sarafina narrowed her eyes as the door she had knocked on opened and I trained my eyes on it to find a woman walking through it. Her hair was long and blonde hanging down to her waist. She was much smaller then I was expecting her to be but she seemed to move into the room with a confidence that made you want to watch her. Her eyes seemed to be almost like the inside of a sea shell it was impossible tell exactly what color they were.
“Sasha. What a surprise to see you back here again…” She says with a wicked smile, “I thought you were still locked up in Tartarus. That place is supposed to be inescapable you know? But clearly I underestimated your ability to get yourself out of every situation.” She comments, “A mistake clearly not only I made…” Sasha lunges forward again with blackness overtaking her eyes, “Whose fault was it that I ended up there in the first place you backstabbing bitch?”
This seems to spark something in the blonde and in a blink of an eye she is standing in front of Sasha, “That’s the nicest thing I’ve been called this week—“ Sasha pulls back a bit but the woman grabs her face in her hand, “You don’t have anyone but yourself to blame for that one sweetheart. You knew the deal. Plus you escaped didn’t you? No reason to revisit the past. So let’s just let sleeping dogs lie.” She chuckles at her last statement, “You see what I did there?” She moves back away from Sasha.
Sasha growls, “You got me sentenced to 500 years in Tartarus! I’ll be satisfied when you’re lying on the ground with my hands around your throat.”
“Oh kinky. I do like it rough but you already knew that didn’t you?” She puckers her lips into a playful pout. “I’ll show you rough…” Sasha lunges forward again but Sarafina steps forward in front of the blonde ready just in case Sasha got free. The blonde mocks Sasha with her hand, miming the she is talking too much, This only makes Sasha angrier as she strains in her captors hold. “I’ll kill you Eris!” Sasha shouts. So this was Eris. I look her over more carefully as she smirks at Sasha, “Take a number and get in line Sasha.” She and Sasha definitely could have been friends at one point. I mean they had similar personalities it seemed.
I speak up, “Um—Excuse me but what is Tartarus?” I ask unable to keep back my own curiosity over what exactly had happened between the two of them. Eris looks to me with a mischievous grin, “You’ve never heard of it?” I shake my head. She looks to Sasha, “Still keeping secrets I see. You Fey never change do you?” Then Eris looks back to me, “Tartarus is a place every supernatural should fear. It's not called the prison of the gods for no reason. That’s where they lock up all the evil in the world. They would eat a little pup like you for dinner…” I look away from her to Sasha with confusion. So Sasha had been locked up in a place like that, what had she done? Eris must have read my thoughts because she chuckled a little, “Curious about who your friend really is?” I look back to her with a little surprise.

The Hunted { old version }
WerewolfThey call them enforcers-They are the ones that come in and clean up when laws have been broken. They are the most feared and strongest of us. They were the ones who couldn't live peacefully in the packs so they decided to make use of them. Solidita...