Sarafina leads me down into the underground area where the enforcers were keeping Victor locked up and my heart started to beat a little faster. Looking over my shoulder every ten seconds expecting someone to be there. “Will you calm down? No one is going to jump out at you.” Sarafina says with a bit of annoyance. I try to keep my eyes trained on her back, “Why are you bringing me down here?”
She looks over her shoulder at me and then away as we come into the bigger room. I can hear Victor panting heavily and I know he’s still struggling. I stop walking as fear forms in the pit of my stomach had she brought me here as a sacrifice or something. Sarafina walked a couple feet closer toward Victor squatting down to get on eye level with him, “Isn’t it sad to see one of your own chained up like a beast? I mean just look in his eyes he looks so tortured.” She says with mocked sadness but my own chest gripped tightly at her words. She had no idea what it was like being a werewolf and how it felt to be a part of something. I mean I hadn’t been a part a pack for a while now but since I had found Mikhail It rekindled those feelings. The feelings of being a part of something more, something that I knew deep I would fight keep. I couldn’t imagine what the other enforcers were going through to see one of their own chained up like this. It must be killing Mikhail because not only was it a member of his little pack it was his brother.
I clenched my teeth, “Why did you bring me down here?” I growled a little. She looked towards me before standing back up, “I want you to ease his suffering Elena.” I stared at her blankly for a few seconds, “Is that some kind of code for kill him? Because if it is then you can kiss my ass.” Sarafina let out a laugh, “Kill him? God, no—I don’t want you to kill him Elena. I want you to come over here and put your lovely little hands on him and help him channel some of that power before he drives himself mad.”
“What? How would that help anything? Why not get your boss in here and have her do it, since it’s her fault he’s even like this.” I say back to her with anger. She rolls her eyes and throws her hands onto her hips, “It’s complicated. Some unforeseen things are happening, that don’t concern you.” I give her a hard look not convinced by her words at all. I throw my arms over my chest, “I don’t know why you would think that I’m capable of something like that. I’m just an ordinary werewolf just like Victor or any of them.” Sarafina’s lips perk up a little, “Is that so?” She turns and marches over to Victor and doesn’t stop even when he growls at her. She grabs him by his hair and pulls his head back and I look away to the ground. “Look Elena.” She says to me. I don’t want to see him like this because not only had I come to like Victor it was a reminder of what I could easily become.
“LOOK AT HIM ELENA!” She shouts and it seems to vibrate the entire room making me cringe. I slowly look up and our eyes meet. For a moment they look full of pain and then suddenly there the eyes of a killer and he wants to kill me I know he does. I look away from him to Sarafina, “What is the point of this?” I ask my voice trembling. She has a very serious expression on her face, “You are not like them Elena. You’ve never been and you never will be. Stop being so afraid to look at yourself like there is a monster living inside of you. I’ve lived a long enough time to tell you what real monsters look like and you’re certainly not one.”
“Now I want you to come over here and do what I told you to.” I shake my head back and forth. She levels me with tense expression on her face, “Elena, think of it like a training exercise. Victor will represent your wolf okay? The part of you that you’re afraid of. Now I want you to face that fear and embrace it.” I stare at her for a few minutes and then look over to Victor taking a hesitant step forward he growls at me and I pause.

The Hunted { old version }
WerewolfThey call them enforcers-They are the ones that come in and clean up when laws have been broken. They are the most feared and strongest of us. They were the ones who couldn't live peacefully in the packs so they decided to make use of them. Solidita...