The Great Escape. Not.

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Sasha and I sat in the room quietly for a long time until she finally spoke, “We can’t stay here Elena.” I look over to her and she is looking a me with a very serious expression, “What’s going on? Are your spidey senses tingling?” I ask sarcastically. She doesn’t seem to find my humor funny at the moment, “No but I have been thinking—“ That’s always dangerous. “Yes?” I wait for her to tell me what her imagination has been cooking up, “Those vampires and rogues were clearly working with each other which isn't a good sign but beyond that--the more I thought about it I realized how did they know we were headed this way?“ 

“Well maybe it just was a coincidence.” I suggest. She shakes her head, “No trust me when it comes to vampires things are rarely coincidental. Those guys might be bottom feeders but they aren’t stupid.” I start to mull over what she is telling me in my head, “Okay so what exactly are you saying?” She gives me a look like I’m dumb for not being able to figure it out myself, “It means someone here is playing a dirty game with your enforcers—Or maybe it’s one of them. Who knows…” She reaches down and wraps the chain around her wrist, “All I know is that this isn’t over because those blood suckers didn’t finish their job because we stopped them. They’re definitely going to come back and I really don’t want to be here when they do because vampires are definitely the type to hold grudges.Trust me you don't want a vampire to hold a grudge against you.” 

I feel a little tense at her words as I recalled what the female vampire had said to me before she disappeared. I swallowed that thought and focused on the real problem which was If that was true then that meant everyone here was endanger not just the enforcers. I feel fear pulsing through me, “We have to warn everyone!” I say to her. I couldn't let innocent people get caught up in this mess. She looks at me and then snorts, “Yeah, good luck with that. You think they’re going to believe anything either of us say? I highly doubt. As far as most of them are concerned we were part of the ambush. Hell maybe we even led them straight to it. Two beautiful women are great bait...” She had a good point these people didn’t think very highly of us and I'm sure they'd be willing to rationalize anything right now no matter how far fetched the idea was. How could we make them listen to us before it was too late?

I hear the sound of the chain snapping and I looked over to see that Sasha had broken her chain in half. We made eye contact and she smiled at, “I have my tricks too.” She starts to make her way over to me when I hear voices drawing near. I start shaking my head at her and motioning for her to go back to her spot. When the door knob turned she quickly scurried back and tried to pretend to be bored. The person that came through the door was the Beta I had attacked earlier. I tensed at the sight of him, what was he doing in here? 

He gave me a wicked smirk his eye flicking over to Sasha for a moment and then back to me, “Weren’t expecting to see me so soon were you?” I glared up at him but said nothing in response. He didn’t see bothered by my silence, “What you have nothing to say now? That’s to bad because you sure had a lot to say to me earlier.” He knelt down in front of me trying to be intimidate me with the look in his eyes. He reached out and gently stroked my cheek, “I think I’m going to enjoy breaking such a willful she-wolf. When I’m done with you you’ll be begging for me to take you again.” The light in his eyes told me what he meant by that and I felt disgust rise up in my throat.

My canines lengthened and I snapped at him, trying to bite him for touching me. He moved back quickly with a laugh before he pulled his hand back and gave me a smack across the face, “You’ll regret that later!” I looked back up to him with narrowed eyes, spitting the blood from my mouth at his feet. He stared down at me and then I heard a loud crack. The Beta’s eyes widened and then rolled back into his head as he slumped to the ground in a big heap unconscious in front of me. I stared down at him for a moment before looking back up to see Sasha standing there, her black eyes looking down at him with cruelty. 

“You’re lucky I don’t rip your dick off you stupid wolf.” She said as she step over him towards me. She knelt down and looked into my eyes, “What do you say we get out of here now?” I nod my head agreeing that leaving this place was a good idea right about now. She broke my chain with ease and then helped me to my feet, “Now what’s the plan?” I ask her, hoping she has one. She starts walking towards the door quickly, “Plan? I thought we’d just wing it.” 

“You do realize that we’re in a heavily guarded compound of werewolves right? You and I are not going to be able to fight everyone. Plus I heard voices, which means someone is waiting for this guy—” I rush out quickly pointing back towards the Beta with my thumb. She looks back over her shoulder to me and then towards the unconscious Beta, “I have an idea!” She says to me and then motions for me to back up away from her. So I do what she asks and then she starts screaming, “Oh my god! Someone help! The prisoner has gone crazy! She’s attacking him! I think she’s going to kill him!” The door springs open and two men barge in and are taken by surprise by the waiting Sasha. 

She clotheslines the first guy that comes through the door and he goes down with a loud smack. The second guy she give a quick punch to the side of his head but the force sends him into the wall and he slides to the ground unconscious. I rush over to the man on the ground and look down at him apologetically, “I’m sorry about this—“ I lean down quickly and hold the soft spot on his neck until his eyes roll back into his head. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest as I look toward Sasha. She is holding the door open for me with a grin on her face, “Shall we?” 

We exit the room in a hurry and tried to look normal as we walk through the compound. “You know it won’t be to long before someone realizes…” I say to her under my breath, “Maybe we should have waited. I’m sure that one of the enforcers would have come to check on us soon enough.” Sasha nodded her head back to one of the women as we passed by, “If you want to go back and hang out with Mr.Rapey then by all means, but I think I’d rather take my chances out here.” 

“No, no—I’m not going back there.” I say as the shivers run through me at the thought of that guy touching me again. Sasha chuckles, “So do you have any idea where they are?” And by they I knew she was referring to our friendly neighborhood enforcers. I shook my head, “There are a lot of scents flying around so it might take me second.” She let’s out a frustrated sigh, “Well aren’t you a wolf? isn’t your nose supposed to be like your super power or something?” I try not to roll my eyes outwardly at her comment, “It’s not a superpower and I haven’t been around this many werewolves in a long time so I’m not used to so many strong scents.” I keep taking in deep breaths trying to locate them. I decide to use Mikhail’s scent as my anchor knowing that my wolf will cling to his scent much easier. I pick it up but it’s faint, “This way—“ I say bumping Sasha with my shoulder to push her in the right direction. 

We walk quietly beside each other for a  little bit letting my nose lead us. “We’re getting hotter!” I say when his scent becomes increasingly stronger by the moment. A couple of people give me looks as I pass them, maybe they were in the crowd earlier and know I’m the prisoner. I start to feel nervous so I start to walk faster. Sasha grabs onto my arm firmly for a moment before letting go, “Don’t start freaking out now. You’ll draw attention to us, just calm down. We’re close right? And once you talk to your lover boy….” I give her a dirty look as I interrupt her, “He’s not my lover boy…” She shrugs a bit and smirks, “Yeah, yeah whatever you say. Anyway once you talk to him and explain everything it’ll be fine. Everything is going to be fi—“ She doesn’t get to finish that statement before someone yells, “The Prisoners have escaped!” 

“On second thought—“ She says before she grabs my hand and starts running towards the closet building. Mikhail’s scent overpowering me now but before I can warn her she turns the knob and rushes into it pulling me inside with her. She slams the door closed behind us, “Damn that was close.” I am staring into the faces of the Enforcers as well as a couple of people I don’t recognize. They’re all seated calmly around a large table and it was clear to me that we interrupted something important. Sasha still hasn’t noticed her back to the room, “Can you imagine the look on those enforcers faces when they see we’ve escaped?” She laughs a little. Mikhail is look across the table at me with a fire in his eyes that says this time I won’t be able to escape him. I let out a nervous laugh as I raise my hands, “Oh I can definitely imagine it.” 

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